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SCOTUS rules 6-3 that Trump and future presidents have 'some' immunity

Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.

The ruling, issued at the tail end of the Supreme Court’s term, will delay the state and federal trials the former president faces as prosecutors and defense attorneys determine which crimes Trump is immune from.

The justices long-awaited decision already benefits Trump because it has caused delays in proceedings – likely pushing those trials until after the November election.

The case stems from Trump’s appeal in his federal election interference indictment brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith last year.

Federal prosecutors accused him of a lie-filled campaign to thwart the 2020 presidential election results, culminating in a mob’s violent breach of the Capitol to stop Joe Biden’s victory from being certified by Congress.

Trump is charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding and conspiracy against rights.

But lawyers for Trump appealed the indictment, claiming the former president was acting within his official duties as president and therefore should be immune from criminal prosecution.

Trump claims he has absolute immunity, largely based on the 1982 Supreme Court case Nixon v Fitzgerald in which the court found that presidents cannot be sued in civil cases for actions they conducted while in office.

As the election gets closer and closer, Trump gets more and more electable. Democrats shot themselves in the foot yet again with Ruth Bader Biden. One thing's for sure, you 'can' be above the law in some things.


Lie filled campaign? The left has been waging a "lie filled campaign" against Trump since the beginning. Up to and including accusing him of waging a "lie filled campaign". Funny how everyone was more interested in discrediting Trump than they were in finding the truth.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


The conservative majority on the Supreme Court is laying the groundwork for an autocrat to seize power. The Right in this country has been planning for this since Nixon. Or rather as revenge for Nixon.


Project 2025 is just a Christian nationalist blueprint, so it's very possible for it to happen!


The right have been rising all across the Western world in 2024 (the nations that matter aka biggest countries like France/Germany). People have had enough of globalist and so-called centrist/moderate policies that look more far-left. They did it to themselves by pushing it further and ignoring complaints of a slowly rising tide.


Jesus, how many of these threads are there?? I started one 1st then TrentnQuarantino followed up with the same one and now you?? 🙄


Depends, who posted first? Link me yours. I think I was pretty early on this and didn't recall seeing it on the first page. It was like 8am in the morning and only one hour after CNN reported on it.


Depends my ass. This site deleted my thread and your thread wasn't posted before mine and now, I have no way of proving it.. Please don't be dicks about this MODS!! If someone posts a thread and 10 others feel the need to do so, then you delete there's, NOT the one who initially had it up and I had it up like literally before the Verdict came in and it was the headline citing the Court was deciding on it.. 🙄


Terrifying. Right wing presidents can not be held legally accountable for anything they do as long as they claim it's done as part of their duties as president.

I imagine they'll be claiming his attempts to meddle with the election process in Georgia will be declared to be done as part of those duties, though the President has no role in running any elections.


That ruling applies to the current and all former presidents.


And future presidents. Whoever the next president is could end up being the last president if they follow through on the implications of this ruling, which are quite obvious. Trump has pretty much stated his intentions already. He's also leading in the polls against a flagging incumbent. Anyone supporting this ruling is potentially enabling tyranny. Doesn't matter which party.


Tyranny is what we currently have under Biden and the “UniPartY Swamp.”

Trump is not part of their “UniPartY Swamp” because he wouldn’t join them and they couldn’t compromise him.

That “UniPartY Swamp” has convinced the gullible sheep that Trump is “the threat” when they have been the threat for decades.


No, sir, this Kafkaesque ruling is a fateful step towards ACTUAL hard-core tyranny the likes of Venezuela or Russia. This is way past the oligarchy we currently have...and naturally lapped up by Trump supporters for that very reason. And admit it, what MAGAlanders really want is for Biden to use or abuse this immunity ruling ( or at least convince them he is planning to) so they can justify another insurrection, coup, or worse. It's Dredd Scott 2.0, and we all know where that lead, which is the whole point of it in the first place.

How is it Kafkaesque (,Catch 22 if you like)? Like this. A presidential act can only be granted immunity if it is an official act. A Presidential act can only be deemed unofficial by the Supreme Court, but no evidence involving an official act can be used to establish that another act is unofficial, and thus not immune. Further, no presidential act involving the Justice Department can be deemed unofficial, nor can an official act be used to build a case for an unofficial act.


