MovieChat Forums > Bordello of Blood (1996) Discussion > Dennis Miller's on-set behavior

Dennis Miller's on-set behavior

According to Corey Feldman, Dennis Miller was rude and disrespectful to the cast and crew. According to Feldman, Miller once stole a van from the transportation department and left the set. Feldman and Miller got into a heated confrontation during filming.

During filming, Dennis Miller would regularly send his on-set assistant to writer/producer A.L. Katz with the assistant saying Dennis was very tired and wanted to be shot out in his scenes for the day so he could leave the set early. Katz reluctantly granted Miller's request to keep him happy and cooperative even though shooting him out could cause some difficulty for the filming of scenes and that the movie was already having a difficult production as it was being shot. A lot of Miller's scenes ended up having Miller's coverage being shot first and then having the coverage of the actors done with the Script Supervisor in place of Miller to help the actors do their parts for the scene. This caused the other actors to get mad at Dennis Miller since he wouldn't be there for them in the same way they would be there for him when he was having his coverage shot to film his part. This also caused difficulty for the Script Supervisor to do their job since Miller improvised so much dialogue instead of sticking to the script and had to do Miller's lines from what they could remember. Because Miller's improvised lines weren't organic to the script, they didn't mesh well with the lines that the other actors had to memorize from the script.


Recognize THIS lovely red-head right here (see below?) . This is Angie Everhart, she has appeared in Jade, Last Action Hero (she’s the woman who works at the video store), and most notably in Bordello Of Blood. In said movie she played the seductive vampire queen Lillith. And surprisingly with all the behind the scenes drama, she, Chris Sarandon, and Corey Feldman were the only ones that came across as being remotely in a good mood. Almost everyone else was in a bad mood behind the scenes, no thanks in particular to Dennis Miller being well….a bit of a prick to everyone (a problem that he has in common with Mike Myers and Chevy Chase) except those three.

Basically they were told to stay away from Angie because they told Corey Feldman and the others that she was stuck up and well at the time she was dating Sly Stallone (yep, she dated Sly) and that Sly was going to be watching everything behind the scenes to make sure that everything goes right, Sly was the one who convinced Joel Silver to cast her as Lillith and as such all the way she said her lines was ‘larger than life’ under his suggestion. And yes, they were married.

They were all told that she was stuck up, but she turned out to be a really warm and friendly person and got along with everyone..except Dennis Miller of course.


Dennis Miller sounds like a huge asshole.


322. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/28 **#17**

Back In The Day VMA Show: I don’t know if this VMA show from back in the day was the most crazy, but it was right up there. It was the mid 90’s. The show was actually something people still wanted to attend and was an event. The host this particular year was an a-hole. Hell, he is still an a-hole. He kept talking crap about everyone at the show. Acted like he was better than everyone and practically said as much during rehearsals. He just wanted a check and an audience to get him more attendance at his stand up shows. I remember this at the time A list singer who has always had issues with drugs was doing lines of coke and smoking crack with this former A list boy bander who was there with his wife. Where was his wife? Well, if you ask this former A+ list athlete who still has A+ list name recognition, he will say he was having sex with her in her dressing room. He says they always did when they saw each other and that her husband just got out of the way. Oh, I just remembered something I had not thought about in awhile. There was this at the time A- list singer who had split from a group. She was so "crafty," she refused to speak during rehearsal. She just sipped tea and nodded. The thing is she wasn’t resting her voice. She wanted the producers to think she was because she thought it made her look arty or what not, but she talked before and after rehearsal. I hate that kind of thing. She had a big group album and one big solo album and nada for a couple of decades now. This A list celebrity who seems to enjoy the confidence of a world leader threw up all over the shoes of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and started on television.


One crazy thing I know I won’t see again is this permanent A list rapper hot boxing in a room with this Academy Award winning actor who was with his Academy Award winning actress significant other forever. It was a crazy scene.
Year: 1995
Host: Dennis Miller
A list singer: Courtney Love ("Hole")
Former A list boy bander/wife: Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston
Former A+ list athlete: Mike Tyson
"Crafty" A- list singer/group: Natalie Merchant/"10,000 Maniacs"
A list celebrity/world leader: Dennis Rodman/North Korea’s Kim Jong-un
A list mostly movie actor: George Clooney
A list rapper: Notorious B.I.G.
Academy Award winning actor: Tim Robbins
Academy Award winning significant other: Susan Sarandon
