UncleRuckis's Replies

Lol Tim Scott! That man is a clown who has zero standing in the black community. I wonder who'll play him in the movie, because when he leaves his fake fiance for Lindsay graham, hollywood will definitely adapt that story. There are outliers in any demographic, but you are truly insane if you think a Republican (especially Trump) could possibly get a significant portion of the Black vote! The first four words of this post are seriously contradicted by the rest of it! and to reiterate, no way am I giving 10 grand, let alone 200 to a dead person that zero use or need for money. Based on the few black Trump supporters I know personally and the ones that make a living supporting him(candace Owens types), Biden ain't wrong there. None of these people are invited to the cookout. Prior to 2015, Trump was just another real estate douchebag and the host of a dumbass reality show. While I don't doubt he's always had his awful personality and been a moron, those things were contained to his relatively small sphere of influence, so nobody noticed or cared. Flash forward to 2015's twitter rants, bigoted tirades, and unwavering support from some of the most vile people around, and suddenly we'd seen enough to form the opinion of fuck that guy! I would have thought the nickname of dictator would have gone to the candidate who literally said the words I want to be a dictator! So because Stop Loss was a shitty unfair policy, you want to make sure things stay shitty for other people who had nothing to do with it? Yeah that makes sense! Wont matter in the least to the MAGA crowd. If stating his desire to completely toss the constitution and be a dictator doesn't bother them, something trivial like entitlement cuts certainly wont. Did you even watch the movie? The stepmother was all in for the wedding until the father started acting shady and weird after meeting with the royals, and the queen didn't even know the brides name and was clearly turning her nose up at the family. Only then did she warn her daughter that these people were up to some shit! Or did you just see a black woman in the trailer and rush on over to moviechat to make a post about white privelege? So yes, I stand by my idiot comment! Your an idiot! Not shocking! I actually watched Book II and III of the animated version since I wanted to see where the story went. Also good to, but I'm not sure whats with the hate for the Netflix show. To each his own I suppose. Oh okay, I see you're just a gross troll! Ignored list it is. He literally typed, "raised by two extremely beautiful sexy lesbians", heavily implying that they would be that persons parents or at least parental figures. Even adopted parents are still parents, so again, why would any non-disgusting child be interested in seeing that? There are literally thousands upon thousands of kids sitting in the foster system who'd gladly go to an actual home with loving parents and wouldn't give two shits it they were gay, straight, transgender, whatever. Why would a kid enjoy the sight of their parents(regardless of gender) doing anything sexual??? Also, this is a fantasy world where people hurl fire from their hands and the moon is a princess, so two women producing a baby somehow(avatar sprit magic perhaps) wouldn't be that hard to write into the story. I had never seen the cartoon or this movie, but I watched the 2024 Netflix series and thought it was pretty entertaining, so I decided to watch this movie just to see if it was as bad as they claim. Oh good lord this was awful. M Night is the biggest hack in hollywood and pretty much everything he does is dogshit. This movie was a giant exposition fest with terrible dialog! They have a ghost trapping machine! Anything gets lit on fire and I'm putting his Viking ass in a timeout box for a few decades.