LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

Thanks, I think. xD That could work. Or he could make an "application" thread, with basic questions such as why do you want to be a mod, how often are you feee to be online, how active a poster, etc, then choose the best of the ones who post there. Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad, at least the one about brands. Until I realized he could have copied and pasted someone else's work to pass it off as his own. I agree that this would be a good idea, and mentioned something similar in another thread. It would certainly make things easier. Probably not, unless they had similar experiences, such as losing a community they loved or having a game shut down on them. Good point! I was trying to figure out who she reminded me of, lol. Lol. No offense taken, that's great! 😂 It's alright. I read the books, so I know roughly how the spelling works, lol. Lol, I'm not quite that extreme. @ no tags I'm 20 years old. One of my professors commented on how millennials are the most cosseted, sheltered generation to date, or something; that was after most of the class admitted to having their lunches made by their parents through high school. Game of Thrones Emerald City The Librarians (kinda low budget, but amusing) Ah, okay. Thanks for responding! Ah, okay. Understood. I wasn't quite sure whether you were kidding, but it seemed like you were offended to some degree. Apologizes if I wasn't clear either. Agree! We'll donate our time, effort, and intelligence to making this site gloriously fantastic!😄 ... I would donate, but I'm a college student dependent on my parent's contributions. And I don't have a job. Oops. 🙄 I /might/ volunteer to be a mod, when/if that becomes an option. Dude, I am not in any way shape or form supporting Ramsay's actions. Theon's castration was horrific and not really necessary. That's a terrible, terrible thing for a man to go through. Heck, my grandmother stopped watching after that episode, but she's a huge Outlander fan. Deep, man. Real deep. 😎👍🏻 Personally, I try to avoid brands and fads as much as possible. I don't have a Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit. I don't eat much fast food, or meat in general. I don't care what company made my clothes, although I would prefer it wasn't slave labor-- but that's hard to tell sometimes. I didn't have a smartphone until this year. 😇 However, I do have an iPad and an iPhone. I love Disney and visit every year. I recently got hooked on going to Dunkin' Donunts a few times a week. I watch Game of Thrones. I do fear for humanity sometimes. My generation specifically astounds me with its stupidity. But there is hope. 😔😌 Yeah, I know there are good and bad ways to go about sex, to put it lightly. Theon's torture could have been worse, though. If I remember correctly, they didn't actually show a lot of the flaying or mutilations, just strongly implied them. That, or I looked away for those scenes, lol. I agree. Assuming Deny is Dany, of course. Add Tyrion and Bran to the list, and we're all set! (No more suffering, that is. Most characters have experienced some pain already...) Le bump. Also, I posted the thread for debating Kylo's level of failure, so check it out if you so desire. That sounds like a more reasonable compromise, but still... Me personally, sex. Nudity is okay, for the top part, but if it shows more than that I'm not looking. Because I'm still a virgin, which makes it even more awkward. Violence, it depends. If it's just a lot of blood, I'm fine with it. When intenstines or brain matter start pouring out along with the blood, then it makes me sick. Oberon's head being crushed was especially disturbing.