And what will Trump do to make him a "Tyrant" as you claim?

- Force others including former presidents to reveal their tax and business records?

- Force the removal of executive privileges from former presidents?

- Force the loss of attorney-client privileges for former presidents?

- Force former presidents to reveal private phone records and text messages?

- Have the homes of former presidents raided by the FBI using deadly force?

- Have former presidents subpoenaed by partisan committees?

- Have former presidents repeatedly indicted and arrested?

- Have former presidents lose their 1st-Amendment rights speech using gag orders?

- Have former presidents lose the right to a trial by jury?

- Weaponize and exploit the use of “statute of limitation expiration” against former presidents?

- Have former presidents convicted without a unanimous jury decision?

- Make sure that VPs cannot question the validity of disputed electoral votes?

- Label any and all future contingent electors as “fake” and will not be submitted when an election is disputed?

- Declare protests as “insurrections” and have the protesters jailed for years without trial?

- Have former presidents Incarcerated? .......... TBD


Yes. You saved me from having to type all that. Thanks. Basically, "No" to most oc it. Why would a President who believed he was truly in the right claim absolute immunity anyway... unless he (and those supporting this.claim) knew he wasn't?

Vice Presidents don't have the Constitutional authority to question ballots, only to certify the vote count. The fact that you think they do simply shows your ignorance and refusal to acknowledge what Trump did and who and what Trump is. On the other hand, Trump DID knowingly incite a mob to target the vice president, even after he was aware they we screaming "Hang Mike Pence!". But hey, that's an "official act", so who gives a fuck.


Translation: Tyranny is OK when Trump is not the Tyrant. lol


Honest to God, I have never seen 1 man get this many people on the Left along with Liberals this worked up over Donald Trump that years from now, you'll look back on this wondering why you freaked the fuck out over this man because the MSM told you to?? 🙄 I don't get it.. My only connection to this man is I won $$$$$ at his Taj Mahal in Atlantic City in 1992, specifically, $1500.00 at Roulette and lost $1200.00 2 days later at his other Casino 6 blocks away in the form of Trump Castle and lost at Black Jack proving the House always win


you'll look back on this wondering why you freaked the fuck out over this man

Because they're ignorant, weak-minded and easily brainwashed by the establishment and the media.


People who talk like tvfan may get to see what actual tyranny looks like, the way things are going.

They are in for a rude awakening. Once wealthy elites like Trump and his cohorts don't have to worry about elections they'll be no limits on them. They won't have to do anything for ordinary citizens, including rand and file MAGA types like tvfan. Tyranny doesn't go well for most people, except the ones at the very top.


Yes, I see what tyranny looks like; I posted a list above of just a few that occurred under Biden.

There was no tyranny by Trump during his four years as president.

You're regurgitating fear mongering nonsense that only the brainwashed believe.



People like you have been fooled into thinking Trump is being unjustly persecuted. Just like you've been fooled to think the most elitist of the elite is looking out for the people of this country.

You may find out the hard way how wrong you are.


Tyranny under Trump?? We had Peace & Prosperity for a large majority of his 1st Term until March of 2020 and we also had no new wars either.. Not sure what you're talking about?? As always, in 2028, we'll look back on this and the left along with these pinhead journalist shows on MSNBC will wonder why they overreacted over Trump?? 🤔


King Biden is trending now...


The problem is, if Biden tries any Trump like maneuvers, this court is going to interpret what an official duty is much more narrowly.


I wouldnt worry about the past I would worry about the future once he is put back in. No president should get cart blanche like this. This opens the door for a true nightmare scenario. Also lets the entire Administration of Presidents of the hook. The people on the right in the populace think this is a "win". This is a win for the Elite. For everyone else be it left or right its a major loss. Unbelievable people are supporting this decision.

Dont get worked up this is all part of the Agenda and theres nothing to be done. Start preparing contingency plans for online activity after the election because we are going into a new phase and all this online stuff has always been a trap. Authoritarianism/Fascism/Dominionism with be the new Patriotism. It is what it is. Good Luck to You and I hope you can make it.
