MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Interesting. This site says Missandei g...

Interesting. This site says Missandei got $100 K per episode, while

Bran only got 10K, and so did Sam and Theon. I wonder why she got so much? She barely did anything. The other characters I mentioned were far more important. Her only moment of real significance was her death. Any attractive actress could have done as good a job.


"She barely did anything."

Neither did Bran. Especially in the last two seasons.


She got her head chopped off bro.

Also she is in Fast and Furious movies, she can ask for more than other actors can.


Yes, if you're a little bit more well known it can make a big difference in your pay.


My idea was that she looks smashing and thus deservers $100K. Didn’t know she was in F&F, never was interested in that stuff. However now…



She has a deal for at least 1 more. Same thing is happening to Danai in TWD. Because she was in Black Panther and probably in the next one.


Well, hopefully those actors can find higher paying roles now that the show is over.


She had a better negotiator


Funny to think she started off in Hollyoaks. I bet some of those other actors who were less paid had more theatrical backgrounds.

She must have an excellent agent.
