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TMC-4's Replies

[b]What are the most unrealistic parts of the Die Hard script?[/b] [url][/url] [quote]1. Nakatomi was a major corporation that decided to have an onsite Christmas party in the late 1980s - Besides being cheap, it’s also ill-advised to have alcohol in a workplace. Additionally, for reasons that aren’t clear the party wasn’t in a conference room, but in what appears to be the main work area of the firm. 2. All of the security in the building were on the ground floor of the building - When you are in security in a building like that you have to make rounds throughout the building to ensure that you are indeed “securing” it. There shoudl have been more than the guards in the lobby and the ones elsewhere in the building would have called the authorities when they realized that something was wrong. 3. Al (Reginald VelJohnson) wasn’t surprised that there was only a single security guard in the lobby or at the location. - Granted it was during the holidays; However there really should have been more than a single guard in the lobby, even in the 1980s for a building that size. Additionally the guard (secretly a terrorist) didn’t seem to be too concerned that a police officer was called out to the building and that lack of concern would have made a competent police officer quite suspicious. 4. The police attempted to storm the building despite the fact that the hostages were in the penthouse office suites, thirty floors up - Borrowing a line from The Godfather novel “Elevators are death traps” so they wouldn’t have used them. That meant climbing thirty flights of stairs and then planning to engage in a gun battle with an unknown number of opponents. To presume that things would have gone badly, understates things significantly.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]*[b]The screenplay is heavy handed beyond belief.[/b] Despite being envisioned and billed as a dark comedy, the constant hammering of the movie's themes don't have satirical bite but are instead woefully depressing to watch. From mere social commentary about depressingly grim political problems of the city (such that feel pretty reductive, in that it seems to be a simplistic "black v white" scenario given the lack of context from the book) to references about art and opera, the jokes collapse upon themselves before impacting thanks to being too obvious. Not to mention the inclusion of broad slapstick, courtesy of De Palma trying to satisfy commercial audiences. *De Palma has a lot of talent, but I can't begin to wonder how he thought taking this on was a good idea. His best work lies in his slow, atmospheric, voyeuristic Hitchcock-style thrillers, and none of those terms help this film at all. Especially slow. This movie wouldn't feel so painful if it also didn't feel twice as long as it did. *Tom Hanks (I can see why this could have ended his career when it came out--he really takes a lot of the film's flaws with him) is too much of a nice guy and too familiar of a presence to fit the role of Sherman McCoy. *Melanie Griffith overdoses her role as the dim trophy wife. *What and why is Bruce Willis in this? (He's a drunkard, eh? What's it to you?) What is this narrative framing device he uses when he's barely in the movie? (I know why, but the execution feels too wrong.) *The orchestra soundtrack is wrong on every level for this. Especially as a comedy.[/quote] [url][/url] [b]210. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/19 **5**[/b] [url][/url] This former A+ list mostly movie actor who was the highest paid actor in the world is leaving a trail of sexual harassment from the show he is leaving. [i]Jim Carrey/"Saturday Night Live" (Jim Carrey's SNL Gig as Joe Biden Is Over)[/i] [url][/url] That's why I said to just go to the 9:46 mark if you won't have the time to watch said amateur video! I'm not here to elaborate (that's what the entire video is for), but I'll give you a hint, it's 9:46 seconds in. I posted this once before, but according to Taran Noah Smith's mom, JTT faded out of sight in a large share due to his own mother: [quote][url][/url] The real reason he left “Hollywood” was because of Home Improvement that whole College ordeal was a flat out LIE he left because he wanted to be a “Independent Actor” but when his movies flopped his mother forced College on him she suffers from ‘Narcissistic Sociopath Disorder’…The cast was happy they left the show all the hell they put everyone through. I’m not very interested in them sadly to say as they ruined a whole bunch of the HI experience for us all. His family has a history of Mental/illness problems ESP from his uncles side. Most of the time when we knew him we stayed as far away from him & his mom for our own protection he didn’t get a chance to learn to socialize because his mom is so controlling. He couldn’t bring friends to the set for tapings like the rest could. She always has had a VERY sick control over him that explains why no-one knows who he dates he’s that discreet. He’s a recluse doesn’t want to be bothered. He was never out going much he didn’t get a chance to learn to socialize other than to speak adult to adults to further his career. He wasn’t given a Childhood he wasn’t allowed to play Legos with other Children. My best advice is to leave them alone people, the last thing ANY girl wants is Claudine as a mother in law. I’m serious she’s sick. I’d hate to see any girls suffer by all means whoever or IF he ever gets married it will end in a nasty (Divorce) as long as his mothers around forget about it. It ended in a nasty Divorce with his her. He’s not worth anyone’s waste of time and energy at all.[/quote] Then again, look at Zachery Ty Bryan, so it isn't that far fetched that JTT shares such political views also. He's just much, much more "discreet" about them if this is in fact accurate: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] How should the MCU manage Fantastic Four to ensure it is different from the previous film iterations? [url][/url] *Separate their origin from Dr. Doom. Keep the personal connection but they’re separate stories. *Build off things already established in the MCU. *Put aliens and weird science first. After another Tom Cruise meltdown, multiple crew QUIT! [url][/url] [quote]On December 16th, a leaked audio of Tom Cruise screaming at some crewmembers on the set of Mission Impossible part 7 leaked online. In not so many words, it was communicated to these crewmembers that they were to abide by the safety measures, or they would be looking for new jobs. It now appears that five crewmembers quit the production on their own accord after Cruise went into another screaming rage; one which thus far has not been leaked online. In this editorial then, @AndreEinherjar will go through whether or not Tom Cruise was justified in screaming at the crew in the first place; and given that he reportedly did so again; if the crew were justified in quitting.