Coleburg83's Replies

Personally, I thought the show jumped the shark with new Trance. It all seemed to go downhill after that. She's back. As alternative universe Gamora, so we have to see her and Quill fall in love again and then after GG3 act like she is the same character with the same history with the team. It's what happens. And it's absurd. Reminds me of Sunshine, which a lot of people pretend is a good movie. The crew was not remotely believable. It would have been a better movie based on the truth is the point. It's not like they had to change things to make it more dramatic. The truth was more dramatic. In reality, you can't win a war when one side kills and the other doesn't. Something she fundamentally doesn't understand. It's like telling the police to use tazers vs guns on the streets or issuing plastic bullets to the military fighting against others using real ammo. Impossible. I am. I think you don't get that the post is more a commentary on JK Rowling's writing and mentality in this area rather than criticism of Harry himself. She prides herself on not having these characters kill, while the Death Eaters kill and are allowed to kill again and again by the other characters. Same question applies. The same Death Eaters were captured over and over again and then escaped and killed more people. "At least stun if you aren't prepared to kill" Exactly. What does that mean if not, you are incapable of killing your enemies, you have to stun? He's saying if Harry isn't tough enough to kill, then at least do something besides expelling wands. You didn't answer my question: How many people died because Harry wouldn't kill those Death Eaters and they were free to continue killing while their enemies used weak ass stunning spells? He never even tried. Lupin tries to tell him he needs to tough up and use the killing curse and he absolutely refuses. Again, people were killed, probably a great many by the Death Eaters he spared, especially Fenrir. And typical Hollywood stuff. In the book, he is bitten by a spider in his boot and gets really sick and looks gross and has blood in his mouth, but it's implied that it's more likely a result of his reaction to the questionable anti-venom a quack doctor gave him, rather than the spider bite. But having people, both celebrities and fans to praise and talk about about great she is. Literally every show. It's pure ego massage. Any talk show host could do that, I can't think of another in the same ballpark of having people on to do that. Mind you, celebrities on talk shows have predetermined topics and conversations with the host. It's not spontaneous or genuine. Man, you must jerk off to Joy Reid if you think she's hot. You are right, I forgot how many ugly black women keep cast. That new black lady in "Spanish Princess" is another example. Ugly af. Interesting theory. Has to be some reason. So would a lot of actresses who are actually attractive, black or any other ethnic group they want to pick. Like I said, she's just not attractive. She's not Leslie Jones, but she's much closer to her than Nathalie Emmanuel or Thandie Newton In the 90s, you had to serve at least 5 years in patrol before taking the detective's exam in the LAPD. Not 100% sure, but I don't think guys went undercover as soon as they got a detective badge. It didn't seem like his first assignment either. I'd say he had to be at least 30 or so. Yes. And like most actors/actresses he had to the connections to start working in the entertainment industry at a very early age. I don't know if he's like delusional hypocrites like Johansson and Chastain who also had such connections and pretend like they didn't grow up privileged. Intellectual by what standard? GED Scholar?t He's a privileged white liberal who parrots what her hears at Hollywood parties and from people like Ellen Degeneres. Virtue signaling overload. He doesn't have to work so hard to retain the title of biggest pussy in Hollywood. This is television in the 21st century. She made a nice little girl on Narnia, but she's certainly not a beauty. A lot being like three. The little girl hugged him at school and then he had a talk as Shazam with the older girl and that's all I remember. Certainly nothing to justify this whole "we're family" stuff.