Coleburg83's Replies

Yeah. I thought the same. It's utterly absurd for many reasons that he wouldn't be in it, even if they tried to avoid giving him credit for anything. Everything. They pulled the big Hub cylon base out of their ass when they were already years of traveling away from the Cylon homeworld and then everyone gave up their technology which ensured that they would learn nothing and repeat the same mistakes. Oh and Kara Thrace was an angel. They gave Bronn the worst job for him. He'll rob the treasury blind for sure. Couldn't disagree more. Each Kingdom functions like it's independent and each High Lord has more power than the King without any High Lords supporting. Tyrion hasn't been to the Westerlands in 10 years. He's a traitor to his family. I don't buy for a second that anyone would accept his rule. And that's just besides Yara, Dorne, Edmure and the other Kingdoms. They came up with the system that makes the least sense, the King who makes the least sense and a system guaranteed to cause deep division and conflict whenever a new King is chosen. They is the Westerlands. A big ass Kingdom that had an army of 60-70,000 people when this all began and the most powerful family in the Seven Kingdoms. It makes no sense they would accept being ruled by Bran and a traitor like Tyrion. That's another thing. Tyrion is supposed to be the ruler of the Westerlands now? They didn't seem to have any other representation. They got a big ass city, a big ass castle and lots of land and subjects. They are also hated and hate everyone else. I doubt they would listen to Tyrion telling them to follow Bran. It's hilarious that is supposed to be a better system. They really believe there won't be a power struggle and likely war every time a new monarch is chosen? That in another generation the King is not going to want his children to succeed him? The characters are who they are because of who their parents were and being Highborn. It's a joke. And Canada didn't have no independent King. It's a joke. I guess D&D really have a hard on for the Starks. We need a Stark as King of the Six Kingdoms and another Stark as Queen of the North. Pfft. Just split the Kingdoms. It makes no sense that the others wouldn't want to be independent too. What would they tell Dorne or Yara? Bend the knee or we go to war, but the North is free to go? D&D are clowns. The North has such a tiny population that they should be happy to get a mayor. Exactly. Is Tyron supposed to be representing House Lannister and the Westerlands here? I can't imagine whoever is ruling Casterly Rock/Lannisport is going to bow to the cripple either. The Seven Kingdoms not splitting back into the Seven Kingdoms was bad writing in the first place. This is D&D just continuing the tradition. Is Dany really his beloved? Dany and Jon's relationship was as hasty and forced as anything on this show. We are supposed to believe that they are madly in love due to being together for 2 episodes? Based on what Jon's said and Dany's comments to Sansa. Jon's relationship with Ygritte had about 10000x the meaning and they had great chemistry. I just don't see any at all between Jon and Dany to be honest. We had more seasons of Dany and Daario being together than we had episodes of Dany and Jon. It's not just that he's working on bullshit like that Wild Cards nonsense, he's lied to the fans for years about it. His bullshit deadlines and excuses. It's pathetic. All through the fall of 2015 he said I'll be finished by New Years! It's going on four years later and still not out. My mistake, he's fat lazy lying piece of shit. Thoughts? GRRM is lazy fat piece of shit. And he was before HBO started airing the series. It's much more complicated than that. There are a lot of indications that despite the opposite being believed, Elizabeth did want to marry her whole life if it was about her wishes only, all the way up until the potential French match in the 1570s that she was serious about herself. But other political considerations made it impossible. Parliament and the British people hated the French and the idea of her marrying any Catholic. Like her sister, Henry's constant policy changes and changing alliances kept delaying potential marriage while she was a young woman when most are married. Then of course no way that she was getting married while her sister was Queen since she would insist that Elizabeth marry a Catholic and be sent away. So she's 25 when she takes over and still plenty of people who consider her illegitimate due to Catherine being alive and Henry not being married in the eyes of the Catholic church, so she had to be extremely careful and the right suitor never came along at the right time. It was just too big a risk. One must certainly imagine that besides what happened to her mother, looking at what happened to Mary, Queen of Scots and how she was utterly ruined by the men she chose as her husband's had to play a big role in it. But one can't help but think that in terms of the monarchy, it was terrible for the long-term. Henry would have been furious with her for not marrying. Not 50 years after her death a British King was put to death by Parliament and only 100 years later, the Germans would take over the throne under the conditions that Parliament set and of course they lost more and more power until it was only a ceremonial position. If Dudley's wife had not died the way she did, then it's very possible she would have married him, whatever Cecil and her advisors wanted. An English Protestant wouldn't turn Parliament and the people against her like say an alliance with a foreign Catholic. They could have someone like Sansa end up as Queen If it happens, it will be some bs where Drogon doesn't lay waste to whoever does it because he kinda forgot that he's all alone in the world without Dany. Yeah. I think it's more a message to D&D than anything. 500K already heh. Yeah, but they go to war anyway. They had the same conflicts as if independent Kingdoms. Fealty doesn't mean shit in Westeros. If Tywin doesn't back Joffrey, then he has zero support and no army. Really, the Great House in each Kingdom had more power. They had their own army and their own support base. Most of the Great Houses either rebelled or didn't do shit to help Joffrey or Tommen. And it's like they weren't even expected to. He was ruling in Casterly Rock through Robert's reign. People in KL hated him for sacking the city. It made no sense that he didn't want to be King like his ancestors IMO. Situation was perfect for a split back to what it was. As I've said before, I don't see Jon taking over at this point. He would have to kill Dany and he would never want to rule after that. I doubt it will end up that way, but I always said that after the Targaryens fell, the Seven Kingdoms should have gone back to being independent Kingdoms. They operate that way regardless. The same conflicts and the people in each Kingdom are loyal to their great house and not the throne. Joffrey was King and literally on the Lannisters backed up. He had no support as King. It's a joke. Never made sense that Tywin didn't want to be King like his ancestors after the Mad King fell. Robert didn't give a shit and would have accepted being King in the Stormlands. Would have been easier for all really. Yes. Tommen never had a chance. His mother completely undermined him and made it impossible for him to rule. Ironically, Tywin getting killed is what really fucked everyone over. Tommen ruling with Tywin as his Hand, Margaery by his side helping him and a decent small council with Varys accepting Tommen or at least not helping to undermine him would have been the ideal situation for Westeros. With Tywin controlling Cersei and sending her away to either Casterly Rock or Highgarden, because she did nothing but damage Tommen. Although Varys could never get it through his head that he should try to help the current King and not hope that Dany is better. That's real irony, he protected Dany her whole life and undermined Robert and then the Lannisters and she ended up being the one to kill him and destroy the city.