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TMC-4's Replies

Oliver Harper is probably the one notable exception of somebody who actually preferred Robin Curtis as Saavik: [url][/url] (go to the 25:05 mark) Why did they have to bring the Saavik character back if they weren't able to get Kirstie Alley again? I don't understand why they couldn't simply have Robin Curtis as another Vulcan Starfleet officer (kind of like Kim Cattrall in Star Trek VI). Considering that The Search for Spock is supposed to take place immediately after The Wrath of Khan, having two different people play the same person in back-to-back movies, just throws a monkey wrench in the continuity. [url][/url] Had they exercised Batgirl from the plot entirely and beefed up Julie's role in the movie, then maybe I could've seen more justification for her character being in the movie. As it is, Julie's inclusion just feels like fan service for die hard fans, given that she was actually Bruce Wayne's first significant love interest in the comics. [url][/url] [b]Don’t Forget That Joel Schumacher Briefly Saved Batman[/b] [url][/url] [quote]“Batman Forever,” on the other hand, opened its arms to that influence. The screenplay — credited to Lee Batchler, Janet Scott Batchler, and Akiva Goldsman — is gleefully goofy, filled with corny one-liners and leering double entendres. Schumacher and his cinematographer, Stephen Goldblatt (nominated for an Oscar, one of the film’s three nominations), cram their Dutch-angled frames with candy-coated colors, neon lights and billowing dry ice, while Elliot Goldenthal’s musical score takes the orchestral pomposity of Danny Elfman’s earlier “Batman” themes and cranks it up to 11. The performers similarly go for the gusto: Jim Carrey is at his most unhinged (no small achievement), Tommy Lee Jones chews scenery like it’s his first meal in weeks, and Nicole Kidman vamps it up like the daughter Dietrich didn’t know she had. Reviews were more mixed for “Forever” — our critic called it, ironically enough, “the empty-calorie equivalent of a Happy Meal” — but audiences were ecstatic. It out-grossed “Batman Returns” both domestically and internationally, and Warner Bros. quickly signed Schumacher for another installment. Alas, he fell into something of the same trap as Burton; taxed with reprising a mega-success, he leaned so far into his stylistic flourishes that he alienated a mass audience. “Batman & Robin” has acquired a reputation as one of the worst blockbusters of all time, and it’s not entirely unearned. Sloppy, overcooked and painfully unfunny, it feels like exactly what it was: a filmed deal.[/quote] I wonder of people like Rebecca Metz feel about this: [url][/url] I was watching this video on YouTube of Sir Alec Guinness on Late Night with David Letterman back in 1986 and he was upfront that when George Lucas approached him for Star Wars he didn't think that the dialogue was very good. I like to believe that some actors like Guinness, actually had the charisma and gravitas to make Lucas corny dialogue "work" than maybe less experienced/seasoned actors. [url][/url] Keep in mind that this was just right off the heels of Kilmer's stint as Batman, which was of course, the big summer blockbuster of 1995. Wes Craven was apparently, very close to directing Superman IV but he didn't get the job because of creative differences between him and Christopher Reeve. I also simply believe that Michael Keaton walked away from Batman out of loyalty/allegiance to Tim Burton and simply because he didn't want to do it anymore. I suppose besides the fear of playing second fiddle to the villains again, there's always the worry about being pigeonholed/typecast/tied down as a superhero character. Keep in mind that this was still years before, the MCU was a thing, and it's no big deal for Robert Downey Jr. to play Tony Stark at least ten times on screen. Apparently, Michael Keaton (and I don't know if he feels this way today) had an adverse feeling towards sequels anyway because of the concern that he would have to figure out how to play the character differently (even though it's the same character, it's a different story if that makes sense). Plus, it isn't like he needed the money (even though he did turn down a reported $15 million payday to come back as Bruce Wayne for a third time). Given Carrie's history with substance abuse, mental illness, and heavy cigarette smoking, her early demise really isn't that surprising when you really think about it. More information on Notre Dame football on the old DuMont network: Onward to Victory: The Creation of Modern College Sports [url][/url], Mr. Notre Dame: The Life and Legend of Edward Moose Krause, Season of Saturdays: A History of College Football in 14 Games [url][/url], CFB150 – TV Turns College Football Into a National Phenomenon [url][/url], WBKB Part II - Chicago Television [url][/url], The Impact of Television on Georgia, 1948-1952 [url][/url] I don't know if this is a good enough of an argument but I wonder if Anton Yelchin's untimely death shortly before Beyond's release played at least a small factor in it underperforming. What I mean is that having a recently deceased actor apart of your major movie is inevitably going to make it challenging from a marketing perspective. I immediately think of what happened with Poltergeist III, which came out shortly after Heather O'Rourke's untimely passing at such a young age. Then again, you on the contrary, have Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight and Brandon Lee in The Crow, which arguably wouldn't have done as huge of numbers at the box office, if it weren't for the morbid curiosity and intrigue behind seeing one of their final performances. And as unfortunate and tragic as Yelchin's passing was, Chekov wasn't as "vital" to the Kelvin movies as say, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, or Karl Urban (the "Big 3" of the classic Star Trek series) were. Rachael Leigh Cook joins She's All That gender-swapped remake — but not as Laney Boggs [url][/url] The problem Clueless fans have about Cher and Josh isn't what you think [url][/url] [quote]Okay, let's get the obvious out of the way: yes, Cher and Josh are step-siblings, which