UncleRuckis's Replies

I was thinking the same thing when those two lizards attacked the camp. Did not one of those people think maybe bringing some defensive weapons when exploring an unknown alien planet would be a good idea! Getting pregnant in their situation is beyond careless. You know full well that an infant will almost certainly get your entire family killed, and it isn't like they couldn't acquire some birth control. They clearly can scavenge stores and condoms are both plentiful and extremely low priority for most, so there should be an ample supply. Yeah did you see that small, slightly discolored area on her face. Gross! You do realize that the citizens of Kings Landing aren't sitting around watching Cersei's every move like we are right? Depends on the circumstances. If i'm just myself being dropped into one of these places and need to survive, I'd choose middle earth for sure. Being poor in Westeros is a death sentence. Dude, he nuked a city and brought on the apocalypse. Kid or not, he's long passed redemption and in some ways, more evil than the master. At least the ancient vampire needs the blood and sees humanity as cattle. Zach's only motivation is that he's a teenage prick! I'm not saying your wrong, but why would Cersie give 2 shits about Gendry? He just a speck from flea bottom with a claim that nobody would believe or back. I doubt the Ironbank could find a repo man with balls big enough to walk up to an army of thousands of Unsullied, Dothraki, and 3 dragons and try and stake a claim.