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TMC-4's Replies

Captain Gene in The Other Guys was one of Michael Keaton's best characters [url]ttps://[/url] [b][url][/url][/b] [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote][url][/url] Music Television has been up and running for about 40 years now; for a long time now, every time I pass up the channel, all I see running on the channel, is just Ridiculousness. I have been wondering if the channel has just basically gone out of business and someone just left it running with just reruns of Ridiculousness. It seems that MTV has become an abandoned channel that just was kept running just for the hell of it. It's been seeming to be going on for years now that Rob Dyrdek has filled up every single slot of MTV. Only here and there, I see movies going on. But it seems MTV has just run out of ideas and/or shows to, well, SHOW. What happened to MTV? What's caused them to just be showing nothing but Ridiculousness 24/7?[/quote] [b]While You Were Sleeping would be deemed extremely predatory if the roles were reversed[/b] [quote][url][/url] Anyway, let's play along with the original idea of the script. A lonely ticket man spots a woman getting on the train every day, and despite never saying a word to her decides he's in love with her. Kind of creepy already. After she is mugged and pushed onto the tracks, he gets the one-in-a-life time chance to be her knight in shining armor and saves her. Only problem is, she's in a coma. At the hospital, he watches her comatose body, which that image alone would have so many people riled up. On top of that, he inadvertently lies to the nurse and the woman's family that he is engaged to her. Put a pin in that for later. This lie escalates to the point where he gets invited into the family home, and later gets into her apartment. At that point, this is a horror movie about a stalker infiltrating a woman's life while she is unconscious. It's interesting to think about how the film would had been received if Peter Gallagher had saved Sandra Bullock from the train. I suppose we do get a bit of an idea of that original concept with Joe Jr., Lucy's sleezy neighbor who, like Lucy, lies about dating someone who has absolutely no interest in him. True, Joe Jr. comes off as a lot more creepy, but how is that any different from what Lucy is doing? In the original concept for the script, would a female version of Joe Jr. been perfectly in her right to try and force a relationship with her neighbor?[/quote] [b]How come Sarah Michelle Gellar was so amazing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but is rather mediocre pretty much everywhere else?[/b] [quote][url][/url] Because at her core, Gellar has always been a television actor, not a film nor a stage thespian. She came up through the ranks on television shows (specifically soap operas) which aren’t known for generating skilled actors like a RADA or a LAMDA. She was able to perform her earlier roles and then she won the audition for Buffy The Vampire Slayer. While she made films during her hiatuses, none of them (except Cruel Intentions) strained her skill sets. Gellar was glad that she was able to get work and so she really didn’t perform the theater and indie film work that might have made her a better actor. Why she was so amazing in Buffy was that the show was written well and she was able to liven up her performances to meet the needs of the script. When the show had a bad script, however, you’ll notice that Gellar’s acting dropped off accordingly. She was never able to become consistent in “upping her game” and that’s why her post-Buffy career has been a wash and why she’s been largely “retired” since 2013. Since she’s now 43, wealthy, and has a family, acting is likely not as important to her as it was which also means that she likely not “working on her craft” to get better.[/quote] What has happened to Lea Thompson after her roles in back to the future movies, it seems like she fell of the face of the earth? [quote][url][/url] According to Lea Thompson, her Hollywood movie career as a lead actress evaporated sometime after she became a mother of a child. After The Beverly Hillbillies, she said she just stopped getting starring roles - this was right after when she first became a mother. She attributes that to a Hollywood perception that actresses who become mothers aren’t fit to be lead actresses anymore. This anachronistic attitude was probably more prominent in the 80s, which is why her career did get affected. But one must also state that a lot of her post BTTF films did bomb badly (Howard The Duck for instance). So, it’s a combo of the two, I’d say! Conclusion However, it isn’t right to say that she dropped off of the face of Earth. She continued to do supporting roles, and even did TV shows (Caroline in the City and Switched at Birth for instance). She’s had a fairly decent career post BTTF, it’s just not been as a main lead in big budget Hollywood movies.