MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

Great post! Pillows Where is the exposed laptop? You guys never stop!! Wrong! You must have fallen for the lies and don’t care He should have been fired No, because their audience are idiots Insane! They should be fired Ha! Too bad, I was looking forward to months of FOX getting humiliated We’ll never know, will we? I’m sure she’ll show up at Trumps sentencing though Humans!? Are u sure? FOX holds its viewers captive to lies and disinformation What about FOX? In the 80s Looks like the party’s about to start Ok You’re insane Wait…., what does a NYC lifelong billionaire Democrat born with a silver spoon in his mouth and craps in gold toilets have to do with the working class? Nothing…, He just grifts them for cash, that’s all, and you fell for it Wtf?! He lied to you dopehead He’ll say anything in order to get re-elected. The only reason he announced he’s running was to avoid a conviction to the myriad of criminal cases he’s facing She was on her way to a Black Sabbath photo shoot