Coleburg83's Replies

They obviously got criticism that the show wasn't diverse enough, so in the first episode, they introduce a black coach, a black gymnast and a black boyfriend for Lauren. It was really obvious and really shoehorned in. And should be irritating to anyone. I thought the addition of Jordan was fine, the others seemed like a waste for a season that lasts only 8 episodes. Repetitive stuff with the coach and Sasha. They might as well have just brought back Marty. Lauren's new boyfriend was a complete afterthought, which is actually a good thing, with Rigo being forced down the audience's throat. Netflix’ “just this much [] better than the CW, plus we can say ‘fuck’” McSeries Perfect description for the kind of rubbish Netflix is usually putting out, both the series and Hallmark quality movies that seems to be targeting entirely teenage girls. For an actress, she's a very successful career since Mean Girls. In her personal life, still can't believe she dated, much less married that fat Iranian guy. He must be rich. So activists and educators spending decades calling people ignorant bigots who said being gay wasn't a choice should be ashamed of themselves? See below. Well see, before this modern era, it was considered bigoted and homophobic to suggest that being gay is a choice. Clearly, some are born with the predilection for being a homosexual, while others choose so. That's the point. Until fairly recently, the message was that being gay was no ever a choice. Now I can't remember anyone trying to say what others were demonized for suggesting in the past. Stewart is the perfect example. She dated males her entire life until her last relationship. Obviously she wasn't born a homosexual. Connected enough for him and his siblings to be up for acting roles in their mid-teens. Very few kids have the opportunity. Few kids would even be allowed. They don't have parents with friends in the entertainment industry, which his did. I remember reading how he got cast in that role in that shitty teen Fox show due to his mom's friend having some production role in it back in the 90s. That's the kind of the start they all get. Very, very few are like Edward Furlong and just spotted at some YMCA. Yes. She hit that guy because he was trying to stop her from going on the dangerous mission. Miller figured out that she knew him, he wasn't some random guy she got into an incident with. When Miller was interrogating him, it clear that she and he had been involved when they worked together before. And there was definitely the implication of romance between her and that ship captain because of the looks they shared, especially when he was killed. Not a huge issue, I'm just saying it's a common characteristic of the kind of volunteers who go abroad in my experience. She worked for the anti-Earth OPA. The extremist faction. The kind that wanted to wanted launch missiles at Earth and Mars. They didn't show the scenes, but the implication was clear that she had been involved with that dirty OPA guy that Miller interrogated and got her picture from and that Jonathan Rhys Meyers-looking captain of the Scorpuli that was beaten to death and she had been smiling at as he praised her. So every guy she was in repeated contact with except for maybe Dawes. Right along with the picture of the narcissistic NGO worker. You miss the point. There were far, far less people in the Belt. And she wasn't a Belter. She was desperate to be accepted by them. The OPA hated Earthers. We saw that many times. Again, this is like a self-hating Jew seeking the approval of people who hate Jews. As I said, it's all about them, not charity. They go abroad because they want to travel and/or use the experience to help them with their career or credentials for an NGO. In the end, it's not about helping others, it's about their own ego and experiences. Like getting praised and idolized by kids from the third world. A common theme with such people in my experience (especially journalists) is getting sexually involved with as many men/women from different countries as possible because it makes them feel wordly. Julie seems to have slept with about every man she associated with in the belt. Her sister nailed her 100%. She was a narcissist. It's just so sad that like Oprah, this woman has influence over so many women. Pfft. Yes, but when the weaker links are the focus, which has been the case, then it is a distraction. Hopefully they realize that Starlight and High are their least interesting characters and focus more on the others in S2. Although, I doubt it. You seen her in recent years? She looks like a porn star who got 100 bad plastic surgeries. Can't think of another reason. Shaw was definitely the worst of the lot. I'm not surprised they killed him off. Poor Raven. She deserved much better than Finn or Shaw. The unexpected thing as a result is that they reappear five years later with all the problems that were caused as a result of the disappearances rather than simply going back and telling Thor to aim for the head and stop the disappearances from ever happening. Although I don't see why that couldn't have been done. That was another thing they changed from the comics. The sexual harassment and her power level. It was actually pretty much the whole group that coerced her, led by Homelander. Homelander will make me watch. It's a shame they seem to make Hugh and Generic Wonder Girl the focus. I thought it was dumb. Just like him talking to the lobsters. Don't Dolphins eat lobsters? Sea creatures prey on one another. Being able to some kind of aquatic empathy and control over sea creatures is one thing, but flirting with dolphins and then having conversations with lobsters was way over the top. I was surprised at how small his role was. His name sucks BTW. They all pretty much do. I guess because by the time it came along, all the good superhero names were gone. They couldn't call him Aquaman. Heh. Likely for budgetary reasons, we didn't really get to see the extent of his powers. He's a very different character in the comics. My understanding is that he was not only able to breathe underwater and communicate with sea creatures, but had flight, super strength, agility and durability on par with other much stronger superheroes. Probably for the feminist crowd, they had to make him inferior to Starlight. Chace Crawford is big with the young ladies. I don't know how old The Deep is supposed to be in the show, CC looks younger than he is, but I'm guessing back in the day, that like Starlight had a poster of him, he was really popular with the teen girls who matter a lot in terms of buying shit. Honestly, Tyr was my least favorite character besides the hairy guy. Although his ending was absurd. Game of Thrones ending absurd. Trance was an inferior character after the stupid switch and I hate what they did to Harper's character in the later seasons.