AsBelowSoAbove's Replies

He doesnt really have an Indiana Jones or Rocky/Rambo he can fall back on. Waterworld was a HUGE flop. Too old to headline as John Dunbar for a sequel to Wolves. Robin Hoods out due to age. Field of Dreams maybe but people dont even really care about Baseball anymore nor do they do Costner obviously. I would just leave it alone. Costner just needs to stick to streaming. Take Horizon and re-edit into a streaming series. Then stick to that format for work in the future. Take supporting roles in larger films like hes been doing if he wants to bein the theatres. The Days of "On Golden Pond" and "Driving Miss Daisy" being successful in theatres are over. People want BIG and LOUD or SCARRY. Not really. Even if it had word of mouth its still not the type of film these days thats going to get multiple demographics into the theatre. From what I can see hes been crapping on what fans he had for 4 years. People these days simply wont support that. They are not going to pay $15 - $20 a ticket to support a radical leftist. Not conservatives which is his primary audience. Bulk of Liberals dont want to see some cowboy film for a boring 3 hours with a 70 year old man playing the lead. Sam Worthington is a good actor but he has no pull. Maybe it will get a little bump for 4th of july but its not going to be much. Same goes for this weekend. Horrible to release this in the summer and he wants to release the part 2 in August? Thats dicey as well especially when nobody is seeing the first film. International I dont see it doing much. China might get a little play but I doubt it can save this. What a mess. Yeah real step up in quality. Make an ex prostitute president LOL. I agree on Trump and his sexual fetishes though. Oh its worse than that when you understand Trump is a Freemason and know what goes on with those luciferian sickos. Especially with children.. although Trump was groomed as well. Porn stars are trained sex opperatives BTW. Harris likely was as well. It would clear up a lot for you if you understood some of the positions within the superstructure of the pyramid. Sex Operatives, Breeders, Disinfo Agent classifications, Cutters, Preparers etc. Cathy Obrien was another trained sex operative but she defected. Monroe was one as well. A lot of children are. Pedophilia is not a "thing" in these sicko circles. Incest isnt either. Its how its always been behind the curtain. They are also all bisexual regardless of what they say to their supporters. Trump has all sorts of payoffs in his past to kids. He also pardoned some real sick puppies while in office but thats pretty standard fair for any president. Its a club and they all cover for each other regardless of party. The Brotherhood... Freemasonry etc. Its in their own doctrine. What does that have to do with anything I said? Dont people actually read before commenting anymore? I am chilled out. I already know. Presidents were never held accountable for illegal activity which is why our country is here. Some of you must be children and think presidential abuse of power and rigged elections are some new thing. They are not. JFK won on a rigged election that was blatantly obvious. Im not even going to start on the illegal crap they do on wars. Presidential immunity IS the problem. Clinton, Bush, Obama... all off the hook. BIG SURPRISE! So much for the left vs right "show" and all their BS talk about accountability. Some of you people just like supporting cartels while these elites laugh at how gullible you are. Its pathetic. All because you want to be on some notion of a winning team that doesnt exist. Its fantasy and the mentality of idiotic cult followers. Doesnt matter if you are on the "right" or "left". Which is also a lie. Both sides full of it and complete hypocrites. Conservatives for smaller government.. give me a break LOL. The left cares about democracy .... sure it does sheesh. LOL.. I think Kevin has his own brand of derangement. I still like his old films 80s timeframe but come on. No people know why Cruise trys to keep his mouth shut. Tom is Nutty and in the Occult but hes not completely suicidal. I dont know how Kevin gets himself out of this. If the films are going to bomb this bad just pull them and re-edit to a tv series for streaming. I dont see DVD sales being all that strong either. Hes put himself in a corner. Maybe he will stage some event that gets him some good press IDK. Deniro can afford to be stupid. Costner really cant when hes this vested into the production. Hes got some work to do. Gone With the Wind was released 80 years ago. Ben Hur around 60. Its a different world now. Oppenheimer had the advantage of being a FAD and also a Director that doesnt piss all over his fans and rub their noses in it. Nolan a bit smarter than that although hes a Mason and twisted as hell. Oppenheimer was a Van Duyn BTW but Nolans