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]Clint Eastwood does a bang-up job as both director and star of this drama about a widowed Korean War veteran (Eastwood) battling crime in his neighborhood, but he gives basically the only good performance in the entire movie. With the film featuring a supporting cast consisting primarily of Hmong American characters, Eastwood made the somewhat admirable decision to cast actual Hmong actors in the roles. Except calling them actors is pretty damn generous, with many of the cast members in fact having zero prior acting experience, and it really shows. The vast majority of the Hmong cast members give hilariously stilted line readings, none more so than Bee Vang, who plays the teenager who Eastwood's Walt Kowalski forms an uneasy bond with. The scene where Walt locks the kid in his basement is a thigh-slapping masterclass in how not to act. Bad casting combined with Eastwood's famous disdain for multiple takes ensures an otherwise serious and well-crafted movie is frequently dragged down by atrocious performances. Oof.[/quote] WTF Happened to MACAULAY CULKIN? [quote][url][/url] WTF Happened To This Celebrity? – The JoBlo series that examines the careers of stars and filmmakers who may have fallen out of the spotlight, and tells where they are now! As far as child stars go, none have ever been bigger than Macaulay Culkin, who dominated the U.S. box office in the early nineties with the two mega-hit HOME ALONE movies, plays other hits like MY GIRL and THE GOOD SON. At a certain point, Macaulay, after box office flops like RICHIE RICH, decided to step away from acting, despite a few well-received turns in movies like PARTY MONSTER. Where's Mac now, and will he someday return to acting full-time? Check out our latest episode![/quote] [url][/url] [quote]2 Mike To The Rescue The other plot running concurrently with Christmas is that architect-Mike is feuding with a building owner refusing to adhere to Mike's recommendations for expensive safety modifications. Despite the fact that it's Christmas Day, the building's construction continues and there is an accident that traps two men. For some reason, the building owner brings Mike, the architect, down to help with the rescue, interrupting the Brady's Christmas dinner. When Mike enters, he becomes trapped as well. A news reporter then explains that, bizarrely, Mike can't be rescued until the safety commission arrives and investigates the situation. 1 Mike Is Saved By A Song With Mike trapped inside and no rescue in sight, Carol and the crowd sing "O Come, All Ye Faithful," and even though Mike appears to be pretty buried in the rubble, is able to get free and exit the collapsed building. Instead of going to the hospital for the injuries Mike surely sustained in the cave-in, he and the rest of the family return to their Christmas dinner that was interrupted by the "minor inconvenience" of Mike getting trapped in a collapsed building and nearly dying. Merry Christmas![/quote] I wouldn't say that Priscilla Barnes wasn't "hot enough" to play a Bond girl. Priscilla during her Three's Company hey-day, kind of gave off a Michelle Pfeiffer vibe: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]196. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/18 **5**[/b] [url][/url] If you Google the name of this actress who went from everywhere to nowhere, CDAN comes up first. Through multiple posts on the site, the actress was found. She wanted to be left alone. Because of the connection to the site, I get emails weekly from people who have all manner of scam want to get in touch with the actress. It has recently increased to multiple emails a day. [i]Yasmine Bleeth[/i] [url][/url] If NBC is rebooting Night Court, shouldn't the original be available to stream somewhere? [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]181. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/17 **4**[/b] [url][/url] The producers of this back in the day network hit ("Heroes") who blew it in the second season, are going to regret throwing this B+ list actress (Ali Larter) under the bus in a recent article. She has so much dirt on things that happened to her and her now, very damaged A-/B+ list co-star (Hayden Panettiere) and other women on set. The producers will be lucky to ever work again. [i]"Heroes"/Ali Larter/Hayden Panettiere (Ali Larter Responds to Leonard Roberts’ Accusations: ‘I Am Truly Sorry’)[/i] [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]Godzilla happen to it. Pitillo’s career was always sketchy as she was never in films that became blockbusters; nor did she bring in customers to see her efforts. By the time that Godzilla came along, it seemed likely that she would have a minor television career and nothing more. When she she was cast in Godzilla, it represent the biggest break of her career. [b]Unfortunately for Pitillo, the film underperformed and was savaged by critics. Although Pitillo’s role wasn’t that bad (see below) she was blamed by many for the film’s poor quality and it seems to have damaged her career. Had the film been a hit, it’s probable that Pitillo (who was 31/32 at the time) might have been able to salvage a minor feature film career.[/b] It didn’t, and she wasn’t able to. Pitillo apparently retired from acting and now runs a small family business.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]The actress also set the record straight about why Bear chose to cut his hair in the first place. Initially, reports circulated that he made the choice after being bullied at school, but Silverstone makes it clear that was an unrelated incident. “One reporter totally made a false assessment of the situation. I had posted a story maybe a few months ago where I was talking about how proud I was of Bear, because he had had one day in his life where these kids were calling him a girl, and saying he wasn’t a boy. I was so impressed, because the next day we happened to have our hair appointment on the books, and when he walked in, the guy said, ‘What do you want do to do with your hair?’ “Bear said, ‘I want to grow it as long as I can,’” Silverstone continues. “‘I want to get it down to my waist.’ So the story I posted on my Instagram was about how proud I was that in the face of being made fun of this one time, he was like, ‘Screw you, my hair is amazing!’ I thought was pretty incredible, and I was proud of the little boy that he was. Then I also posted recently that he cut his hair, and someone decided that he cut it because of that incident. But that incident was like two-and-a-half years ago, and it's completely incorrect. So there you have it!”[/quote] Kirk Cameron about Covid: 'We believe there is immunity in community' [url][/url] Kirk also says he’ll continue hosting outdoor, mask optional, mass gatherings to peacefully protest California’s stay-at-home order. [url][/url] How the Wrath of Khan Is Actually Kirk's Fault [url][/url]