LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

It was sweet for them to have that brief moment of peace and family, though, even if it did end in tragedy. Charles' death hit me the worst, but the family was an unnecessary loss. I think I whispered, "No," under my breath. Logan was recognized by a few people, notably Gabriella and the man with the cyborg hand. Someone also tattled on him to them, saying they saw Wolverine but he looked old. That might actually have been a good idea. I'm trying to think of how much they would need to cut, but it definitely seems like it would have worked. Honestly, I think everyone's just afraid of Gaston. And for that Gaston song, most of them were probably drunk anyway. I wasn't quite sure what to expect as punishment, but I agree that Ozma handled it well. She has great promise as a queen. Although when she said he would roam as a beast, I assumed she was going to transform him into a lion or some kind of humanoid-lion-beast and was almost disappointed when he just wore the helmet. Lol, good point about Game of Thrones. I tend to stick to fantasy for books, although I have read some sci-fi, usually if it mixes with fantasy in some way (powers, alternate worlds, etc). So I've perused the adult fantasy section of bookstores many a time searching for things that perk my interest. You're welcome! 😊 Do you have any fantasy recommendations that weren't on that list? :3 Oh, geez. Can I go by authors instead? XD Not in any particular order: 1. JRR Tolkien 2. Christopher Paolini 3. Mercedes Lackey 4. George RR Martin 5. Melanie Rawn (might have messed up that spelling...) And Paolini seemed mature for his age. I think he was 15 when he started writing, and the book is like 300-500 pages. The fourth book is over 1000 pages long. Funny you say that, because I never liked the Spider-Man movies. The acting and special effects always seemed off somehow. But they have redone it too many times. However, if you like fantasy, you really should try reading Eragon. Keep in mind that it was written by a 15 year old, and it's f***ing fantastic. As I mentioned, it does borrow heavily from other movies/books, but it's still a great story. One of my favorites, actually, and that's saying something. I'm just going to post a bunch more, just because. Littlefinger will accidentally come back to life. In a very unlikely turn of events, the tourney's champion will be elected to lead the alliance's army against the forces of Damphair. Nymeria and Lady Stoneheart will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals. Bran will warg into Viserion to seduce Nymeria. Sansa will defeat Qyburn with the Iron Bank after swearing fealty to a dangerous psychopath. (Littlefinger?) Without any provocation, Aegon VI will be resurrected by Ser Pounce. A handsome knight will cut up Sandor Clegane's face. Ghost is actually a giant ice spider. Jon Snow is actually a Wildling princess. Darkstar will arrive just in time to stab Grey Worm, saving Cersei. Grey Worm will ally with Lyanna Mormont to plot revenge against a Skagosi unicorn for killing Sandor Clegane. The Sandsnakes will repent and convert to no particular religion. Ghost will accidentally attack Jorah Mormont. Euron Greyjoy is actually Theon Greyjoy. In a surprising turn of events, Davos Seaworth will be elected to lead the alliance's army against the forces of Brienne of Tarth. Lord Cerwyn, Benjen, and Jaime will go on a season-long journey to Dorne. Benjen will defeat Podrick Payne with Robb's lost letter after swearing fealty to Arya. Bran will warg into a blacksmith to murder a pirate. Tormund will rally the Lands of Always Winter in the war against Dolorous Edd. You're welcome! It's great to see detailed posts on here. I think it's more that he was getting annoyed and ticked off, especially since it was a mere mortal who outwitted him. Imagine that a large, loud insect flies in your face. No matter how hard you try, it just won't leave you alone. You can't swat it; it's too fast. The longer that goes on, the more frustrated and angry you'd probably get. Then you realize that the buzzing is actually that insect trying to speak to you. It wants you to leave its hive alone, and then it and its colony will leave you alone. So clearly you agree just to get the damn thing out of your face so you can get on with your life. Weird analogy, but I think you get the point. That's how I understood it, anyway. More or less. I also didn't know about the message boards for a while, and just lurked there anyway, but I do love this community. Everyone is so loyal and welcoming, and for the most part intelligent. Your quote reminded me of the one from Oogway in Kung Fu Panda, which probably has roots in some ancient sage: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Lol, good points. His character is definitely still being fleshed out, and hopefully we'll get deeper into his motivations and personality as the movies progress. He does seem to be a little bit of everything if you look at it a certain way... well, not /everything/ but you get the idea. Thanks for the thoughtful response! Hmm? Thanks for what? What's overdue? Lol, sorry, still waking up here. Just the well-thought out responses? If so, you're very much welcome. c; Aw, we can still talk on other boards even if this show is cancelled (which I severely hope it isn't.) West's character was definitely changed by the end. She was so excited and optimistic, I almost feel bad for her because I don't trust Glinda one bit. And we did see the Beast Forever briefly. I assume it was the flayed man, who took down his skin, then grew wings and his shadow spread over Oz. I wonder if he was the Beast before the water-related Beast or something, and was just locked away down there all that time... Yeah, I meant separate streams. Like there would be a Tending Movies/ Shows, then below it a Trending Celebrities, or something. If that makes more sense. I agree, the Trending section is a huge improvement and very useful. To make it even better, maybe separate actors/actresses/people from movies/tv. Or just give an option to see more of the older but still recent boards. I personally don't care much about the "people" related boards, and feel like I miss a lot of posts say overnight, or when I get back from classes. I also posted on an old tv show, only thread there, less than a hour ago and it's already off the Trending section, lol. Shows how fast this site moves at times. Good one! Should have posted this on the Tangled boards. 😉 That part of the movie confused me so much... Then again, I only saw it once, so I didn't really analyze it that much. Time traveling almost always ends up doing weird things with the plot.