not going to reveal that bit of Trivia. Better make some more "Barbie" films LOL. Good Lord Costner really shot himself in the foot the last few years. Its no wonder everyone is basically giving him the middle finger now. The guy has gone looney toons. Might want to check into that. Kevin is Obviously no republican. I do believe HE is still a HE though and not a SHE. It all makes sense now though. Conservatives wont go pay to see this. Its way past that point. Kevin is not living in reality anymore. People are sick of these games celebrities play and then turn around and rub their noses in it. Hes a true something all right. True IDIOT LOL. Brilliant move to piss all over your fan base. Sheesh. Pride comes before the fall. No wonder he has to self fund. "I think he's even showing now that he's a person of a level of energy and integrity and of vision and that's why I did it. I don't often step out.” Although he hasn't hit the campaign trail for the general election, Costner has endorsed Joe Biden for president." "He also said at the time that he’d in interested in a Michelle Obama presidency. “Michelle’s incredibly bright and articulate and has possessed good judgement and experience as a result,” Costner said. “Why couldn’t she be [president]?” "Actor Kevin Costner said he was “OK” with losing fans over his political views, saying he “didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles” Just go back to your playstation and get yourself high clown. Your not going to be able to process this information. You have to think beyond sesame street level. LOL.. you think Im a Trump basher? I dont care about Trump. Keep telling you people hes going to be installed again. Only reason I bring his name up sometimes is because hes in the Occult. Biden is too. Foggs sake go look into his bloodline. Look at the things he has posted all over his office and Trump Tower. Look at his family Crest. Hes Freemasonry and with that Luciferian. Hes also Merovingian Bloodline. Tribe of Dan. You are either clueless or a brainwashed idiot. You want Biden.. Hes a Satanist. Screwed his own kids. Thats what they do. Parents have to take part in the programming and psychological splitting of their own children. This isnt some new thing is generational and has been going on for thousands of years in these bloodlines. So "DUDE". Stop being such a fool and actually start trying to learn about what you are dealing with. You just come off like a partisan fool to me when you talk like this. Look into Trumps early handler Roy Cohn. That was Trump's groomer. Roger Stones as well. Blownout of proportion LOL. Im duming this down for people as much as I can and you STILL dont know any of it. You dont get it. These people all collaborate. Evil does that for power. Grow up and stop letting them control your emotions and in effect your mind. Get YOUR head out of the sand. Or.. stay out of my way. I think the The Plague of Zombies was shot on the same set of the Gorgon if memory is correct. Thats a fun one as well. Gotta love Hammer Films.... Favorites? Anything with Peter Cushing. Adults need "Mods" to be able and report to when upset. Doc - Getaway (My Top Fav) Bullitt Hiltz - Great Escape Towering Inferno needs a mention as well. Hes good in basically everything though. LOL.. No Thanks. I have other plans. My "Master" is someone else although my wife gets jealous on that as well sometimes. At least you admit to being a Satanist and dont pretend to be something else. I always give the lower level Satanists credit for owning it and being somewhat genuine. Go teach that to the Luciferians and Freemasons will ya? No need for the occult to wear these masks anymore. 2025 is only a few months away. Boy.. there's a heck of a scenario. I have counteroffer. How about I clean the theatre for free and you let me go home? Then I dont have to time out my bathroom breaks and start checking my watch after 2 hours wondering when it can be over. My sons wont be able to sit through 3 hours of this and leaving them home alone is not an option. I can probably get that theatre clean in under 30 minutes though if Im pushing it. You would have to PAY the younger crowds to sit through 3 hours of 70 year old Kevin Costner these days. How about a biopic about Billy The Kid. Put Cillian Murphy in it since the kids know him from Oppenheimer. Make him Crazy and sociopathic. Throw some horror element or tone in it. Kids would probably go for that. Need to bring in the girls too. I got it .....Taylor Swift performing as a Bar Girl. Make sure theres lots of sex and drug use in it. Keep it around 90 minutes to 2 hrs. Synth Wave score... Carpenter style. Probably wont see much Oscar craziness until the entire 57 hours saga has concluded. That's usually how it works. Doesnt really matter though because nobody cares about awards anymore. Oppenheimer.. Barbi.. these were