UncleRuckis's Replies

Also, this is a fantasy world where people hurl fire from their hands and the moon is a princess, so two women producing a baby somehow(avatar sprit magic perhaps) wouldn't be that hard to write into the story. I had never seen the cartoon or this movie, but I watched the 2024 Netflix series and thought it was pretty entertaining, so I decided to watch this movie just to see if it was as bad as they claim. Oh good lord this was awful. M Night is the biggest hack in hollywood and pretty much everything he does is dogshit. This movie was a giant exposition fest with terrible dialog! They have a ghost trapping machine! Anything gets lit on fire and I'm putting his Viking ass in a timeout box for a few decades. As someone who never saw the series or the M night movie, I watched most of this on a cross country flight and I enjoyed it well enough. They did. It was called Pineapple express! Honestly though, if they remade Friday right now and it was about two white stoners running around a trailer park all day, people(black and white) would probably watch it! I love my kids, but Im not cutting off limbs to get back to them, unless it is the last damn resort! I'll come up with a plan that keeps me intact. Understandable. I mean I get the names of casual business associates wrong all the time too! Lol marvel and DC characters are about as real as any religious figure some assholes conjured up to control the masses and fleece them out of billions. There's hardly a movie or TV show made in the last couple decades on this site that doesn't have some asshole making a thread bitching and moaning about "wokeness"! I think you're fooling yourself if you think the majority of people turn on a show and lose their shit because a character is gay or woman is doing something outside of a kitchen. The pillow slinging crackhead needs to just man up and pay what he owes. I'd hardly call that a sex scene, especially by today's standards. Well anyone who missed out shouldn't feel too bad, since they can get essentially the same ones on Temu for 18 bucks(minus the flag). 1/20th the price and likely the exact same quality(some crap that comes in a Party city costume kit). https://www.temu.com/mens-stylish-golden-color-ankle-skateboard-shoes-with-patent-pu-leather-uppers-mens-anti-skid-lace-up-street-style-footwear-g-601099543306526.html? Aside from the fact that we don't know how much training Apollo was doing prior to Rocky III events, we clearly see him stride for stride with Rocky during their training montage. He was getting plenty out of it even while he was teaching. Besides, Rocky in III was faster and more skilled, but also had less power and would have been using Apollo's skills and tricks. They worked great on Clubber, but would have been much less effective against Apollo himself. Makes total sense Apollo won! That's called being a spokesperson. This would be like Jordan selling shoes with his name and logo, but then indemnifying himself from every aspect of that shoes design, shipping and sale. Probably because it's being stitched together in some Chinese sweatshop. Gotta love the fine print on these! "Trump sneakers are not designed, manufactured, distributed or sold by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any other respective affiliates." This begs the question, then why the hell is he hawking them? Also, there's no refunds and the shoes won't ship until August at the earliest. Even if you removed as much subjectivity as possible and just stuck to cold hard facts, it's damn hard to see him as anything but last. One term president, lost popular vote both times, impeached twice, wouldn't even attend his successors inauguration, and facing numerous charges for jan 6th. How could someone look at that insanity and say someone was somehow worse on paper? "There were a few other ethnics and gooks also" Lol jesus, you are just a miserable person! I almost feel sad for you, because if this movie bothered you, pretty much every piece of media must be hell for you to watch. In any case, your racist ass goes right to the ignore list. "Secondary cast made up of the usual diversity-hires." WTF??? Outside of the daughter FBI agent, I think damn near the entire cast was white guys. You must be confusing him with Obama. Trump played football and baseball, and apparently some soccer. Lol then at least Joe will be selling a product he actually uses. I'd bet a my life savings that Trump has never worn a sneaker a day in his life.