MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

Just watched it and Im glad it’s over. Gallows humor involving the holocaust is never funny imo Sure Donald Trump didn't lower your taxes. He didn't get your roads fixed or your bridges built. He didn't get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, he didn't make "covid disappear", didn't make Mexico "pay for the wall", he didn't "put America First" and he sure as hell didn't "drain the swamp" So when you say he "fought for you", you mean he validated your hate. Because he didn't do a goddamn thing for you other than that. Dreadful woman Only if Trump makes it through all of his Federal and civil trials. It’s looking real bad Judge in Dominion lawsuit sanctions Fox News, questions truthfulness of network's lawyers That she did! A great thriller that held up well. I saw it in the theater and loved it, the book also Yes - psycho killer, not a woman and it was a very satisfying kill Tucker hates Trump I blame his nonstop crime spree that seems to show to signs of stopping True And it’s sad to see so many people fall for his NY grifts Did you buy your Trump in a jail cell NFT yet? He should have kept his salary. He’s grifting his cult really hard now for cash. Lindsay Graham was on FOX crying his eyes out pleading for Trump money, although he never said what it was for. He thinks it’s Jesus’ birthday His cult are sick and delusional and can’t help sending him their social security checks and praying for him like he’s some sort of savior. But he's drowning in criminal indictments and will eventually get convicted of something or have a heart attack , whichever comes first April 17 Wanna bet you’ll watch TV that day? Charley Varrick Walking Tall The Natural Agreed, but it’ll be fun to see Tucker, Hannity & the rest grilled under oath Is lying to you 24/7 keeping you in line? Lol! Cry and pray for the deep state No FOX? They never mentioned the upcoming Dominion trial or the Tucker Carlson Trump hating texts