UncleRuckis's Replies

He was also the last member of a major family of Westeros Given the choice between a relatively quick death of a falling rock to the head and surviving in there just to get introduced to Drogon when they find you the next morning, I'll take the rock thank you. The Hulk flat out describes why your wrong. He straight up says, if you travel into the past, that past is now your future. You can't backdoor your way into some pre-destination paradox. The moment you step into the past even for a milisecond, it's a new branch. Your very presence there is a change. "The MCU never showed a scenario where a second Cap could not have been living in the universe." Yes they absolutely have. Assuming that the woman old man Cap was married to was peggy, there is no way this occurred in the main timeline. We know Peggy was married to some other guy(Winter soldier), we know she was always sad about Steve dying(from that interview), and we know she was devastated for Steve to have missed out on his entire life when he sat by her bedside. So unless she has been lying for 70 years and decided to really ham it up for young steve and managed to hide him from even her own family(Sharon would have met him), there is no way that Cap has been her husband this entire time. "The idea of him living out a "secret" life in the "main" timeline flies in the face of everything established about time travel in the rest of the movie." Not just this movie. It would fly in the face of Winter Soldier, Civil War, and that Agent Carter show assuming it was cannon. Don't get me wrong. I loved the movie the way it is, but that's kind of a large plot hole. "They return the stones because without those stones those timelines would be chaos (according to the Ancient One). And yes, those timelines would definitely have different futures." That's actually my point though. The simple act of going back in time, altering events, and borrowing the stones is already going to spin those realities into an entirely different timeline and events will play out differently. Therefore, why even bother with the damned time heist? You may as well just go back in time, explain the situation to your past selves, and borrow the stones. Honestly, you'd be doing them a favor by telling them about the shittier situations they will face in the future. If anything, Cap screwed over his past self by making Hydra think he knows about them and making him a major threat. Stealing the stones covertly served no purpose. "And the answers to your questions of why Cap would not do all that stuff after traveling back in time is because he already knows he doesn't need to. He has information from the future. He knows that all he has to do is live a quiet life with Peggy Carter and all will be well. " No. He only knows that all was well in the original timeline that he lived through. The moment he went back to the 40's, he started a new branch which will deviate a lot from the original timeline. Even if he only takes Peggy and goes to live a quiet life, that would be more than enough to Butterfly effect the hell out of the timeline, especially since Peggy was a founding member of shield and was likely involved in many key moments. I don't think the traveler has to return to the specific platform he departed from. I mean clearly, they can punch any time, date, and coordinates and go straight there without needing a landing pad. They did this everytime they jumped to the past. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to do that when returning home. "There could effectively be an infinite number of parallel universes so why give two hoots as to how the lifes of anyone plays out in this particular branch" That makes complete sense if were talking about an episode of Rick and Morty, but this is Captain America. And while I wouldn't expect him to hop from universe to universe beating up bad guys, he sure as hell isn't going to kick back and sip a martini knowing full well that Hydra will be killing Howard, JFK, and god knows how many others. Good question. Also does he save Buckey and root out Hydra? No way Steve will just play house with Peggy while Hydra murders people for the next 70 years. This has the makings of an entirely different movie. Fun fact: An average of 8 million people fly everyday. Since it was midday when the Thanos battle went down, lets be conservative and say only half a million of those people were in the air during the snap. That means when they were brought back 5 years later, 250,000 or so poor bastards will re-appear thousands of feet in the air. And that is just on earth. Ellaria Sand has been chained up in a well light dungeon for months doing nothing but staring at her daughters rotting corpse. She probably welcomed being crushed beneath the red keep. From a purely strategic standpoint, the common people(and even the few remaining noble families) hating her doesn't mean a damn thing. She has the last standing army and both the Unsullied and Dothraki follow her alone. Killing Jon wouldn't change that. Even without the dragon, nobody could stand up against her at this point. They'd all bend the knee in a second before being roasted alive. Now obviously it won't be that straight forward since story telling and plot armor will come into play, but her winning would be a very GOT way to end things. You say that like this is some happy by the numbers show where everything works out in the end. She very well could end up sitting on that throne in the end(a metaphorical throne since she destroyed the real one). She has the only army left, a big ass dragon, and zero problem with using either one to kill. I'd say it's even odds between her and Jon in the end. If a complete stranger took a bullet for me, I'd absolutely attend his funeral. Stark sacrificed himself to kill Thanos and saved everyone. In the last 11 years, Stark has built a few AI's, a nano-tech suit, created a new element, solved time travel, and built the original Iron Man suit IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS! As Stane put it. Having him be able to crank out a glove capable of wielding the stones makes sense. I don't think Steve was her unseen husband. As they said repeatedly, changing the past doesn't change the future. By the movies own rules, the only explanation is that steve lived his life in that alternate timeline, and for whatever reason, waited until he was an old man to come back to his original reality and pass on his shield to Sam. It's not like you have to rush when you have a time machine. The movie flat out tells you that he used the stones to destroy the stones. There is nothing to suggest that Thanos was mistaken or that they could have scooped up some Infinity stone dust and fix them. They were gone! Thanos had already told them what happened to the stones. There was no reason to keep him alive at that point.