UncleRuckis's Replies

When he made that remark about the poor not working as hard as him, I instantly hated him. They basically portrayed him as the typical rich guy who was born on 3rd base, but acts like he hit a triple. LOL 85% of elected officials, law enforcement, CEO's, and journalist are white males. In what world is that oppression? You're just unhappy that you live in a US where white males only have most of the power instead of all of it. Why would you skip it? A society scapegoating and oppresing a minority segment of it's populace is nothing new(it's actually old as hell), nor is it isolated to the US. Why do conservatives even have TV's, when you (allegedly) skip the majority of the content due to your thin skins. Don't forget about those blind screaming fish! Look at Slavery in the US. Slaves were born into that life and very indoctrinated by the slavemasters, yet many would still risk all to head north just for the slim chance to be free, despite often not really knowing exactly which way North was or what would happen if they made it. Exactly. Hell the 4th Purge movie is literally about the govt sending in hit squads to exterminate poor brown and black people. I don't remember a single person kicking up a fuss over that movie. " In the final action scene where it goes from night, to a sunny day, to a stormy day within the space of a few minutes. " Sounds like someones never been to the south pacific. Fast weather changes happen regularly. Now a man being able to jump from the 30th floor of a building, smashing through a thick plate glass ceiling, and landing on a car without ending up a bloody mess is far more unbelievable. How are Conservatives a specific group of people, but poor people aren't? The Purge is literally about hunting poor people. Especially the 4th one. "Imagine for a moment a movie about hunting liberals. Or blacks. Or Jews." You mean Surviving The Game, or The Purge, or like 100 other movies with this premise. I think conservatives are reading way too much into the plot of this flick. Especially considering the ones being hunted are clearly the Protagonist. I looked it up online. That shit is disgustingly real as hell! In the last movie, they took on nuclear subs and a hacker who could cause havoc on a global scale. At this point, a low level drug kingpin is below their paygrade. Yeah I like the Lobo that has popped up in DC animated shows, but this Lobo is just awful and irritating. Yeah it made no sense. Right from the jump, their primary concern seemed to be getting back to their families, rather than actually completing this extremely important mission. Then, because the Captain makes the rational safe choice, they mutiny at the drop of a hat. Just who the hell made these people astronauts? As others have stated, White is just a contrarian. If a movie is great, he hates it. If a movie was a god awful waste of an hour and a half, White will give it 10 stars(on a 5 star scale). It's more than enough description to stick this movie in the appropriate genre. And I'm not even saying the movie is bad, I'm just saying it isn't original at all. It's like me claiming that my script about two cops with conflicting personalities forced to work together is a fresh original idea and not clearly a buddy cop movie. Should have had the last shot be the biggest of the Gators leaping out of the water and bringing down the rescue helicopter. How is this different? It's your standard thriller where you put people in a scary setting, add a scary creature or element, mix them together and crap out a summer flick. Hurricane+Aligators=Crawl Underwater lab+Sharks=Deep Blue sea Plane+Snakes=Snakes on a Plane Jungle+Dinosaur=Jurassic Park Liam Neeson+wolves=The Grey Lake+stupid people+Piranha=Piranha I could probably do this all damn day. Also, did Tony leave Peter with a good chunk of cash too? Because leaving him with the full time job of managing a massive defensive network, while also having to struggle to pay rent seems like a dick move. Humans are 70% water. A human could spit them to death. We are basically their version of a xenomorph. The water thing could be forgiven if the damned aliens weren't also naked. Managed to invent intergalactic travel but somehow didn't invent pants? Humanity figured out covering ourselves was a pretty effective form of protection from the environment on day one as a species. This movie was so stupid! Luckily, he spends a good portion of his time in Florida golfing, so if some zombie stuff did occur, there's a good chance he dies with the rest of us.