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Could Trump sue the media companies

who lied about Hunters laptop saying it was Russian disinformation?


technically he could sue everyone that said he colluded with Russia.


He already did!

Former President Donald Trump filed a sprawling federal lawsuit on Thursday against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and 26 other people and entities that he claims conspired to undermine his 2016 campaign by falsely tying him to Russia.

“We haven’t had a chance to read the complaint, but knowing the former President, there’s probably very little in there that’s true,” said Aitan Goelman, who represents former FBI official Peter Strzok.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the inevitable result:

A federal judge has dismissed former President Donald Trump’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, several ex-FBI officials and more than two dozen other people and entities that he claims conspired to undermine his 2016 campaign by trying to vilify him with fabricated information tying him to Russia.


Thank you, next!


democraps are the worst.


Aw, sad Trumptwat is sad...😢

Hope this helps!


reminds me of 2016 when Trump won and all the Hillaryites started crying salty tears. it was yummy.


As you know, I was not a fan of HRC, I wrote in Bernie that year...


you were a Berniac? I would rather have him than our current doofus.


I've been a proud constituent of Mr. Sanders for nearly forty years now, he's a cool dude...He really is a man of the people, one Fourth of July I ran into him in the Rutland McDonald's!


Where is the exposed laptop?


No, it’s (D)ifferent when Demokkkrats attack our democracy. They’re protecting our democracy.


republicans are the frog and dems are the scorpion.


Yes he could. The courts could then throw out his case and fine him for wasting their time.


This is America, and sadly, you can sue anyone for anything and often get a settlement. The question is could he win, and the answer is hell no!
