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George Lucas: Critics of ‘Star Wars’ Prequel Dialogue ‘Don’t Understand’ the Franchise

George Lucas does not agree with the critics who have bashed his “Star Wars” prequels over the years due to what they claim is “pretty corny dialogue.” The script for “Star Wars: Attack of the Clones” is often singled out for ridicule due to the cringeworthy romance scenes between Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman). Such Lucas-written lines as “I am haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me” have been widely mocked, but the writer-director says in the new book “The Star Wars Archives 1999-2005” (via NME) that such complaints miss the entire style of the space franchise.

“It is presented very honestly, it isn’t tongue-in-cheek at all, and it’s played to the hilt,” Lucas said of the “Attack of the Clones” dialogue. “But it is consistent, not only with the rest of the movie, but with the overall ‘Star Wars’ style. Most people don’t understand the style of ‘Star Wars.’ They don’t get that there’s an underlying motif that is very much like a 1930s Western or Saturday matinee serial.”

“It’s in the more romantic period of making movies and adventure films. And this film is even more of a melodrama than the others,” Lucas continued. “There’s a bit more soap opera in this one than there has been in the past, so setting the scenes up and staging them was more complex than it usually is.”

To more convincingly pull off the more soap opera dialogue in “Attack of the Clones,” Lucas and his crew would rehearse for individual weeks of filming at a time as opposed to one big rehearsal period ahead of the production (which was the norm on previous “Star Wars” films).

“On the previous Saturday, I would spend all day rehearsing with the actors and the cameraman, and we would stage the scene and rehearse it a couple times. So for the rest of the week, we would have a very clear vision of what we were doing, and didn’t have to spend time on the set trying to figure things out.”

Hayden Christensen received significant critical scorn for “Attack of the Clones,” but many critics agree the actor did not have the best dialogue to work with at the time. Fortunately, Christensen is getting another shot at the “Star Wars” franchise as he is set to reprise Anakin/Darth Vader in the Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi series.



1 - Dialogue that is "played to the hilt" and isn't tongue in cheek - more honest or less ironic dialogue - has been done a LOT better than in Episodes I, II, and III. It also has to be delivered well. Shakespeare is filled with lines that could be corny, but aren't - they have power. The reason is the poetry of the lines (the writing is top-calibre) but it also depends on the director and actors making things work. You can see this within the Star Wars saga. Ford, Hamill, and Fisher did a better job with this stuff. Guinness certainly. But you can see it within the prequels (Neeson) or even within Episode II (McGregor), but some of that is that it's just easier to deliver the "wise sage" lines than the "romance" ones. Which were bad.

2 - "...setting the scenes up and staging them was more complex than it usually is." What? His shot-reverse-shot couch scenes? Yeah, real complex. He plunked underrehearsed actors onto blue screen sets and shoved subpar scrips into their hands, but oh no, it's the "melodrama" that people "don't understand" - that's why it sucks.

Blaming the audience for not "getting it" feels like a parachute he's reaching for. The prequels had attrocious dialogue. So did the matinee serials of the '30s. But he wasn't just emulating those, was he? Lord of the Rings has some potential cornball moments, but Tolkien's writing is so poetic, it comes off as it was intended: a medieval romance hybrid with the modern novel. It's got that poetic flair and it's low use of irony helps. Here, the dialogue is aiming for poetic romance, but it doesn't have the panache in the writing to lay a good foundation, and Lucas' notoriously shallow direction to actors left them with two strikes just getting to the plate.


I was watching this video on YouTube of Sir Alec Guinness on Late Night with David Letterman back in 1986 and he was upfront that when George Lucas approached him for Star Wars he didn't think that the dialogue was very good. I like to believe that some actors like Guinness, actually had the charisma and gravitas to make Lucas corny dialogue "work" than maybe less experienced/seasoned actors.


Classical training probably helped. Ironically, Guinness' sense of irony would let him know when to be ironic and when to be genuine and play it to the hilt - that's Shakespearean training for you. No, Lucas' dialogue has never been any good, but I think his evaluation of Episode II (and I and III) as being just as good as the originals and only "misunderstood" instead of poorly played and poorly planned (and poorly written) is wrong. It's also blaming audiences and fans for the errors of the filmmakers.


sounds like he nailed it to me
