MovieChat Forums > Bros (2022) Discussion > 'Straight people just didn't show up':Br...

'Straight people just didn't show up':Bros creator Billy Eichner blasts 'homophobic weirdos' after gay romcom disapoints

Bros, which had a $22 million production budget, came in 4th spot taking in just $4.8 million at the box office on opening weekend
Actor-writer Eichner, 44, took to Twitter to share his disappointment over the film's performance
He said that 'straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros'
He urged 'everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight'
Film is the first LGBTQ romantic comedy given a large release by a major studio


If the nums are right that means like 300-500k people bought tickets. I doubt all of them were lgbtq. Plus was he expecting straight men to see a romcom? Most of us don't factually watch ones with men and women as the stars unless a wife or gf drags us.
Also Eichner is not a box office draw, this isn't a popular franchise or ip. It's nor like this was an anticipated blockbuster that was talked about for a year that eveybody was dying to see

Maybe he should have dumped this on netflix.


This obnoxious POS can't accept the fact that he made a lousy movie nobody wants to see, so he's blaming straight people. What a pathetic fool. After spending the last few years crapping on conservatives and heterosexuals, what the hell does he expect? Am I obliged to go see his junk movie even though I have no interest and he's insulted people like me countless times on late night network tv and everywhere else he gets his ugly mug? F him (and Billy, I assure you I mean that only figuratively).


