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Bidens latest nickname

Whats with the "Dictator Joe" nickname recently ?

Is that related to a certain incident ?
or something he said ?
or some shit Trump pulled out his ass?
or some crackpot Maga conspiracy ?
or is it just a fashion that caught on ?


sadly its not a nickname, its the truth. I have been saying Dictator Joe for a few years now, not sure why you just noticed.

only Dictators would force people to get vaccinated or lose your job. you would have freaked out if Trump had done the same thing. like I have said many times before, dems can do whatever they want and no one will care.


Probably has to do with his:

Jailing of political opponents
Launching of war after war
Control of the media
Purposely creating an impoverished underclass and giving them funds to vote for him
Open corruption not seen in American modern Politics with taking bribes for foreign influence

Just a hunch though. "Dictator" may be a bit strong of a word, but at the very least he is abusing his power and any sane country would've impeached him long ago.


except literally none of that is true is it ?
you probly them as
-Trump charges
-"MSM lies"
- er... ?
- Hunters briefcase containing Marcellus's soul

...but none of things are , like , you know , real things.


-It's not just Trump, though that is a prime example
-Ukraine, Gaza, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Haiti and more! He's by far the most prolific war criminal alive!
-Remember how they censored the 100% story of Hunter's laptop? Big Tech is in league with Biden
-Illegal immigration and welfare programs
-Yep. He took bribes via Hunter Biden

All of these things are real things and you're supporting a corrupt, war criminal, piece of crap who is objectively the worst President since at least the Reconstruction.


He knows all that but he’s in denial and a Euro, so he doesn’t care either way.


I would have thought the nickname of dictator would have gone to the candidate who literally said the words I want to be a dictator!


With the upcoming Civil War movie about to be released in theaters you know it's only a matter of time before Warmongering Biden will want to turn the Military on US Citizens. I could totally see it happening if we see a repeat of The Summer of Love from 2020.


Or like when Trump tear gassed protesters

Signed, million man


Protestors of Biden are those who want to save America.

Protestors of Trump are psychopaths who are trying to destroy America from within.

There's a huge difference.


What protesters?

You mean the 400+ riots. The ones responsible for 20+ deaths, looting and burning down cities?
Those were real insurrectionists.


The photo op where he held the Bible upside down

Signed, million man


That Summer of Love happened when Trump was president. He didn't even lift a finger to help these communities being effected.


As in Dictator Joe who mandated a covid vaccine and dictated that everyone had to take it or face unemployment and the possibility of your livelihood going down the toilet?? Remember that because I sure do?? 🤔


No, no, you remember it all wrong.

No one forced anyone to do anything. It was always a matter of choice.

No one said it would stop you from getting it and it would stop the spread - not one person.

Now stare into the Hypno Toad and believe what you are told:


I like Genocide Joe myself.


That is good.

I also like:
Dumbo Joe
OLD geezer
Asshole Joe

Or any variation of any of the above.


Trump is projecting, again.

Trump already said that he wanted to be dictator on his first day in office and admires dictators like Putin and Kim.


dont forget about Diaper Joe and Dementia Joe.
