Pretty Amazing

The legacy of SGU continues. This isn't as amazing, but still very solid. Easily an 8/10, definitely better than Battlestar Galactic Fail. If this isn't what you expected, go watch something else.


I kept watching till the very end, there were some pretty good highlights throughout the season, some of the pacing is weird though and the flashbacks are annoying, at least they're pretty short.

I would love to see a show with zero flashbacks and let the us, the audience, gauge a character based on how they are presently acting, not how they acted leading up to the mission.


a 4.1 rating ?


Highly subjective. Some will favor the exploration of the Sirius A/B Star System, where the vast majority of the show takes place, and others will prefer the more closer to earth portions. That said, you can't erase from the mind a premise of a bunch of late teens, young 20 year olds leading a mission of insanely sensitive objectives--they are literally chosen to represent mankind and that falls flat on its face.


Reminds me of Sunshine, which a lot of people pretend is a good movie.

The crew was not remotely believable.


I just finished it today and enjoyed it. Entertainment's the name of the game. In terms of realism and absurdity, it's on the same level as any other sci-fi show, it's not real. Can't wait for season 2. If Lost In Space got season 2, this will too. The ending scene was pretty badass.


I doubt it
