LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

I know how you feel. I've started a bunch of things, but I rarely ever finish a story unless I need to got school or something. Otherwise I usually just jot down scenes of random stories as they come. Has anyone here heard of semi-literate or literate role playing? It's kinda like co-writing a story, where everyone creates and controls a character or more, and you respond to each other in paragraph form. That's my life right there, lol. I won't. xP It's just that I have seen a handful of trolls around. Nothing too serious, just spamming useless comments and such. Thanks, Jim! The jump button is certainly useful, and I'll think about reporting trolls if I see any causing undue trouble. Maybe. But as Laura said, Logan wanted to die. He was ready to die, and probably didn't care if he got shot. He knew he brought the soldiers to the house by staying the night, so he could certainly feel guilty. Eh, I think it was just the best way they could think of to explain it. She probably did have time to do it, starting when she found out what was really going on, and up to when Logan initially refused to take them. It did seem a little weird, though. That could work. Especially if he gives up fighting and tries to live a peaceful life with the kids. He deserves some happiness after his long years of suffering. And glad you liked it! I agree that Credence should come back. Some people speculated that the black speck moving at the end hinted that he's still alive... but that's a topic for another board and another thread. XD Thanks! Except I haven't seen Man in the High Castle, so I don't know exactly what you mean, lol. I would have liked your version of the ending. I was really hoping he would go with the kids and have some peace and joy before he finally died of old age. But, alas, it wasn't to be. At least Laura recognized and acknowledged him as her father; that was bittersweet yet adorable. Maybe he was just annoyed, since he knew they could have avoided it? And that one guy did try to shoot him. Becoming desensitized could have something to do with it, too. I dunno. I don't actually remember him seeming unsympathetic, but I could have just missed it. *shrug* I didn't even think of that... That does suck. I mean, can't they have a future where mutants end up in charge or something? That would actually make more sense, and shake things up a bit. Like Magneto succeeds in stealing political power and his allies follow suit. The humans wouldn't have to be all dead, but maybe just in a lower position of power or something. Are you sure you're not thinking about the clone (dark shirt Wolverine)? Logan seemed pretty emotional to me, even if it was mostly over Charles' death at his clone's hands. If I remember correctly, Logan warned Charles that it wasn't a good idea to stay, that they would be tracked to that house and people could die. Yeah, I think that was part of the point. More than half the theater was probably thinking that. Shh... Take deep breaths. It's gonna be alright if we all band together and post where we can. This site is still a little baby that needs to be nurtured patiently. It ain't gonna be super active in the blink of an eye just by wishing for it. Rome wasn't built in a day. There have been plenty of other posts complaining about this, and plenty of people responding positively, so just take it easy. Yeah, I stayed as well, and there was a lot of angry grumbling when there wasn't a post-credits scene. My friends said they felt cheated or short-changed, but I honestly wasn't expecting one. Yeah, probably. Glinda seems like the kind of person that didn't get much love when she were young; that or she had everything she wanted so had no reason to get emotionally attached to others. Huh. Maybe. Well, first he would need to find other lions, and then try to fit in with the hierarchy of the pride or whatever. That would have been beautiful, and I most certainly would have cried. As it was, my eyes were definitely moist. At the end of my screening, as the credits started rolling, however, someone yelled "What the f***?!" at the top of their lungs, which kinda ruined the moment, and caused a ripple of laughter to spread through the theater. So the scientist poisoned all the mutants? I was trying to figure what happened to everyone... I think part of Logan's problem was that he was getting old; after centuries of fighting, he'd certainly worn out, and his healing was probably just fading due to overuse over all those years. Good point.... I don't think Charles killed all the mutants, though. I think some of them were hunted down and others went into hiding. Same. I was wondering if he would still be slowly healing under there. Then again, my dad pointed out that Logan fought in the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, so he's had a pretty long life, and wanted to die anyway.