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote][b]HEADBANGER'S BALL, mid-late 1991-early 1992 i.e., the death of '80s rock.[/b] As early as Fall/Hallowe'en of '91, it was obvious there had just been a major sea-change in the prevailing trends of youth fashion, music & TV culture, and suddenly all the music videos and all the newest breakthrough bands skewed very, very dark and industrial. The fun, party-metal and uplifting romantic bombastic balladeering styles of the mid-late '80s was swept aside in a matter of months to make way for driving thrash-rock, spooky alternative, chilly industrial, and thundering black/death/gothic metal. There was also a sudden noticeable desperation to promote and sell 'classic' rock and hair metal; in previous years it was a given that songs and acts in the genre would be popular, no matter whether they were properly and obviously pushed or not. The old glammy big-stadium '80s rockers who generally starred in episodes started showing up on the Ball looking dour dressed in plaid, shorts and jumpsuits, muted-color thrifted shirts, white socks with black lace-ups, and barefaced with their hair unteased. All the guest hosts started being self-deprecating and sarcastic and mumbly and downbeat, where before they had been high-energy and yelling everything with enthusiasm or braggadocio a la Riki Rachtman. Some hosts even took to telling long boring stories about their touring days that just fell flat, sounded tone-deaf, and made them seem like dinosaurs. The change was amazingly fast, and seemed to come out of nowhere.[/quote] Kim Basinger won an Oscar for "LA Confidential" but her career went nowhere [quote][url][/url] I still feel Kim Basinger made a huge mistake by taking a Sabbatical right after that win. She should have taken advantage of the initial hype. Instead, she did not work for 2 years and came back with two movies, I Dreamed of Africa and Bless the Child. Both movies flopped and so did her career. She has worked now and then but she was never again the huge movie star she once was in the early 90s. I remember how popular she was in those early years. She and Alec Baldwin were the it couple. Underrated actress. She has given some good performances. Loved her in The Natural and The Door in the Floor (the only decent film she got post-Oscar).[/quote] [url][/url] [b]273. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/24 **10**[/b] [url][/url] The disgraced A list actor did his annual woe is me thing. You would think it would remind people why he is an a-hole. His team, and he still has a team love that he does it and they can feel the tide turning. He should never work again, but the general public are now thinking of his screeds as a holiday tradition. Uggh. [i]Kevin Spacey (Kevin Spacey continues bizarre Christmas tradition of tone-deaf videos)[/i] [url][/url] I'll try for a moment to understand Ms. Metz's perspective. I was reading this thread about Linsday Lohan, and I came across this comment: [quote][url][/url] Being an actress is not a secure job. You get one fat paycheck per project. Once that project is done, you must look for more work. You can live in a Beverly Hills mansion as long as you continue to make BH mansion money. Unless your family is rich on its own, you'll have to take care of them, too. You also have to pay your entourage, your agent, and your management company. There's also tons of competition in the industry for roles (even amongst the A-list). If you don't work, you are not making money. Subsequently, you can no longer afford the flashy, glitzy lifestyle that is expected of Hwooders.[/quote] I'm however, also of the opinion that actors are essentially, glorified independent contractors and/or freelance workers. They don't exactly work exclusively for a singular film studio like Disney or Warner Bros. like in the "olden days". [url][/url] To give you a clearer perspective of the whole "actors are freelancers" argument: [url][/url] Scroll down to [b]reply 88[/b] John Mulaney's bizarre Late Night Thanksgiving week appearance raised concerns about his sobriety [url][/url] Mulaney had been announced as a new Late Night with Seth Meyers writer weeks before he joined Seth Meyers to weigh in on The Crown and the Royal Family on Nov. 24. According to Page Six, "fears for comic John Mulaney’s sobriety and mental health began after he made a bizarre appearance on Seth Meyers’ show, wearing dark glasses and calling Prince Harry a 'dumb ginger' and Meghan Markle a 'silly goose.'" Earlier this week, Page Six reported that Mulaney checked into rehab over the weekend for alcohol and cocaine abuse. Please don't bring back Sex and the City: There is nothing more to say and the show doesn't work without Samantha [url][/url] News that HBO Max may, as Sarah Jessica Parker puts it, "revisit" her iconic HBO comedy as a limited series doesn't make sense without Kim Cattrall's Samantha Jones, says Megan Reynolds. "Even though Samantha Jones was an irritating caricature of a woman’s libido, she is an intrinsic part of the iconic quartet and her absence will be