MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are people afraid of nukes?

Why are people afraid of nukes?

We shouldn't be. First off it'd be crazy to use it (unless in a time of world war) and any nation that uses it right off the bat would be condemned and annihilated since only a handful of nations carry them. Anyone that backs up the nation that used it would be crazy as well. Israel has nukes but never uses it so why can't Iran or North Korea? Some countries want a determent from more powerful/aggressive nations that want to tell the world what can or cannot be done.


It's a huge negotiating tool. Countries can get away with much more aggressive behavior (against their own people or region) and not fear repercussions. North Korea might start artillery striking South Korea. America and others might want to intervene but doing so would lead to nuclear strikes so they will not.


NK and Iran already are aggressive to their own people but you don't see much of the world doing anything about it besides sanctions. North Korea has also shot artillery into South Korea on numerous occasions and nukes won't stop US from intervening since US military and SK military are interlinked for the most part. That and the setup of Patriot/THAAD systems in SK.


Match in the gas tank, boom boom!




Dictators with nukes is not a good idea. Imagine if Hitler had them.


Beats me, I love them. I want to buy one on Ebay !


I think a bigger threat is a crude nuclear device or dirty bomb made by terrorists.


That reminds me, any movies with that scenario? The only one I can think of is The Sum of All Fears (2002).


Its been a while since I've seen that, but wasn't the bomb found in the desert and then sold to terrorists? Reminds me a little of "The Peacemaker."


In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, an Israeli warplane carrying a nuclear bomb is shot down. In 2002, a Syrian scrap collector uncovers a large unexploded bomb buried in a field in the Golan Heights. He sells it to a South African black market arms trafficker named Olson, who recognizes it as the nuclear bomb that was lost during that war. He then sells it to a neo-fascist group led by Austrian billionaire Richard Dressler, whose aim is to start a war between the United States and Russia that will devastate them both, and leave a united fascist Europe to rule the world.

I just took a look at The Peacemaker (1997), Nicole Kidman was so hot back that (still is somewhat).


There's a missing nuclear bomb off the coast of Georgia.

Seems like that could be some pretty good source material for a movie...
