MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why don't people demonize Biden as much ...

Why don't people demonize Biden as much as Trump?

They are both old flawed geezers who gets made fun of for their personality flaws. But why do so many jump the bandwagon on Trump far more than Biden? Trump at least has far more better entertainment value than Biden. Biden has really not gotten much done at all and is clearly just a puppet to exploit, and he's someone who doesn't seem that interested of making an impression.


Biden is the true Demon while Trump is the distraction for all the imbeciles, NPCs and sufferers of TDS.


Where is your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? Why would you claim to have proof that Trump won in 2020 but you refuse to show that proof? You are a total fucktard!


where is your evidence the 2016 election was hijacked?


Who controls most of the media?

If they wanted you to hate Biden, you would. Or least hacks like Colbert would do their best to make you.


Who is "Colbert?" How could he make me hate Biden?


Please do try to keep up with American propaganda.


He doesn't even know who Colbert is? I knew there was no reason to take him seriously.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Another gap in the education of a foreign bot - it's a damn shame.


"Trump at least has far more better entertainment value"
meaning "Trump is a moron who just yells shit he thinks sounds good regardless of relevance , usefulness , or truth"

"Biden has really not gotten much done at all "
true, but if Trump "got stuff done" then his asinine ideas would be detrimental to the USA


Trump is a moron who yells shit you say? I heard an elderly man in Joe Biden yelling at the audience the whole time during that SOTU Address he did a week ago and that's what it sounded like was an old man yelling at people barely coherent..


Because it's basically fake outrage from the Left and Liberals toward Trump because that's the narrative that needs to be followed.. I mean, prior to 2015 and announcing his bid for the Presidency, he got along with everyone alike, celebrities etc, hosted The APPRENTICE for 20 Years along with The Miss Universe Pageant and the moment he decided to run as a Republican, he was turned on and it's silly.. Same thing in how this man ran his business Empire for 45 Years and no one cared how he did until 2024 and now, basically, people have turned their backs on NYC and they will suffer as a result.. The stupid comparisons to Hitler by Millennials & Gen Z unaware of the fact as to how many people Hitler murdered which was 11 Million people, 6 Million of that were Jews and you're going to tell me there's a correlation between that and Trump??


Prior to 2015, Trump was just another real estate douchebag and the host of a dumbass reality show. While I don't doubt he's always had his awful personality and been a moron, those things were contained to his relatively small sphere of influence, so nobody noticed or cared.

Flash forward to 2015's twitter rants, bigoted tirades, and unwavering support from some of the most vile people around, and suddenly we'd seen enough to form the opinion of fuck that guy!


Bigoted tirades?? Interesting and yet, you're Ok with Biden telling someone they're not black if they don't vote for them, right??


Based on the few black Trump supporters I know personally and the ones that make a living supporting him(candace Owens types), Biden ain't wrong there. None of these people are invited to the cookout.


Candace Owens is a very successful and beautiful Black women. I can see why she is hated.

Black conservative women are 100x hotter than White liberal women.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Lampooning both censorius right-wingers and priggish Progressives became hammam back in the early 10s


Censorship is a left-wing/Religion thing. It doesn't apply to the majority of the "right". Yes that's in quotes on purpose.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


A very good question.

The answer, imo, is because the demonization has nothing to do with him being an "old flawed geezer", but with him choosing to speak out for a group that the Elite thought was successfully and permanently marginalized so that they could be a scapegoat forever.

IE, the white working class.

Biden is happy to support policies that benefit others at the cost of the white working class (and middle class) so he does not evoke a strong emotional response from the Elite.

But Trump ruined everything from their perspective.

I don't know if you remember, but if you go back and check articles from before Trump, they were asking questions like, "has the next republican president been born yet"/

They though they had it all locked down. Trump ruined that for them and tehy are mad as hell at him.


Because Trump is an idiot and it's very dangerous when idiot wants to sit in the chair of President of USA just because there are many stupid people who support it.


Because democrats are controlling the narrative.
