MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies

Padeen's Replies

Dersu the Trapper by V.K. Arseniev Same here and we're supposed to get 12-18 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow lol. I just looked at the menu of the place here and they have 12 different kinds. I'd probably go with the pistachio one. The hospital from Session 9. Didn't go inside, though. The place had pretty tight security before it was demolished. If you think you have an STD, don't have that kind of contact with people until you get tested! What exactly is that? Chocolate, almonds and caramel? There's a chocolate store here named after that treat and they're pretty well known for it. Pignolata. Sicillian fried dough balls topped with honey, pine nuts and sometimes chocolate. My Grandmother used to make it and I miss it. "I don't contribute on Politics just to piss off the opposition, I'm trying to make it clear some of us don't endorse the agenda of the what I call "wrong wing" (because there isn't anything "right" in the common sense of the word)." Haha I hear ya. I don't come down here often myself, although since the election, there have been some entertaining posts. Although I'm a supporter of 2A, I'm not the "no compromise type." I believe in many common sense measures like universal background checks, no sales to those convicted of domestic violence and even red flag laws, which a lot of people have a problem with. I also understand that more guns mean more deaths, but I don't think law abiding citizens should have Constitutional rights taken away because some people break the law. I can understand how easy access can frustrate some people, but a right is a right and if you're familiar with the process of a Constitutional Amendment, its not possible, at least not in our lifetimes. Perhaps in a few generations, the opinion will shift. Shootings in impoverished areas are certainly a concern and I feel for the victims. Personally I want stiffer penalties for those caught in possession of an illegal firearm. Often times, all they receive is a slap on the wrist. I believe there should be strict mandatory minimums to set a precedent that it won't be tolerated anymore. With all due respect, I dont buy the argument that the founding fathers didn't expect advancement in firearms when they wrote the Constitution. I mean, I'm sure people said this same thing in the 1800's when revolvers and lever actions guns became available to the public. The 2nd Amendment has changed a lot since it was first written. It was always about the militia, but the Supreme Court has recently ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that the District of Columbia's handgun ban violated this guarantee. In laymens terms, any "common use firearm" is covered under the 2nd Amendment. I could go on forever about this, but I won't, however I would like to say thank you for keeping it civil. Thats often not the case with this topic. And my ears are always open on how we can improve safety, short of a ban. Are you seriously afraid for you life on a daily basis? There is a 0.00000143% chance of being the victim of a mass shooting. Fact is, the vast majority of gun crime is between rival gangs and suicide. So to answer your question, yes, I take my Constitutional Rights seriously and am a strong supporter of 2A. And if somehow the 2nd Amendment was repealed - which is basically impossible - there are still more guns in the US than people. Banning something doesn't make it go away. Comparing us to Japan is wrong on so many reasons. Maybe you could explain why Switzerland is awash in guns, yet doesn't have high levels of gun crime like we do? Do you seriously think they would just stop if we pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan? I believe we should, but I also don't think it would change a thing. And its not just the US they hate. Islamic extremists hate everyone in the west and all non believers. I mean, these people are animals and can't be reasoned with. Just look how the Taliban treated their own people and especially women before 2001 when they controlled most of Afghanistan. Fact is, killing is permitted in the Quran. Don't get me wrong here, I love the people of the Middle East and think the vast majority are peaceful, but I don't think there is a logical solution to your original question. I didn't know this was a year old post btw. I asked before and you never answered. What do you think is going to happen. Please, I need a good laugh. Go after their families because that's all they really care about. They don't care about their lives or the lives of others, but family is sacred and important in their culture. Obviously this is not going to happen because we are civilized, but it certainly would set a precedent. This by the way was the opinion of a Navy Seal when asked the question. So Jeff Rosen will become the shortest serving AG in history lol? What an honor! Yes, sometimes, as I have very little patience. And on another note, as our resident cannabis enthusiast, when was the last time you found the AK-47 in the dispensaries? It used to be my favorite strain back in the mid 2000's, but I haven't seen it around in ages. I stumbled upon these seeds and am thinking of buying a Christmas present for myself. This is apparently the best phenotype of the strain. I'm at the age where I don't need anything, but they won't hear of it, so I said if they must, I wouldn't say no to a few silver coins. My mom and aunt are easy to buy for, but my dad is impossible. I'm thinking of replacing his pocket knife and maybe getting a few scratch tickets. I have an old model and it still works great. It is the end. Electors cast their votes Monday across the country, confirming the winning total for President-elect Biden ... 306 for him, and 232 for now-outgoing President Trump. I'm genuinely curious, how is this not the end? What is going to happen? If I were a betting man, I'd say otherwise. Honest question. Do you seriously think Trump still has a chance?