UncleRuckis's Replies

Are you really going to doubt the creative prowess of the man who invented the arc reactor IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!!! It's not that much of a stretch to believe that if someone handed him all of the puzzle pieces for time travel, that he could put them together in a weekend. If you listen to the technobable he was saying while designing it, he specially designed the electric web shooters so he could take down those drones. Could be that the Iron Spider suit wasn't equipped correctly. I never understood the weird love everyone has for Spider-man 2. I thought it was worse than 3. Do we really need to see Uncle Ben die yet again? I'm thrilled they skipped that for once. Especially after his idiotic death in ASM where he decided play hero and tackle a fleeing gun-wielding thief over a couple hundred bucks. He deserved that bullet. Looked like the dad from 28 Weeks later. The one that left his idiot wife to die and outran a horde of zombies. Hot Tub Time Machine Honestly, the list of post snap horrors just goes on and on. I wonder how many people were in the middle of surgery, when they got snapped away, and then re-appeared in the hospital with an open torso and possibly missing an organ. Better hope that anesthesia snapped along with him. Or the poor mother that returns to finds that her infant who wasn't snapped, was locked in an apartment alone and suffered a grim fate. Or a dad who was snapped away while driving on the highway, got returned safely, but finds out that his car which had his family in it went straight into an 18 wheeler when no one was behind the wheel. That sounds like torture! Literally! Like a hardcore Marvel fan goes to actual hell, and the devil sentences him to an ironic torture like watching the same movie over and over until he goes batshit insane. Being wealthy as a child doesn't automatically make your life better and it sure as hell doesn't make you a better person. Most would make the argument that entitlement throughout ones life will produce a shitty adult. He was clearly an entitled prick at the beginning of the movie and was a much better human being by the end, so if anything, his dad saved his life. Nothing pisses off a troll more than when nobody takes the bait. They probably mostly just become Martha's, with a select few devout ones(nutjobs) becoming new Aunt Lydias'. As awkward as this was, I laughed my ass off when he said "I fucked a polar bear". I thought it was good. It was no USS Calister, but it wasn't bad either. Truth! If I learned anything from the Wire, it's that no matter if you are innocent or guilty, the only word out of your mouth when the cops ask you a question is lawyer. Damn I didn't even think of that(apparently neither did the cops). According to wikipedia, he committed at least three other rapes the around the same time as the central park attack, so they definitely had his DNA in an evidence lab somewhere, yet they never matched it. That is nuts. You'd think that would be one of the first steps in the investigative process. Just wait until you get to the fourth part, which is mostly about the only boy(emphasis on the boy) that got sent to Rikers island. It is heartbreaking! "He committed murder. He's a would-be king who's a queenslayer. No-one would want him to rule over them." The story they told everyone just as easily could have been, he killed his aunt for trying to usurp his rightful throne. Besides, rightful claims and treason are really just a matter of whose in power. Oh cry me a fucking river with that plight of the white man bullshit! You get sick of movies where black people are victimized by the justice system? Well we are sick of it happening in reality. It is tale that is literally as old as this country and still happens today. I'm not saying african americans are saints or that there aren't plenty of guilty black people rightfully in prisons, but the justice system is still racist as hell. Unequal sentencing, a parole system designed for recidivism, and police who can kill with zero justifications are still very much happening today. Hell the white equivalent of this story would be a Brock Turner movie, where eye witnesses saw him raping a girl, he admitted it, and only got 6 months probation because "prison would severely impact his life". The sad thing is Trump is only briefly discussed in the first 30 minutes or so. The rest of the episodes are really powerful. Especially the last one. What that kid went thru was pure hell! You do realize they used the actual original clips of Trump saying all those things right? Things he still stands by to this day. If Trump is being bashed, it's his own past doing the bashing.