felt in whatever reboot Darren Star manages to throw together. Furthermore, I have no idea what else there is to say or do with these women in the first place? How will they explain Samantha’s absence? Should the reboot open with the women in mourning dress genuflecting in front of a statue of Samantha’s naked body as she appeared in her nude photos from the 2001 episode 'The Real Me' that also found Carrie tripping on her own feet on the runway only to be declared 'fashion roadkill,' then sure, that’s fine. But that’s morbid and dark in a way that a Star production is not, so my guess is that Samantha’s absence will be a footnote, or, even worse, not mentioned at all." The Godfather Part III: How The New Cut Fixes Sofia Coppola's Role [url][/url] Sofia Coppola's performance in The Godfather III has been bashed by critics over the years. Does the new Coda cut fix Sofia's performance as Mary? [url][/url] [quote]It's nice to see all the praise for Weaver's performance. I've heard nothing but good things about her as a person and as a professional. Her performance has aged so well because she doesn't play the role like a villain but as a foil. And even in her last scene, Weaver retains a sense of dignity. She is elegant in this; her wardrobe is tailored perfectly. —Anonymous reply 132 8 hours ago[/quote] The blind items seem to insinuate that the "Club" consists of actresses who want to raise their kids as transgender. [url][/url] 59. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 04/06 **3** [url][/url] This A/A- list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee and the latest member of The Club. Halle Berry (Halle Berry responds to criticism after she posted video of son Maceo wearing her heels: 'Let's have a laugh and some compassion') ("The Club") (BLIND ITEM REVEALED 07/04/2019) 200. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/17 **9** [url][/url] This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is trying to withdraw from The Club because they want her to be more public and vocal. She is having a tough time doing that. ("The Club") (BLIND ITEM REVEALED 07/04/2019) #1: Naomi Watts (Liev Schreiber) ("What a Pretty Girl". Naomi Watts' Son Is More And More Often Spotted Wearing Dresses) #2: Sandra Bullock #3: Charlize Theron (Charlize: My child I thought was a boy is... a girl! For the first time, the Hollywood actress reveals why her adopted child Jackson is wearing dresses. And her inspiration? Her own mother — who shot her father) #4: Angelina Jolie (Shiloh, transgender child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, will soon begin hormone treatment) #5: Scarlett Johoansson #6: Megan Fox (Actress Megan Fox on Gender Neutral Children: Let Them Be Who They Are ...) (BLIND ITEM REVEALED 07/15/2019) [url][/url] [b]249. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/22 **14**[/b] [url][/url] The Fanboy Con: In a nutshell, this B+ list actor #1 (Ray Fisher) who was so mad he got cut out of this superhero movie #2 ("Justice League") and his career didn't take off afterwards, that he started his twitter war. So back in June, when he started his twitter tirade, he attacked the director #3 (Joss Whedon), he attacked the films two EPs #4 (Jon Berg) & #5 (Geoff Johns) who were the presidents of #6 ("DC Extended Universe") at the time. Also of note, #1 was being manipulated by director #7 (Zack Snyder) behind the scenes because #7 wanted revenge against #4 & #5 for being fired off the movie. #7 wanted both their names off the movie once this streaming service #8 (HBO Max) got involved to do his damn cut at a cost of $70 million. #5 received a call from #7's agent a week before #5's new project #9 ("Wonder Woman 1984") was announced. The agent asked #5 to remove his name off #7's cut. A week later, #1 lashed out at #4 & #5. #1 then attacked the current president of #10 (Warner Bros.), who is #11 (Jason Kilar), and even attacked this A+ list producer #12 (Toby Emmerich). Now here is the kicker: You know who #1 didn't attack? The film's producer #13 (Christopher Nolan), who was on set EVERY DAY for the reshoots of #14 ("Zack Snyder's Justice League"), according to multiple insiders. #13 spayed and neutered #1 dead in his tracks. MENTION ME ONCE AND I SUE #1 was told. How convenient you attack the director, the studio, the executives, but not the film's lead producer who was on set every day when #3's so called bad behavior was ongoing. [i](JUSTICE LEAGUE: Ray Fisher Believes Joss Whedon Brought AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON "Resentment" To Reshoots)[/i] [url][/url] [quote]Carrey’s impression of Biden, while sometimes funny, was often criticized by viewers and was not sustainable for the show (or for Carrey). The caricature of Biden was simply too energetic. Carrey played Biden as a finger-gun slinging, secretly aggressive man who is constantly holding back his inner beast and occasionally unleashing rapid-fire tirades of insults. While calling Baldwin’s Trump a “cracked-out, turd-hurling, sack of