UncleRuckis's Replies

Wow! An entire article written by someone who didn't understand the time travel in this movie not one bit. Did they take their bathroom breaks when Hulk explicitly explained how it works or something? I thought he was just insecure after taking his first beatdown. It seemed pretty straight forward to me. He's exactly like Ned, and we've known since season 1 how much of a dumbass Ned was. If you really think about it, all the wars, death, and miserys that have happened are pretty much the result of Ned Stark being honorable to a fault. So not only did he not contribute anything helpful in the last two seasons, but he's also(possibly) the reason the White Walkers can even go south? Bran is just the Grand Central station of being useless! I thought the Wall was magic and prevented the Walkers from doing shit like that? I think without that Ice Dragon, it would have just been a hundred thousand dead men beating on a giant Ice wall that they could never pass or destroy. "They do have a king now who knows everything. It might be hard to attack a king who already knows what you’re doing when you start planning the attack so he can stop you with a small skirmish before you can start an actual war." I don't think Bran knows everything, so much as he has access to that information if he goes looking. If he knew everything, he wouldn't have needed Sam to tell him that Rahegar and Lyanna were married. Also I feel like you are giving Bran way too much war usefulness, seeing as how he did fuck all to help the north. -He didn't warn Dany not to send her dragon -He didn't warn anyone at East watch that the wall would be coming down -He didn't warn the Umbers that the Night King would murder them all -He, who knows the Night king and his powers better than anyone, didn't warn them that the Crypts were worst place to hide -He didn't warn Dany that she would lose a 2nd dragon and a good portion of her fleet. There's lots more, but you get the idea here. "Of course, King’s Landing has no functional army at this point, but the same holds (probably) true for all the other Kingdoms. So they can’t attack NOW" Who said they should attack Kings Landing? I said they would be stupid not to declare independence and rule their own kingdoms. You don't need to attack for that. KingsLanding(and by extension the crown) is penniless, in ruins, and as you said has no army, so what incentive would the Vale or Dorne have for continuing to be a Vassal state? Tully easily! Edmure may be an incompetent, but at least he's a functional person. Lysa turned her kid into the most useless human being in Westeros. "She barely did anything." Neither did Bran. Especially in the last two seasons. Yes, they all had their problems with the Lannisters, but that isn't why I find that "election" laughable, nor why I think it won't last long. The one thing that eight seasons of GOT has taught us, is that the lords of westeros are mostly power hungry cunts! Almost all the ones we see in the series were cunts, the ones who came before were cunts, and guaranteed, the ones who come after will also be cunts! And that definitely includes the current lords of the vale, Dorne, and the Iron islands. So the idea that these people would set aside their innate crappiness and not snatch power when it's ripe for the picking is just silly. This little system that Tyrion set up will almost definitely lead to war. You don't? Dorne- Always had a shaky relationship with the crown(which completely went to hell when Oberyn died). Vale- conspired against the crown and pretty much told them to fuck off for the entirety of the series. Riverun - Allied with the north almost immediately and pretty much stayed that way Highgarden - betrayed the crown as soon as it suited them. Iron islands - no need to elaborate here. My point is, each of the seven kingdoms were pretty damned quick to jump ship as soon as it was safe to do so or was more advantageous. There is no good reason why any of those kingdoms should willingly cede power to Kingslanding without any incentive or consequences. Exactly. Kidnap a kid, remove a few parts, put him through hellish training that makes him barely human and boom, the Unsullied reproductive cycle is complete. Cersei for sure. None of the others had a better villain moment that even comes close to topping her blowing up the Sept of Baelor! He's also a kingslayer(at least they believe he is), kinslayer/handslayer, hand of the queen to the crazy bitch that roasted hundreds of thousands, and somehow still got pardoned and once again became Hand of the king. None of that was worth a footnote? During the whole first season, half of Roberts and Ned's conversations was about how hard it was to keep the seven kingdoms together. And that was with an actual army to enforce things. No way the Greyjoys and Dorne don't take this most opportune time to just go. The better question is how did not one of the minor lords(there are tons of them) take this golden opportunity to move into a very empty and very seizable highgarden. There was nobody in power to stop them, yet there wasn't one opportunistic house? It's like they just stopped playing the game of Thrones after 70 something episodes. The idea that Steve has been Peggys husband this entire time is completely obliterated by the Agent Carter TV show, which is still cannon. That show was set years after the war and starred a Peggy who still clearly missed Steve. Were talking about a man who wasn't willing to kill a robot man(and vision was cool with it) to save half the lives in the universe because "we don't trade lives". There is no way in hell, after 10 years of the man being as honorable as they come, that he would just say fuck em and let innocent people die! Regardless of the circumstances. I think it was poor writing that the North were the only ones to bounce. The grey joys definitely would have told them all to fuck off and gone solo. Dorne was barely with the seven kingdoms even before all this and probably has no love for any of them. With Kingslanding in ruins and the royal army non-existent, there will never be a better time to declare independence, yet they all remain silent? Just more shitty writing. They don't need to be good inland. If Yara declares indepence, they can raid coastal towns and villages to their hearts content. If anybody wanted to stop them, they'd have to cobble whatever tiny army remains and attempt to face them on the water. Considering the Iron Islanders have rebelled twice in the last 15 years or so(which Yara supported), it's kinda of insane that they would stick around now. "Oh, wait, fuck. I can be the sovereign? That's, like, an option now?" Honestly, I was dumbfounded that Yara didn't do exactly that. She only swore the Ironborne wouldn't reave and raid to Dany. Well Dany is dead and there isn't another Navy in the six(or five when she bounces) kingdoms who could stop her from declaring herself queen and going right back to being Ironborne. Such a bullshit finale! Agreed, but then in the very next episode, she had thousands of them and unsullied. Fuckers must reproduce like Gremlins. In any case, the writers established they were there, so they need to do something with them.