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'Straight people just didn't show up':Bros creator Billy Eichner blasts 'homophobic weirdos' after gay romcom disapoints

Bros, which had a $22 million production budget, came in 4th spot taking in just $4.8 million at the box office on opening weekend
Actor-writer Eichner, 44, took to Twitter to share his disappointment over the film's performance
He said that 'straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros'
He urged 'everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight'
Film is the first LGBTQ romantic comedy given a large release by a major studio


Go woke go broke.



"Go woke go broke"

I wish you sheep would stop breaking out that silly catchphrase you hear from your favorite anti-sjw grifters on YouTube, who get it wrong like 80 percent of the time. This has nothing to do with "woke". It's more like "Go overly gay, straight men will stay away" because for obvious reasons those themes do not appeal to 99% of the male audience It's an inherently niche market.


I agree as well. Its target audience was too limited. I know gay people who felt that it dove too strongly into a subset of the gay community and so it didn’t appeal to them either. I watched the trailer myself and I felt like I couldn’t relate to it. I guess I could give it a chance if it’s streaming somewhere.


/He urged 'everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight'/

Yes, THAT's the way to get people to see your movie.

LOL what a moron.


Yep, basically scare SJW's into seeing it whether they wanted to or not.


'OMG do you remember straight people? Yea, they had a good run...'

Seriously, why would they want to see a movie that made jokes like this? It wasn't made for us, right?

I'm not even saying it's a bad movie; but people have a right to spend their money on stuff they actually want to see. Doesn't make them racist of homophobic. 'Straight movies' suffer from this ALL the time. Be proud of the movie no matter how much money it made; don't ruin it by making political and childish statements. Because statements like that make me want to see the movie even less.


Seems to me that unless US cinema chains have started doing surveys on sexual preferences before they'll sell patrons a ticket, he can't possibly know that.

Of course, he's probably right. His film probably doesn't appeal to all demographics.

But, gay or straight, who leaves their house to watch romantic comedies in 2022 anyway? The industry has changed. I suspect his film will fare better -- with all audiences -- on streaming services.


Sounds like he's butthurt. Moreso than usual.


I see what you did there.


When are they going to stop this "strategy"? Insulting the audience because they're not interested in what you're interested in does not sell a movie!


I find it fascinating. Reading the media reports, they are blaming the fact that the film was marketed to straight people? After seeing the trailer with lines like straight people had a good run, I have to wonder how any straight person would find this even slightly appealing? Gay people want equal rights, with marriage protections, they don't want to be thought of as other. Yet this film's trailer celebrates a man in his forties pining for the hot jock, doing drugs, going to dance clubs normally populated by older teens and young men in their twenties, being friends with couples in open relationships, and denigrating straight people who don't approve. It's allegedly a comedy but is actually a sad commentary on the gay scene and won't do anything to promote acceptance.

Even more frustrating, people on the left have been blasting this movie for casting a rich white male in the lead. The lesson they take from this movie's failure is that we need gay films that cater to an even smaller minority? Most gay audiences do live in big cities and as even this movie states, are relatively successful compared to their straight counterparts. So that can't be the reason this movie is failing among all audiences.

A film which attempts to make a political message is simply not going to succeed when people are already hyper critical of politics in their movies. Other countries have shown that you can make interesting gay films that don't rely on heavy handed political messaging in order to tell interesting stories.


Agree. I saw this trailer 12 times because I had obsessively watched Elvis all summer. There was a part of me that thought I might see it; it looked cute enough. But that 'remember straight people' line was just cringe to me. Imagine someone on the opposite side saying that. Anyway, I just spend a LOT of money in the theaters between Elvis, Maverick and Thor. Those are the movies I spend my money on in the theater. Not something that probably should go direct to Netflix. And now people are going to save their money for the next big tent films like Black Atom and Black Panther. I had paid no attention to the politics behind this film; I just wasn't interested. MAYBE if the film had been released during Valentines day? or near Thanksgiving/holiday season? But coming out of the Summer blockbusters and before the holiday, this movie wasn't making any money. This really had nothing to do with homo phobia. It was just bad timing, the type of movie it was, and who it was made for.

And now that this guy has pretty much villainized me for not seeing it; I will NEVER see it. Even if I thought I'd like it.


“Do y'all remember straight people? They had a nice run.”

Snowflake, are you offended by that?


It's allegedly a comedy but is actually a sad commentary on the gay scene and won't do anything to promote acceptance.

Why should it promote anything? If it's a comedy based on reality then it does its job. Straight people want it sugarcoated? Why? What's funny about that?


Yes. We did not show up. We're not fucking interested. Why is there any confusion over this still? What don't gay people understand about this? Not sure we can make our point ANY clearer. We never will be interested.
Do whatever you like, I don't care, but sure as hell not going to pay to watch it. You are FOUR PERCENT! FOUR! Not 95


Perfectly stated, 123Guy.


We're 20% among teenagers and early 20's now. Deal with it.


Hahahaahaa yeah....

Because teenagers have NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY jumped all over current trends and fads only to reverse them a year later.

Natural selection for procreation is the end all. Like it or not, it is what it is.


Dude, fucking some guy in the ass is not a fad. 🤣 Kids now can just be honest about their sexuality. We've always been 20%, more actually. Fools our age have always lied about their sexuality.

And no, reproduction and breeding are not the only purpose for all human behavior. Hahaha. What a stoooooopid statement.


Yeah... I'm wrong

Thanks for fixing me
