R.I.P. Joel Schumacher

I love The Lost Boys.


RIP. What's really sad is he's actually made some pretty good movies but he'll always be remembered for Batman and Robin. My heart goes out to his family.


I don't have a high opinion of Schumacher in general, but I do love that he brought Camp and a gay sensibility to the DC comic universe!

And the fanboys didn't seem to have a clue.


From Debi Mazar's (Spice) Instagram account:

Oh Joel.. I was an admirer before I became your friend.
I mean ..
YOU wrote “Sparkle” and “Carwash”!! One of my favorite soundtracks.You told me stories of the 60’s&70’s ..
dressing windows at Bergdorf Goodman.
You were SO much fun!!!Playing ‘Spice’ in “Batman Forever” was a camp dream.I remember you screaming at me while shooting the grand staircase scene at The Pantages Theater “Décolleté UP!!Attitude!”
Heaven better get ready for a fierce one.
R.I.P Handsome ❤️💋❤️


I find it kind of astonishing that Val Kilmer has managed to outlive Joel Schumacher despite being about 20 years younger. I mean, Kilmer has let's be honest, been looking he has been on death's door for a while know due to his own issues with cancer.



Don’t Forget That Joel Schumacher Briefly Saved Batman


“Batman Forever,” on the other hand, opened its arms to that influence. The screenplay — credited to Lee Batchler, Janet Scott Batchler, and Akiva Goldsman — is gleefully goofy, filled with corny one-liners and leering double entendres. Schumacher and his cinematographer, Stephen Goldblatt (nominated for an Oscar, one of the film’s three nominations), cram their Dutch-angled frames with candy-coated colors, neon lights and billowing dry ice, while Elliot Goldenthal’s musical score takes the orchestral pomposity of Danny Elfman’s earlier “Batman” themes and cranks it up to 11. The performers similarly go for the gusto: Jim Carrey is at his most unhinged (no small achievement), Tommy Lee Jones chews scenery like it’s his first meal in weeks, and Nicole Kidman vamps it up like the daughter Dietrich didn’t know she had.

Reviews were more mixed for “Forever” — our critic called it, ironically enough, “the empty-calorie equivalent of a Happy Meal” — but audiences were ecstatic. It out-grossed “Batman Returns” both domestically and internationally, and Warner Bros. quickly signed Schumacher for another installment. Alas, he fell into something of the same trap as Burton; taxed with reprising a mega-success, he leaned so far into his stylistic flourishes that he alienated a mass audience. “Batman & Robin” has acquired a reputation as one of the worst blockbusters of all time, and it’s not entirely unearned. Sloppy, overcooked and painfully unfunny, it feels like exactly what it was: a filmed deal.


It's really a shame because I liked Batman and Robin (I was at the right age). I think there was a really REALLY good story in there if Joel didn't get bogged down with studio demands for merchandising. Take out bane and Barbara/Batgirl and you could have focused on a really good story about brothers learning to deal with the potential death of a loved one and learning to trust each other. I'm all for cheasy so I loved Arnold as Mr. Freeze. Loved poison ivy, loved the Bat Credit card. It's just a shame so many other things get thrown in for the sake of toys.

He gets a lot of hate but I loved his theatrical style. He made 3 of my favorite movies. Batman Forever, Batman and Robin and Phantom of the Opera. Are they amazing cinematic masterpieces? No. But they are classics to me and make me happy when I watch them.


Aside from Lost Boys anything with his name on it's a film I wouldn't like to see or just simply not interested, probably because the subject matters are about race or drugs I don't know what it is can't put my finger on it but I don't care or not interested in his work at all.

Maybe the hate towards was partly superficial with his raised eyebrows and long hair and he looks like a creepy old granny in men's clothes.


Sad but at least he made it to 80 which is pretty good.
