
Anyone else think they should remake this to be closer to the book? Maybe even as a tv series to allow more complexity?
Admittably, I saw the movie before I read the book, but after reading the book I watched the movie again and realized how much lost potential there was. I mean, I realize that it borrowed heavily from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pern, and others, but it was still a good story on its own, and it would be nice to see a faithful retelling. The worst part of the movie by far was Angela. She was my favorite character in the books, but for the movie they just scrapped everything to make her a stereotypical soothsayer. Like, wtf?! And Solemnbum's prophecy is important to the following books, so if they're even thinking about continuing, they would need to redo the s*** they messed up in the first one.


I never read the book but I watched the movie and it was lousy... They should remake bad films first before they keep remaking good films like Spider-Man


Funny you say that, because I never liked the Spider-Man movies. The acting and special effects always seemed off somehow. But they have redone it too many times.

However, if you like fantasy, you really should try reading Eragon. Keep in mind that it was written by a 15 year old, and it's f***ing fantastic. As I mentioned, it does borrow heavily from other movies/books, but it's still a great story. One of my favorites, actually, and that's saying something.


I do like fantasy shows but I'd be wary of reading a 15 year old's books although if it's a long series maybe the author was pretty old by the time they finished. What are the five best fantasy series for books in your opinion?


Oh, geez. Can I go by authors instead? XD
Not in any particular order:
1. JRR Tolkien
2. Christopher Paolini
3. Mercedes Lackey
4. George RR Martin
5. Melanie Rawn (might have messed up that spelling...)

And Paolini seemed mature for his age. I think he was 15 when he started writing, and the book is like 300-500 pages. The fourth book is over 1000 pages long.


Thanks for the recommendations, maybe I'll check it out... I do know the Eragon series has a good reputation.


You're welcome! 😊

Do you have any fantasy recommendations that weren't on that list? :3


oh, sadly I've only read the famous series like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Hunger Games... you seem to know more than I about that subject. But I'm impatient waiting for Game of Thrones so I was looking for something to pass the time until it comes back.


Lol, good point about Game of Thrones. I tend to stick to fantasy for books, although I have read some sci-fi, usually if it mixes with fantasy in some way (powers, alternate worlds, etc). So I've perused the adult fantasy section of bookstores many a time searching for things that perk my interest.
