The end-of-episode recaps

Thank god for them; because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep things together. I probably would’ve tuned out already. A smart decision by HBO. I wonder if they did some test screenings and confirmed that they were necessary.


Yeah, it's a little hard to follow but so was Game of Thrones for the first 8 or 9 episodes. But the big difference is, GoT had much more interesting characters than HotD.

I'm sure it will make more sense as the show progresses and I say this with the assumption that I'll keep watching. So far it's not wowing me but it's been decent entertainment.


Thanks for the heads up on GOT. I’ve never watched it and I will give it a watch next after I finish this season. I’ll make sure I pay extra close attention.


GoT was a great show but just so you know, the ending is a little disappointing but that doesn't stop it from being perhaps the best TV show of all time.

And in case you didn't know, HotD and GoT are both based on a series of books written by George Martin. HotD is actually a prequel of GoT. This story (HotD) takes place about 172 years before the events of GoT.

Anyhow, I just wanted to mention this...


a LITTLE disappointing? Probably the biggest disappointment of all time, imo.
But the show overall is still one of the greatest of all time


haha, I knew someone would disagree.

It is what it is... personally, I just wish season 8 didn't feel so rushed because 6 and 7 really weren't that bad. In fact, I thought 6 might have been the best season of the whole show, to be honest. Call D&D horrible writers if you must but 6 had some great moments, I liked it a lot.

Probably because of this "KING IN THE NORTH"!!! (repeated over and over)

That scene almost brought tears to my eyes. Incredible stuff...


I loved it all, except for the long night episode and the finale
EDIT: Removed the rest to get rid of all the spoilers


The first 50% of it was the best TV show of all time.


I don't understand this kind of posts.

Are you guys reading your phones while watching the show???


Why insult people though


Where's the insult???

I do watch some shows while constantly looking at my phone and not paying too much attention as well.


I agree. They are helpful.
