MovieChat Forums > Yatzo > Replies

Yatzo's Replies

Stay in the dark What did the ninjas uncover in Arizona? What did pillow uncover with 35 million? What did Trumps Berkeley group uncover ? How about evidence? King grifter strikes again! You left out the MAGA zombie poop You’ll never prove anything you potty mouthed ninconpoop! Moms calling, your Mac n cheese is getting cold I think it sums the situation up perfectly! It’s never too late for that one! Kari Fake Must watch TV! Playing both sides…., like a Tranny Wtf?! What an asshole Let’s wait and see what those charges are…,& there’s plenty more a comin ! I’m not worried, It’s too expensive for Trumpers to travel to NY plus New York has hated Trump forever What? Congratulations on your indictment Mr Trump! R u kidding!? It should be a national holiday! Fantastic news!