LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

Lol, no, I love that image. It makes me feel like a mysterious benefactor with epic powers hidden under the surface. I agree with all of this. But Jim needs time to make changes. Let him live his life. He isn't our slave working 24/7 on our whims and wishes. No problem, lol. Thanks, assuming it was meant as a compliment. Also, when you said lurkers coming out of the shadows to help, I just pictured a dark alleyway, with people in cloaks slowly walking into the light. The animation does seem weird... But I certainly want to watch at least a few episodes. I guess it's kinda like the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command show. Toy Story was computer animation, but the show was cartoonish. I am! Lol. Just saying that I didn't post on the original boards, but I'm posting whenever and wherever I can here. Thank you so much! I'm a huge fantasy fan, so most of my writing is about magic and mythical creatures and such, but recently I have opened up to science fiction as well. I actually dapple a tiny bit in fan fiction, as well, just to keep my creative juices going. I have thought about submitting to actual magazines, but I haven't found a good one for the type of writing I do, and I want to make sure that whatever I do submit is my very best. I'm also taking a few creative writing classes in college, which should help me hone my craft. I'll think about making a blog at some point. Once I actually had to for my 10th grade history class, but it was all academic stuff like posting projects and writing about what we did in class. I am starting to keep a journal, actually a requirement for my Intro to Creative Writing class, but I've found that it does seem to help my writing. Just two pages in the morning, whatever's on my mind, from dreams I had the night before to things I'm stressed about. If you want to have more conversations and develop online friendships, it's a useful feature. Of course, you can do it on the boards, but private messages make it more personal. Not saying people should try to date on here, though, that's just weird. It's a new site. As the others have said, give it time and be patient. Admittably, I am a bit disappointed about the lack of activity, but at least people are posting. I didn't even have an account IMDb, just lurked, but I joined this to help it grow, and because I wanted to interact with an online community again. Jim is very devoted to making this site the best it can be. The least we can do is keep it as active as we can. It's a close one, and both had their pros and cons, but I'm gonna have to say The Force Awakens. I just like the characters better, even if large parts of the plot were borrowed from previous movies. Rogue One seemed somewhat rushed, and I didn't really like the idea to begin with. A whole movie just to cover up the plot hole of having a flaw in the Death Star? Then no mention of the characters later in the films? Really? That would be cool, but it sounds somewhat complicated. You would need people on the inside to be able to post about the cool Trivia for the most part, unless you just cull it from interviews and such. Oh, thank goodness! A person! Here I thought I had stumbled into the ruins of a once beautiful literary community. It's amazing that you're published and have won awards for your writing. The closest I've gotten was being published in my high school's literary magazine, but I was also on the selection/editing staff, so I had some sway in what was put in, lol. I am now on the editing staff for my college's literary magazine. Wow, great post! I agree with you on most points, so I won't go into too much detail. Tywin was an interesting character. The man behind the curtain, working in the background and pulling strings-- somewhat like Littlefinger, but to a lesser extent. Yes, he ordered some rather evil deeds, but he didn't actually do most of them. However, his treatment of Tyrian was horrible. Him and Randall Tarly are in the running for worst fathers. Let me just say that in the books it was Roose that Arya pretended to be a serving boy to, not Tywin, but you do bring up a good point. Cersei is on a one-way trip to insanity and destruction. She's just an explosive train wreck, bringing down everyone she can to ruin. Littlefinger only cares about himself and power. He's crafty and cunning. I believe he once said that chaos was a ladder. But as to throwing Lysa out the moon door, he was only using her to begin with, and he wants Sansa anyway. Which is why selling her to the Boltons made no sense. In the books, it was a fake Arya. Joffrey and Ramsay are definitely the worst; Ramsay even more so. Joffrey was a spoiled brat that had too much power at his fingertips and no one to tell him no. Thank you for the explanation. I'm sorry that happened, and hope things go better in the future. Honestly, in the back of my mind I thought it did look vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place where I might have seen it before. I honestly am fine with it... I mean, perhaps there could have been better choices, but I don't see a problem with Emma Watson. Hermione and Belle are both bookish young women, so that helps, I suppose. Lol, I agree 100%. My favorites almost constantly change, especially as new movies come out. Also like the idea of the list being "alive" and having a mind of it's own. ;3 Euron Greyjoy was devious and cruel in the books, but in the show he's kinda a letdown so far. Littlefinger is cunning and often cold, but I wouldn't call him evil. Cersei is my vote. Without her children, she has nothing to prevent her from going utterly villain mode. Was even better than I expected! Great job! 😄👍🏻 If you don't mind my asking, did you (Jim or whoever put it up) just make this with a bunch of friends or actually hire someone to produce it? It's really professional looking! Ugh. That sucks. I've had four forum-based communities shut down on me over the past few years. Fantasy Hero gave a few weeks notice. Groupie shut down without any warning whatsoever, but it was going down hill anyway. Monster Kingdom shut down without warning. A D&D style pirates role-play forum shut down without any warning, but it was short lived anyway. IMDd I wasn't technically a member of, but at least they did give a few weeks warning. Well, there is Emerald City. I have no idea how close it is to the books, but it's pretty good. Criminally under-appreciated. Agree. I have never understood "celebrity worship" or why people are so interested in every little detail of "famous" people's lives. Let them have a little privacy, people. Piranha paparazzi. 😑🎬🐠📸