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Fox News settled with dominion for nearly 800 million

Not the kind of settlement you see when it's a meritless nuisance lawsuit.

This is a caught red handed, no chance of winning, trying to avoid further embarrassment and exposure settlement. Not that it'll matter to the right wingers. I'm sure they'll continue believing their bizarro world conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines and late night fake vote dumps.


reminds of the conspiracy theory that Trump stole the election with the help of Russia.

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

"There’s no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election, and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf."

"I think he’s going to be inaugurated this week," Sanders said. "I have great concerns, apparently Republicans do as well, and there’s going to be an investigation about the role that Russian hacking played in getting (Trump) elected."

"I do not see this president-elect as a legitimate president," he told NBC. "I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians and others that helped him get elected. That’s not right. That’s not fair. That’s not the open democratic process."

"He was legally elected," Nadler said. "But the Russians weighing in on the election, the Russian attempt to hack the election and, frankly, the FBI’s weighing in on the election make his election illegitimate. But he is the president."

They tried to argue that the election was tainted by Russian interference and voter suppression. They were overruled because none of their objections had required support from a senator.

It showed that 72% of Democrats believe it’s likely the 2016 election outcome was changed by Russian interference,

Indeed, some well-known Democrats — including Clinton — said Trump’s 2016 victory was fishy.


The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 19, 2016
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday said Donald Trump is “not going to the president of the United States” and that claims of a rigged election are highly irresponsible.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said at a Los Angeles event Saturday that the 2016 election was stolen from her.

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee spoke with her husband at “An Evening With The Clintons” event.

“You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” she said, according to CNN.

US President Donald Trump has called for an investigation after a Hillary Clinton supporter said the Democratic party "rigged" its primary for her.

CNN asked Senator Elizabeth Warren if Mrs Clinton's contest against Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was rigged, and she said: "Yes."

Another Democratic official writes in a new book about the party's "unethical" agreement with the Clinton campaign.

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017


There is plenty of evidence of cooperation between Trump campaign officials and Russia. . Manafort gave his associate campaign polling data and it ended up with Russian intelligence agents. Roger Stone was coordinating with Wikileaks about Hillary's e-mails that were released by Wikileaks. Trump granted Presidential pardons to both Manafort and Stone to protect himself. The Trump campaign met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower about opposition research on Hillary Clinton. Facebook blocked Russian propaganda accounts that attempted to influence the election. Trump also asked Russia in a speech to hack into Hillary's e-mails. Kremlin documents were unearthed that show the Kremlin intended to
help elect a mentally unbalanced Trump to the Presidency. ** Trump campaign meeting in Trump Tower with Russian lawyer **


if any of that was true, then Mueller would have concluded that Trump colluded to steal the election but he didnt.

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open

The dossier was clearly a part of partisan efforts to influence an election and elections thereafter. It became a club used to hobble (and abort if possible) a legally elected presidency. As shameful and despicable was the insurrection of January 6th, one could make a strong argument that the formulation and promotion of the Steele Dossier was far more damaging and dangerous to the republic.

Will there be a full accounting? Will the media personalities and politicos that pushed (or in the case of Schiff still push) this divisive poison be called to account for their actions?

its amazing that no one got in trouble for spreading fake news and no one got sued for spreading lies about Trump.

meanwhile, its now against the law for republicans to suggest the same thing democrats did in 2016...


Mueller's investigation was not very aggressive and focused on Russian election interference. Mueller did not really want to investigate Trump or his campaign since President Trump could have fired Mueller and his team. Mueller already had established a great reputation and he did not want to ruin his legacy.

Your ABA link covers Bill Barr's memo that he released after receiving the Mueller report. The Mueller report was not released until April 18, 2019. Barr was criticized since he put his own spin on the Mueller report and it did not align with the actual report.

The Steele dossier was opposition research and it was not meant for the public. One website leaked the Steele dossier ten days before Trump's 2017 inauguration so it became a big deal. A lot of the assertions of the Steele dossier cannot be disproved and many of them have been revealed to be true.

Trump is still suing a bunch of people over the Russia probe and John Durham is still investigating the Russia probe. We'll see what happens. * Trump lawsuit over the Russia probe *


"Mueller's investigation was not very aggressive and focused on Russian election interference. Mueller did not really want to investigate Trump or his campaign since President Trump could have fired Mueller and his team. Mueller already had established a great reputation and he did not want to ruin his legacy."

this is by far the second dumbest thing I have read.


Mueller strictly interpreted the federal regulations forbidding the DOJ from prosecuting the President but his team could have made a case against the President without charging him. Bill Barr would have been responsible for charging the President but that wasn't going to happen. The two articles below note that Mueller was clearly not aggressive enough. Mueller gets consulting fees and speaking fees. That money might dry up if he rocked the boat by going after the President. Mueller was much too old at age seventy-two to run an investigation.

Mueller made clear that his team never considered indicting Trump because the Justice Department prohibits the prosecution of a sitting president.

“Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider,” Mueller said during a televised statement . He said he believed such an action would be unconstitutional.

Weissmann argues that at key moments, Mueller was timid when he should have been aggressive in getting information and testimony.


Nah man, 2016 was totally legit now. How do you expect them to be able to whine about ElECtIon DenIaL if they are still denying 2016 and crying about RuSsIaN InTeRfErENcE(for 3+ years)? We're supposed to forget about 2016 and accept that election denial is only a republican thing...

Which it's obviously not...

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


I think it'll get dwindled down. Dominion is only worth $30-40m itself. Won't stop Faux Newz though. Profits over Democracy and damage already done as people vote out Dominion machines.


I love how you guys are so deranged by controlled opposition. It's almost scary how deranged leftists in general have become with Fox.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Dominion should had taken it all the way. Their reputation is in shreds thanks to Fox News.


Trump won.


Yeah, right. Trump is winning. You should pull your head out of Trump's ass and look around. Trump is losing and he will never be president again. Maybe you should support a different Republican candidate because Trump is through.


2 more years and Trump will be President. although America might be ruined by then or nuked by Russia.


You know Trump will never be president again. At this point you're just trolling. Maybe you should stick to replying to years old posts with your insipid rhetoric.


it would be only logical for Trump to be President. he could end WWIII and reduce inflation.


Now Dominion can hire lawyers to sue Trump for a billion. Youtube and Facebook can boot all the "stolen election" nuts.


I think Fox just paid for more rigged voting machines and late night vote dumps willingly but that's just me.


LOL. So Fox is in the fix, now?


You think we forget how they sabotaged Trump in all the debates?


You guys never stop!!


They just pumped a bunch of money into Dominion and got rid of their only truth teller right before the election....yeah they in on the fix



Fox have been forced legally to see reality

and concede that supporting and publishing DTs deranged libellous fantasies is illegal.


The US Court system is the most effienct money laundering operation in world history


Is that just some big words you've heard that sound good?

How would that even work ?
Who'se laundering the money in the deranfed scenarion? fox? the judges? dominion?


I think we just outed Mike Lindell. He's now blaming Fox News for Trump losing 2020.


Yup, Fox is controlled opposition, and this all stinks to high hell.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


You mean lying SOBs


This leaked footage is what really got Fox News in legal trouble…they need to be shut down to fortify our democracy.


Rumor has it, Sean Hannity will be replaced with the new show “hardball” with Dylan Mulvaney.


