UncleRuckis's Replies

https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing#:~:text=Key%20Findings&text=Specifically%2C%20Black%20males%20received%20sentences,received%20sentences%2010.0%20percent%20shorter. Here's a government study from 2023. - Higher conviction rates - Significantly longer sentences - Much less likely to receive probation Seems like race definitely matters when walking into a courtroom. And OJ was 30 years ago. Without looking, I guarantee those numbers would be even worse back then. He was acquited because he was rich and had damned good lawyers! Only a naïve moron would think being black is a benefit in the US legal system. Lol to be fair, OJ covered his ass by adding If at the beginning of the title. I admit that the things idiots typically bitch about in every movie and show absolutely exist here too. - Main Character is female = woke - brown skin female running a gang of raiders = woke - some of the villains in the first episode were white guys = woke - The main characters brother was a weakling too chickenshit brave the apocalypse = woke - 2nd main character is black = woke (this times 1000 if said black dude hooks up with Ella Purnell) How am I doing so far? I liked it so far. Ella Purnell ismuch less annoying in this compared to Army of the Dead. Walter Goggins is awesome as always. And the Brotherhood guy seems interesting. Not a bad watch at all. Keep in mind, I'm not one of those assholes that see's "wokeness" in every frame of every show, so they might have a different perspective. Say what you will about his post football life choices, but dude had two of the most dominant seasons you will ever see at the running back position. How wild would it be to die, get to heaven, see OJ there, and find out he really didn't do it? Its pretty damned sad that you think Trump, a man who is basically every negative personality trait condensed into human form, is what relates to the common man! Also, your a fool if you think Trump gives two shits about any of his supporters or doesn't look down on them for being easily manipulatable idiots. Two out of the three main characters are men. One of which is Walter Goggins, who's so naturally charismatic that even when he's playing an unapologetic racist, he still my favorite character. So is this show misandrist? Which I don't buy, as we've seen the transporter "malfunction" and make duplicates of people. Or like with Tuvix when it made a new regular sized freak instead of a 350 pound monstrosity. Where that extra mass get transported to? I think it's a big conspiracy to keep people from realizing that they are prestiging themselves every time they get beamed. The powers of the President allow him to make war for 60 days as per the constitution. More importantly, enforcing the rule law is the primary function of the executive branch. So yes, the people absolutely gave him that power when they elected him. That said, war powers wouldn't even apply as the Confederacy was never recognized as a foreign country. Just a very large rabble of traitors that needed to be taken down! The people gave him that power when they elected him and the Constitution gave him the right, so to say washington or Adams didn't intend for that to be a possibility is bullshit! The slave states had engaged in a centuries long campaign of atrocities and human rights violations! Who gives a shit if it might have just eventually gone away on it's own(which doesn't even make sense as they had just committed treason and went to war to ensure that didn't happen). That's cold comfort to people that suffered in a daily hell. If ever there was a war where one side clearly had the moral high ground, it's the Civil war. <blockquote> in the cause of depriving the Southern States of free determination?</blockquote> Free determination to deprive freedom to others you mean! Every person in the Trek universe is already a facsimile since transporters are people copying death machines! Even before the robot body, that was probably the 5000th version of Picard. Meh! Chikotay sucked anyways! Except this part is less theoretical and more no shit! Not arguing the possibility of time travel, but in the Trek world if you change the past, it changes the future(unlike Avengers where you just get a new separate timeline). Therefore If history recorded that she lived her life and died in her own time before Kirk goes back to 86, removing her from the timeline would butterfly effect everything going forward. It's like in the Ray Bradbury book where he times travels to dinosaur times, accidentally steps on a bug, and when he returns the English language is fucked up and a fascist government rules the world. You couldn't possibly know that! For all anyone knows, a child that disappeared back in the 80's would have gone on to cure cancer had they lived their life. Or grew up to be a domestic terrorist that blew up a federal building. Or taken a seat on a plane, forcing someone else to fly the next day and it happened to have been on 9/11. Or just been a taco bell worker that was slow, led to someone important being late and now someone dies. Point is, every persons actions(or lack of actions if you remove them), no matter how small would impact the timeline. There's no may about it. Removing any person is going to effect the hell out of a timeline, especially over the course of 200 years. Even if that person had no meaningful achievements or contributions, just existing effects everything around you. For example: Removing her from 86 means the next day, she wasn't driving to work. Which in turn effects every driver that would have been behind her. Some people arrive sooner, some later, some get in car accidents or now avoid them, etc. This subtly effects everything those people would have done. Maybe the sex they had in the original timeline is altered and now they don't have that baby or a boy is now a girl. Maybe they don't meet the person they were supposed to marry at all or meet someone different. Those people in turn effect other people and it just radiates out from there. That's just one random example (in which there would be a limitless number of examples) from one single day. Those shifts would increase exponentially going from when they removed her. Anybody born say a year after she was removed runs the very real risk of having the circumstances of their conception altered. So yeah, unless she was a hermit who never interacted with the world in any way, her removal has a massive effect. Pretty sure removing a whole ass person who was supposed to have a life in 1986 is going to butterfly effect the hell out of the timeline. Every interaction she was supposed to have, every time she was in traffic, whether she was gonna have kids, all these things would cause huge ripples. He also could have eaten steaks at applebees instead of the stupidly fancy and expensive restaurants he was at, but that wouldn't disqualify him either. he paid what the stamp was worth, then used it for it's intended purpose. had he destroyed the thing, he'd have been in violation. That was indeed clever as hell! If I'm him, I'm buying every rare bottle of alcohol I can find and then drinking with the friends like there's no tomorrow.