makes their romance weird enough. And, yes, despite context clues suggesting that they didn't actually live together for a very long time, they still act like they are brother and sister. Cher makes fun of Josh's flannel, Josh mocks Cher for watching cartoons — the bicker, joke, and do all the things real life siblings do. No, Cher and Josh are not related by blood, but it is still uncomfortable. And yet, let's face it — in a post Game of Thrones, Jaime-and-Cersei-Lannister-making-babies-together world, we've all gotten a little weirdly used to incest in fiction. Heck, Supernatural fans even had a term for their fanfiction where the Winchester brothers hook up, that being "Wincest." We live in strange times. What's even more disturbing, though, is the seeming age gap between Cher and Josh. Josh does make mention of his interest in Environmental Law, and as Reddit user hlierman22 pointed out, "does that make him still in undergrad or is he attending law school already?"  If Josh had only just started his undergraduate program and is merely discussing his future plans, it's possible he is only 18. On the other hand, if he's talking about his graduate program, he could be 22 or 23 years old. If Josh is 19 and Cher is 16, then that would technically be legal, but we're truly skating a fine line of weird that, even all these years later, Clueless fans are still squicked out by.[/quote] [url][/url] One crazy thing I know I won’t see again is this permanent A list rapper hot boxing in a room with this Academy Award winning actor who was with his Academy Award winning actress significant other forever. It was a crazy scene. [i]Year: 1995 Host: Dennis Miller A list singer: Courtney Love ("Hole") Former A list boy bander/wife: Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston Former A+ list athlete: Mike Tyson "Crafty" A- list singer/group: Natalie Merchant/"10,000 Maniacs" A list celebrity/world leader: Dennis Rodman/North Korea’s Kim Jong-un A list mostly movie actor: George Clooney A list rapper: Notorious B.I.G. Academy Award winning actor: Tim Robbins Academy Award winning significant other: Susan Sarandon[/i] [url][/url] [b]322. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/28 **#17**[/b] [url][/url] Back In The Day VMA Show: I don’t know if this VMA show from back in the day was the most crazy, but it was right up there. It was the mid 90’s. The show was actually something people still wanted to attend and was an event. The host this particular year was an a-hole. Hell, he is still an a-hole. He kept talking crap about everyone at the show. Acted like he was better than everyone and practically said as much during rehearsals. He just wanted a check and an audience to get him more attendance at his stand up shows. I remember this at the time A list singer who has always had issues with drugs was doing lines of coke and smoking crack with this former A list boy bander who was there with his wife. Where was his wife? Well, if you ask this former A+ list athlete who still has A+ list name recognition, he will say he was having sex with her in her dressing room. He says they always did when they saw each other and that her husband just got out of the way. Oh, I just remembered something I had not thought about in awhile. There was this at the time A- list singer who had split from a group. She was so "crafty," she refused to speak during rehearsal. She just sipped tea and nodded. The thing is she wasn’t resting her voice. She wanted the producers to think she was because she thought it made her look arty or what not, but she talked before and after rehearsal. I hate that kind of thing. She had a big group album and one big solo album and nada for a couple of decades now. This A list celebrity who seems to enjoy the confidence of a world leader threw up all over the shoes of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and started on television. Why Mace Coronel Left The Cast Of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn [quote][url][/url] According to Deadline, a spokesperson for Nickelodeon stated the actor and network had “mutually parted ways” and that Mace Coronel leaving the Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn cast was “a mutual decision.” Coronel’s Instagram post suggested the same, stating it was a “mutual agreement” and that he was looking to take on “serious and more diverse projects” while assuring Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn fans the show would continue without him. However, Deadline also reported there were rumors of tension and personality conflicts between the show’s young cast members although neither Nickelodeon, Coronel nor any of his co-stars have ever addressed those rumors.[/quote] [url][/url] [b]129. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/13 **3**[/b] [url][/url] Here is the thing. I'm glad the A/A- list singer/crap director (Sia) spoke out about the A list actor (Shia LaBeouf). It needed to be done. Did she mention the underage actress (Maddie Ziegler) she put the actor in a position to groom? No. Plus, all the articles, including the ones today about the singer only talk about sex and abuse which is great for calling the actor out, but will only put a dent in his career. None of the articles mention the biggest allegation in the complaint which is the actor driving through through the streets of Los Angeles shooting and killing whatever dogs he could find, so he could get into character. That would destroy his career, but the media doesn't want to do that because they might need something from him or his team in the future. [i]Sia/Shia LaBeouf/Maddie Ziegler (Sia Calls Shia LaBeouf a 'Pathological Liar,' Claims He 'Conned' Her Into 'Adulterous Relationship') (Maddie Ziegler Looks Back on Sia’s Controversial ‘Elastic Heart’ Video With Shia LaBeouf) ('HORRIFIC' Shia LaBeouf bragged about ‘shooting and killing stray dogs’ while preparing for film role, ex FKA Twigs claims in suit)[/i] Rene Russo always to me, looked like a more mature, taller version of Drew Barrymore. [url][/url] [url][/url] Somebody on Instagram suggested that if Disney+ ever did a Frigga (Thor's mom) prequel show, they could get Amanda Seyfried: [url][/url]