basically internet "Fads". Top Gun had some pull because of Cruise and nostalgia. Horizon is crazy long four 1 of 4 and its not Dances With Wolves 2. This is going to be a misfire. They better start padding the numbers FAST or this is going to crash and burn. Takes a lot more to get the younger generations to the theatre now and they sure dont want to sit for 3 hours watching a character driven drama with a 70 year old Kevin Costner that none of these kids grew up on. If hes smart he will re-edit these films into a series and just stream it. Someone tell Kevin its 2024 and not 1994. I like Kevin's older films as well as long character driven stories but this isnt inspiring me to spend three hours in a theatre either. And hes doing 4 of them consecutively? Younger generation is out. Kids are out. Young Parents cant afford it. Single Guys are more interested in porn. Single women dont care about westerns. That leaves senior citizens like Kevin. Most seniors are not interested in a 3 hour film unless they want a nap but having to run to the bathroom constantly isnt all that fun either and we dont want people having to bring pee jars into movie theatres. Costner one of these guys that still thinks hes in with the hip crowd at 70 years old. Hes a victim of his own ego/pride and believing all the BS flattery he gets. These are going to hurt him financially as they fail. Gibson self funded Passion of the Christ and made out like a bandit due to a solid marketing strategy of Churches. Kevin needs to take this film to the nursing homes/Assisted living community. Then a couple weeks later have it shown again because most of them are losing their memories and will forget Horizon faster than the latest garbage Marvel failure was pulled from the theatres. Kevin is out of touch and will likely get burned badly from this. I said it in another thread. Do something like the Alamo and epic that out for 2.5hours at the most. That "Might" get people interested. Better yet a Horror Western and bring in the teenage crowd. Doesnt matter how good the film is if you cant get people to watch it. Whomever came up with this business plan needs to be fired but I would take a guess that its Kevin. Kevin will be milking old IPs soon. "Field of Nightmares" maybe. Sequel to Field of Dreams and put some gay people in it. Maybe a homosexual period cop drama and call it "The Touchables". Mission is to take down Trump like mob boss called "The Don" in New York. LOL Tina! You crack me up sometimes. I know you are having a chuckle now. Good on ya. Only need one. "Left Behind" because I want to go to sleep. Oversees 24 hour flight I will also take "USS Indianapolis" so I could fall asleep twice. I like Cage though. Most of the time hes fun to watch. Those two films thow... MY GAWD. The original Left Behind Series with Kirk Cameron are like masterpieces compared to the Cage film. I dont know what was going on with that production. Ill give it chance when it comes out. I typically always give Kevin a fair shot because I liked his work in the 80s. Better be something special because its going to end up longer than Lord of the Rings. Its going to fail at the box office though due to length. Its hard enough getting people to sit through 90 minutes and actually focus on a film let alone 3 hours. I can do it but Im a film fanatic and wont own a cell phone to be distracted. Even if its action packed its still too long for modern audiences. People need to be built back up for 3 hour films. #1 complaint about Oppenheimer was length. That shows right there that people could not stay with the film without looking at the time. Thats a problem. Not just for first viewing but rewatches as well. Most people wont rewatch a 3 hour film even if they see it the first time which most dont. Costner needs to learn how to trim the fat from his films. Open Range was only about 2 hours and it was a complete story. This is an entirely different thing. Plus it was 20 years ago and times have changed. Costner is basically 70 years old now. Younger audiences wont be rushing to see a 70 year old Costner. This is basically for the Senior Citizen and Yellowstone Crowd.. at best. Dont worry they are trying to make a Young Guns 3. That will most likely be a disaster as well. A Western revival would be nice but this isnt going to be it. Need something like Tombstone or Young Guns to get people excited. The adds for this are HORRIBLE which is why there so much online activity pushing so hard. Someone forgot to tell Costner that modern audiences do follow "Movie Stars" anymore. If he wanted to have some pull he should have made a cross genre and done Western Horror. Something like Ravenous to pull in the youth. Western Comedy might fly but Costner is not funny. If he was smart he would just have done a modern take on The Alamo because the last one was terrible. Alamo can be slow.