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Freaky find 🐝 today

I found this in my washing machine underneath my clean clothes as I was flipping them to the dryer. I have no idea where he came from. I used an old dryer sheet to remove him. Decided to take him upstairs and take a pic because why not? It's weird. I placed him on the table and then realized he was still moving!


That somewhat looks like, what we call in Louisiana, a deer fly. The ones here come out at night and do have a nasty bite. I see them mostly around swamps.


Here we call it a bee, but whatever. It was just such a surprise, but as I said, the bigger surprise was that it was still alive after presumably going through the laundry cycle.


Maybe it is a bee. πŸ˜„


The black and yellow stripes say "bee" to me, but I'm no entomologist.


Whatever you do, don’t keep him for a pet!


No worries there, mate.


I think it's a wasp and not a bee, and you'll be sorry for letting it live!

But again, I'm no entomologist.


I didn't let it live. I just hope it's the only one in the house. I can't figure where it came from, and how the heck did he end up in the washing machine?? Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

A couple of years ago I found a bumblebee in my basement. I walked down there and it whizzed right by my head. As I recall, I grabbed some bug spray and dispatched him when he landed on a windowsill. But this was before I got new windows installed and a few cracks around them were sealed.


I once got into my car, and found I'd sat my ass right on a bee! That was head down and stinger up!



Ouch! Not one of your more dignified moments, was it?



I lived.





S O Bee! Excellent! 🀣

But no, I will not adopt him.


It's wonderful to be alive
To be a bee in this beehive
It's tough as nails, it's smooth as silk
It's milk and honey, without milk

I work with flowers, it's my work
From this, there's no way that I can shirk
No-no-no-no-no, there is no complex philosophy
It's just because I'm a bee

Unlike the skunk, I do not smell
But I have a thing and it stings like hell
As heroes go, I'm unsung
But step on me and you'll get stung
You'll get stung

The cutest bee I've ever seen
Is our own big, fat sexy queen
It's true she hasn't got such great legs
But you should see the girl lay eggs

It's wonderful to be a bee
Although there are billions just like me
This hive of mine, I call it home
There is no place like comb sweet comb


Nice! πŸ‘


I fed the image into the iNaturalist app and it came back paper wasp. It couldn’t narrow down the exact species of paper wasp. I ruled out Asian Paper Wasp and Mexican honey bee.


Interesting. Does it make a difference that I'm in Minnesota?


If you upload your pic to the database, someone will ID it. It’s actually kind of fun, and you’re participating in citizen science.


Did you tell it to buzz off?


These sort of replies can really cause a buzz

Maybe she smacked it with a newspaper, I would have


A waspish reply.


Looks like a yellowjacket (type of hornet.) With the cold weather, they are try to find a warm place. We have one in the wall here and I kid you not, was finding upwards of a dozen a day inside. Once the freeze comes and they all die, I'm going to caulk to entrance.


Yikes! My experience with yellow jackets dates back to when I was about five years old. I wandered over to a neighbor's house. He was in his front yard, running a hose into what I soon learned was a nest of the buggers. I ended up getting stung five times, even though he tried to warn me away. Those buggers got underneath my shirt. Yes, I ran away screaming.


yeah, they're usually aggressive little bastards, but with the cold weather and lack of food, they are very lethargic and easy to kill with a fly swatter.


Well, I grabbed a nearby Christmas light box to dispatch the bugger. It really freaked me out that it was still alive. How is that possible??


If anyone else made this claim I'd call malarkey

It sounds impossible but it's you saying it so...let's alert Robert Stack with an 'Unsolved Mystery'


Thank you. It IS true. Real life is weird enough, so I don't need to make things up.


Looks like a wasp.

