MovieChat Forums > Politics > $787.5m is just the beginning folks

$787.5m is just the beginning folks

The two largest libel verdicts in US history are both against right-wing media, because right-wing media is a cesspool of liars.

Alex Jones - $965 million
Fox "News" - $787.5 million

Smartmatic literally still has a $2.7 billion lawsuit against Faux Newz. This is going to be gold.


So what? No one will ever see that money. Plus, Alex Jones and Fox seem to be carrying on just fine...

Do you think Fox News will disappear from the airwaves?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


No, because their audience are idiots


Dominion will see the money because Fox settled with them.

Jones is paying a fortune to attorneys. Jones owes $1.5 billion from the lawsuit.
"Alex Jones’ company has proposed a plan in its bankruptcy case to pay the conspiracy theorist $520,000 a year, while leaving $7 million to $10 million annually to pay creditors, including relatives of the Sandy Hook school shooting victims."

Dominion proved Fox = lies and propaganda


Yeah, no... Dominion will receive numbers on a screen. No actual exchange of cash nor any kind of real money will happen. None of this affects actual human beings. Sure, some people may get laid off, but they will always find new jobs.

Alex Jones will never have to pay 900million... the state of Texas has a fine cut-off. You're reading, and believing sensationalized yellow-journalism.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


I receive money the same way and I can assure you that it's real since I buy tangible things with it and pay bills.

"CUTPA “clearly imposes no specific limit on the ratio of punitive damages to compensatory damages.” Ulbrich, 310 454."

Nope! You're wrong about limitations. And you're forgetting that court cases are public record and anyone can view them. Furthermore, the case wasn't only in Texas. He was sued in Connecticut, too. 4 different lawsuits!


Fox is part of a pretty big corporation with deep pockets. I'm not sure how you think they are going to avoid paying anything to dominion. It's not like they can appeal.


Best part is that Dominion already did the hard work for Smartmatic.
