MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

You’re insane Grifting , that’s what he does, and he’s got you in a headlock I can give you 2000 more on the Trump campaign/administration not to mention one convicted felon 1926? Did you hear that FOX interview on Sunday!? He said he never sleeps and never said lock her up! It’s only June…he’s falling apart For “law and order” vote for Trump! He can give press conferences from jail in an orange jumpsuit Dershowitz is a slimy asshole with deep Epstein connections. Thats the only reason he’s bloviating to Trumps base Dinero is replacing Biden? Wrong! Insane old boomers brainwashed by Trumps lies Wrong! A jury of his peers convicted him in his home and business town of New York where he was a Democrat for decades. He had a right to testify to clear his chaste and pure name , but he chickened out because he knew he’d perjure himself in 5 seconds on the stand and burst into flames Probably fired to defend their lives from insane Trump boomers No they weren't , Trump is the first,and he and his base should be very proud! The MAGA morons will scurry around this conviction forever. Maybe after the next three or four they’ll start to see the light You mean National Enquirer hit jobs in 2016 You’re deaf You’re dismissed Convicted felons - all of them -from the party of “law and order” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ask David Pecker July 11 He’s now a convicted felon- that would be a big deal for anyone