What he reaps....

Will the MAGA accept Biden's treatment of Trump as the president's prerogative?


Should be obvious by even the left now Biden is controlled.

"Felons cannot join the military if they are on probation or parole, in jail, or facing criminal charges, including misdemeanor offenses and felony crimes. A conviction isn't always a dead end, though. Some exceptions exist where waivers may be granted based on age at offense time and nature of crime committed."

I guess Biden CIC and the Military is going to take the "High Road" and ignore. People can vote whatever way they wish. This election was decided a LONG time ago. Left is going to get frantic now and the right is going to party it up and drink the Kool-Aid.

Huge win for political programming today. Doesnt just give the Executive branch carte blanche but also further contributes to divide and conquer culture war objectives.

I suggest people start wising up and try to look further out than next week in terms of patterns and cause effect. Be smart not emotional. This is about implementing strategy not right vs wrong. We are headed for Authoritarianism, Dominionism, Noahide etc. Things going to get NASTY in the very near future. Try to get along and be considerate of your fellow peasants and neighbors.


You can fall for the religious nonsense if you like. No thanks for me.


????? Might want to re-read that because I dont think you understood it. Religion has been fully weaponized now even down to the lower levels among the populace. We are heading towards Fascism under the guise of religion. This is like the Dirty Wars all over again. Parts of it anyways.


The GOP is weaponizing religion. Religion is supposed to guide and restrict those who follow it. In the USA, the 1st Amendment protects us from the religious zealots who want to screw us over.


in school I pledged allegiance to the flag, NOT Jesus


In my school we had a few teachers who would try to shame those kids who refused to say the pledge as they felt it was idol worship.


Correct. Im not sure where the confusion comes from with my first response. Maybe you took at as me being Pro Dominionism IDK. I may of worded it badley. It happens sometimes. My post was meant more as a warning of what this brings with it not an advocation. People wanting dominionism are in a mind controlled and cultish state of thinking. Thats been done many times throughout history and has been absolutely horrific. Genocides, Purges, Wars etc. all done behind the mask of pseudo religion when in reality it falls into Satanism and Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed.. These are all things we have been warned about. I suspect you are not a follower of Jesus Christ but he doesnt advocate ANY of this. Quite the opposite. They have inverted Christs teachings and managed to deceive Christians into the Agenda. This is all foretold in Matthews24. Dont take offense Im not trying to convert you just state the facts and the correlations to both scripture and their Agenda.

MAGA is a Satanic movement cloaked in Christianity but many of its supporters dont know it yet. They have been manipulated by emotion and not paying attention to what the leaders of the MAGA movement are actually preaching and advocating. Once Dominionism takes hold its the Government who decides who and what Christianity is not the teachings of Jesus Christ or the Bible. The leaders of MAGA worship Lucifer as their Christ not Jesus. This gets into Occult theology. Freemasonry being the major control group now. Freemasons believe Lucifer is Christ not Jesus.

Here.. its short and might help people to understand

Last thing you want is for people with this kind of doctrine dissolving the separation of church and state. Under Noahide Law you can be beheaded... No joke. And Noahide is endorse by ALL presidents including Trump. Noahide is a global agenda not just the USA and has been in development for a LONG time. We will take the plunge soon.