rancid dog snot” in the first presidential debate sketch may have felt cathartic for Carrey (and many cheering audience members), it sounded like Carrey was voicing his own inner thoughts rather than channeling President-Elect Joe Biden. Carrey is known for stealing the show with his well-known frenetic and hilarious energy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for a long-term impression of Joe Biden in the same way as Baldwin’s impression of Trump, which has - more or less - managed to last four years without growing intolerably stale. While Moffat has temporarily stepped into the role (and could continue doing so), SNL has yet to reveal who will play President-Elect Joe Biden in the future, which many SNL viewers will likely anticipate throughout the coming weeks as Biden is set to begin his first term in office on January 20, 2021, three days before season 46 of SNL resumes on NBC.[/quote] George Clooney Says He Was Wrong For Telling Ben Affleck To Pass On Batman [url][/url] Batman & Robin's George Clooney states that he never should have tried convincing Ben Affleck to not take the role of Batman in the DCEU. Dan Schneider's CREEPY Dark Past EXPOSED! [url][/url] [quote]Dan Schneider is a former Nickelodeon writer, producer, director, and MAJOR CREEP! This man has done some FOUL things to some of YOUR favorite stars. Instead of Nickelodeon investigating Dan, they decided to send him away with 7 million dollars. His survivors deserve justice.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]5. The underground parking garage was empty - It’s Los Angeles, not NYC so the people who worked there drove to work. Where did they park their cars? Additionally, parking garages are rarely attached to loading docks for a host of reasons, most having to do with accidents, so the terrorists would have had to park outside at an actual loading dock. The terrorist KNEW that the bearer bonds were in the vault - The bonds hadn’t been moved, or were never actually there; the film makes it clear that Hans Gruber (the leader of the terrorists) knew that what he was seeking was indeed on the site. That could only mean that there was an insider involved, but the film never points out who that might have been. 6. The robbery itself - It would have been far easier to have taken out the guards and loot the vault AFTER everybody left the building. In fact, they would have had hours to do so before a morning crew got in, they would have needed fewer people, and they could have simply walked out an exit door when they were finished with the bearer bonds in a backpack or a valise. They actually undertook a plan that had limited chances of being successful even if McClane (the film’s protagonist) had not been present , nor interfered. 7. The vault job - Basically the film seems to have been written by someone who doesn’t understand physics. The vault in question has an electromagnetic lock. Electromagnets only work when electricity powers them. If you cut the current, you cut the magnetism. And you have one or more circuit breakers between the safe and the main power system. Simply dropping a switch, tripping a circuit breaker, or pulling some fuses would prevented the safe from locking and then cut hours from the time needed to commit the robbery.[/quote] [b]What are the most unrealistic parts of the Die Hard script?[/b] [url][/url] [quote]1. Nakatomi was a major corporation that decided to have an onsite Christmas party in the late 1980s - Besides being cheap, it’s also ill-advised to have alcohol in a workplace. Additionally, for reasons that aren’t clear the party wasn’t in a conference room, but in what appears to be the main work area of the firm. 2. All of the security in the building were on the ground floor of the building - When you are in security in a building like that you have to make rounds throughout the building to ensure that you are indeed “securing” it. There shoudl have been more than the guards in the lobby and the ones elsewhere in the building would have called the authorities when they realized that something was wrong. 3. Al (Reginald VelJohnson) wasn’t surprised that there was only a single security guard in the lobby or at the location. - Granted it was during the holidays; However there really should have been more than a single guard in the lobby, even in the 1980s for a building that size. Additionally the guard (secretly a terrorist) didn’t seem to be too concerned that a police officer was called out to the building and that lack of concern would have made a competent police officer quite suspicious. 4. The police attempted to storm the building despite the fact that the hostages were in the penthouse office suites, thirty floors up - Borrowing a line from The Godfather novel “Elevators are death traps” so they wouldn’t have used them. That meant climbing thirty flights of stairs and then planning to engage in a gun battle with an unknown number of opponents. To presume that things would have gone badly, understates things significantly.[/quote]