MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jon “Honest to a Fault” Snow

Jon “Honest to a Fault” Snow

No one saw him kill Daenarys. They may have seen Drogon flying off with her limp body. Then they saw the melted throne and the pool of blood. Jon could have concocted up any number of cover stories...

- Daenarys fainted when Drogon melted the throne. She fell, hit her head on some rubble. Drogon grabbed her and flew away.

- Daenarys got hit with some crumbling bricks and bled out. Drogon grabbed her before Jon could save her and flew away

- Drogon would have killed Jon if he harmed Daenarys. He didn’t therefore Jon is innocent.

WTF, Jon must have confessed.


He's exactly like Ned, and we've known since season 1 how much of a dumbass Ned was. If you really think about it, all the wars, death, and miserys that have happened are pretty much the result of Ned Stark being honorable to a fault.


That bothered me a lot too. No one was there to see what happened.

Jon confessed to avoid potential mass bloodshed by the Unsullied and Dothraki as they tried to find Daenarys. He didn't care about his own life anymore.
