UncleRuckis's Replies

Loans where they shamelessly charge people obscenely high interest because they have bad or no credit. Had an fairly young Sailor once show up to work with a car he just bought. Asked him the APR(I'd seen this play out too many times) and it had a whopping 27%. Explained to him how APR works, how it wasn't even legal to charge him that, and convinced him to take it back. 1.I think they were intending for the aliens to pick him up, which they confirm at the end they were going to do if it had worked. After that, it was up to Will to be smart enough to figure something out. 2. The Sophon was the size of a proton, so it could be transmitted at the speed of light. Then something to do with multi-dimensional blah blah blahs allows it to get bigger. 3. The aliens progressed extremely slowly compared to humanity and they were estimating that based on earths current rate of tech, they'd be behind the humans in 400 years and get bitch slapped upon arrival. I'm guessing their slowness for innovation is connected to their inability to understand the concept of fiction, fantasy, and lies. Hard to be creative if you're unable to picture what isn't. She looked like the saddest person on the planet at his inauguration. I doubt she wants any of that again! Michael Jackson. Erase him, and your erasing Usher, Chris Brown, Bruno mars, Justin Timberlake(solo), Neyo, etc... Honestly, it would be harder for someone to recreate Michael, as you'd have to incorparate his dance moves as well or the magic just wont be there. Do you live in a universe where Amazon doesn't exist? Because I'm guessing you could find 20 of those with one google search right now and have it same day in some cases. There's no need to fact check when something already reinforces your pre-conceived bias'. I don't think that was the same virus. Yeah I have a 6 and 7 year old and while they liked it, there were definitely a few moments that freaked them out(like the library ghost scene). I often forgot it's a different era and the things that didn't bother me as a desensitized 6 year old would scare the hell out of kids today. Even if that were true(I seriously doubt it) there's no way in hell any of that would be admissible as evidence! Pretty sure he hated Trump long before he left the Daily show! Couple things here. A. El Chapo was a drug kingpin who built dirty money, whereas Diddy ran a legitimate record lable and clothing line. Whatever shady shit he did in his free time doesnt change the fact that he got very rich through perfectly legal means. B. El Chapo's money may have been dirty, but he did still earn it by selling a product and running a business(a cartel no less). Now if your argument is that they don't deserve the money for being scumbags, you're welcome to your opinion, but in both of those cases, they did earn it(legally in Diddy's case), so what they deserve to have is up for debate. How is his money undeserved? He's been a major producer for three decades, dealt with a ton of major artist, and built a fortune. I don't even like him, but he earned his money. It's not like he was born into it. The Pentagon is the largest office building in the country. Thousands and thousands of people work there everyday, and were there the day the plane absolutely crashed into it. Being in the military, I've known four who were there at the time. Only an idiot would think all these people are lying. Constitutional rights have always applied to illegals! Don't see why the 2nd amendment should be an exception. Like he punches through his ribcage, tears out a rib, then stabs him in the throat with it. Go straight up Mortal Kombat with it. How fast did the Tesla sink? She didn't have time to open the door? It's still early, but seems like she's doing Remmy dirty! And for a guy who's like 40 years older than her too! Nah! Episode 1 was fairly heavy on the exposition, so you could probably dive right in. That said, you'd be missing out on a ton of great episodes and backstory if you never watched the old ones. Wow! Just a who's who of pathetic! I see a rapist, two lunatics, three men who made a career of taking blows to the head, three scam artist, a couple people I've never even heard of, and a huge moron(Denard). Jim Brown was the only non-awful person in that bunch, and he definitely raised many an eyebrow sitting with that nutjob anti-semite Kanye in Trump tower! Now compare this 17(which includes two dead people) to the thousands that straight up despise the man and tell me again how Black people are just lining up to support him! Agreed! I don't know the details of this Transgender woman(nor do I care), so I can't really make a snap judgement if this person should have been in the locker room or not. I do know that there really is no good scenario where a person is snapping pictures of people in a locker room and still comes out of it looking like the good guy!