MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

Drunk with an AR-15 is not normal Biden did well also Lol! You’re right! He’s an embarrassing liar and should be locked up forever. If it unfortunately comes down to a Biden- Trump election , Trump will lose spectacularly and thankfully end his political career- amen You mean lying SOBs You do realize she’s a Tranny? I wonder if there’s any “hang Mike Pence” fans here Gateway bullshit This is by far the most delusional and radical MC post I’ve ever read He’s done Did you read the “Lying King”Tucker Carlson was fired this week? Why do YOU think TC was fired? No jail time in a civil trial,but he’ll have to pay up if found guilty. Whatever the outcome is, it won’t affect his minions Get your head out of the sand Yup Throw them all in jail For you Helen Keller Lies, 783 million and sexism lawsuit Is this satire? You do realize he was fired for lies and fear mongering? Helluva entertainer I guess, millions of dolts tuned in every night