MovieChat Forums > Politics > Expect Joe Biden to "Catch COVID-19" dur...

Expect Joe Biden to "Catch COVID-19" during the month of September.

Sometime in September, the DNC will release a statement that Biden has "caught COVID-19" and is in "intensive care" in a private hospital. Of course, the debates with Trump will be impossible due to this unfortunate event. The nation watches with baited breath for weeks and prays for his recovery.

In late October, Biden will emerge from his hospital bed and appear on a special live address, visibly tired and shaken, but strong, and presented with a clean bill of health. All doubts of his physical capabilities will be gone, as he has beaten this terrible disease. He is a hero! A survivor of COVID, even at 77 years of age!

Unfortunately there is no time left to have the debates with Trump, as the election is only days away, but rest assured, this noble old warrior, this champion who defeated COVID-19, is in full fighting form to win the election and rebuild America!


Thats weird, I was thinking the same thing. There is no way Joey B can do live debate. Trump would run circles around him. Joey B has been in his basement too long anyways.


Interesting theory. Using Chinese flu 19 to avoid the debates.

We all know at this point Biden will not debate. Nor will he be the Democrat candidate come November. Maybe they’ll kill him so they can play the martyr card. Democrats live for that.

Michele O and Oprah are the front runners, both conveniently started new shows a month ago. Unfortunately, as with every Democrat show, they failed miserably.


I mentioned this in another thread that they are evil enough to kill him (and blame it on a "white supremacist!")


Yes. We haven’t seen the last of the 3 White supremacist KKK members. They will surely have an impact along side “those meddling evil Russians”.


You're mentally challenged, aren't you ?


You're at a total loss for anything worthwhile to say, aren't you?


Its more likely Trump will lose the election, catch COVID, hospital then jail.


I can agree with your possible first three points...but never jail. You’re just hoping and dreaming. jail time. jail time. jail time.


Jail FOR WHAT though?! Because he's orange?

Orange Lives Matter!


LOL!😅😂🤣 I can’t type. I’m laughing too hard!

What a winner! ”Orange Lives Matter!”


Interesting idea. It is obvious that they can not let Biden on a debate stage. I was wondering what their ploy was with releasing debate dates. This may be the only out available to them.


Interesting thought, if elected I always thought he wouldn't make it through one term.


Or they will just say Biden was exposed to someone with Covid and was told to quarantine by his doctor. He will offer to do the debates remotely via Zoom/Skype, etc. Trump will refuse. The Democrats and their media attack dogs will then blame Trump for the lack of debates and say his insistence on live debates proves he doesn't take Covid seriously.


Oh, you guys are good! 👏🏻👏🏻


You're probably right, Jack!
