MovieChat Forums > Leaving Neverland (2019) Discussion > A question for Jackson's defenders:

A question for Jackson's defenders:

How do you explain Jackson's close relationships with a series of little boys?

Because there's no doubt he had a close relationship to his accusers and other little boys, there's tons and tons of photographs of them together, and Jackson had no trouble going on national TV holding hands with a little boy and saying that they slept in the same bed. Have you ever known an adult who formed a series of "best friends" relationships with little kids, always of the same sex, and would you trust an adult who preferred the company of other people's children to that of his peers?

Gawd, he made it SO obvious! It was the late eighties when I figured out that the reason that he was bringing little boys onto red carpets was that they were his dates. So let's take a moment to refrain from discussing Jackson's accusers, and discuss Jackson himself, and his fondness for close relationships with other people's children.


Yes things LOOKED quite obvious. So how do you explain MULTIPLE raids on the Neverland ranch, endless testimony that was repeatedly poured over and scrutinized and in multiple trials and they found no evidence to support what seemed "obvious" to US?
They found no evidence to support the charges brought against him.
is it POSSIBLE, regardless of how distasteful you find it, that a grown man can have meaningful friendships with children and NOT physically molest or abuse them?
Perhaps it IS possible.
What ISN'T possible is for some people to understand or accept that fact.
Its quite possible that some realize that they themselves couldn't resist certain "urges" and therefore they figure its not possible for anyone to do so; yet most people DONT molest kids.
Now I am not saying that his eccentricities didnt raise suspicion or get him into trouble.
Im not saying that his friendships didnt become possessive and "smothering" (not the suffocation kind). That is another matter.
But the issue at hand here is sexual abuse of kids, not his possessive and his unconventional friendships.
I dont think that ANYONE here was someone who sat on the Jury at his trials. We never saw or heard ALL of the evidence that was considered. We never heard ALL of the testimony. Yet MANY will come here and sit in judgement because it "walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and swims like a duck". Yet PEOPLE are far more complex than ducks.
There is NO absolute "one size fits all"l answer. So what we have to rely on is FACTS!
You say that we shouldn't scrutinize the present accusers. Yet it was these same people even as adults that sat in Jacksons DEFENSE and testified at their own request under oath that there was nothing sexual about their relationships with Jackson,
NOW they need money and the tune is completely opposite. Yet their stories contradict their own testimonies as well as evidence of what was uncovered in Neverland raids.


No, there's no absolutes, but if you look at all of Jackson's behavior and "eccentricities", the easiest and most comprehensive explanation for everything wierd about him was that he was a pedophile. A smart pedophile, one who was willing to put a lot of time and money into successfully evading justice, but if a person is smart enough to be private and refrain from keeping damning evidence like videos of criminal behavior, yes. Justice can be evaded.

Much verbiage has been spent on the accusers, to put it politely, but I want to look at Jackson himself, Jackson who changed out the little boy who was his "best friend" every year or two. What would you think of a grown man you knew in real life, whose best friends and bed-mates were always little kids?


To put it bluntly, you want too look at what YOU want to look at and see what YOU want to see and not look at the entire picture which shows us other details of the story.
I actually came back tonight to add something to this thread which you titled to Jacksons DEFENDERS.

What I replied to is NOT to be construed as a defense of EVERYTHING that Michael Jackson ever did.
There were things that he did that made me cringe at times. Not necessarily because he had ill intentions. It was because of how things appeared that made it too easy for people to form the opinions that they had. At times it was like he intentionally played into the very things that formed the opinions he was trying to ward off. No its not rational. No you dont boast about taking a boy to bed.
Our language has become too focused on words and PERCEIVED meanings.
To say "I slept with" someone is automatically interpreted as doing more than just sleeping.
it's not automatically true but that is how people read into it
I was a big brother at one time. My little brother and I slept in the same tent. Does that mean we had sex? Must I defend myself and say we didnt.
It's peoples Ill accusations that make it impossible to have simple honest friendships with a child. Its other peoples dirty thoughts that pollute the conversation and the events.
It is insane to focus on things that people can so easily twist into something dirty. He became his own worst enemy trying to explain his actions.
He was TOO possessive of these kids. If you spoil a kid too much and give them too much they loose that sense of value of things. Kids shouldnt get everything they want.
Getting into some of these relationships alienates the kids from their own parents and families. Some of those relationships were already broken down but it can further take the child away from a parent who is struggling to keep things together.
These matters are however separate from ACTUAL charges of sexual abuse which is what we are discussing


No, Jackson was never convicted, and in a case where the only witnesses to an illegal act would have been a child (now grown) and an adult (now dead), there could never be absolute proof of the adult's guilt, or innocence.

I will say, absolutely definitively, that everyone ought to keep children the fuck away from any adult who behaves like Jackson did!


Otter. I dislike Jackson's music and behavior. I have to agree with Starduster. Multiple raids and investigations lead to no conviction.

As for the parents letting kids stay at his house, I agree with you.


There seem to be two different sets of standards at play here.

Some people seem to think that you can't possibly call anyone a pedophile unless there's been a conviction or absolute proof, while I think the most important question regarding pedophiles is not "Is there absolute proof or a conviction", but "Would you leave a child alone with this person". Because IMHO a child's welfare is much more important than a man's reputation, everyone should be asking the latter question and not the former.


I don't care about his reputation. I do care about his rights and the rights of his family. Just like I care about the victim's rights. Our legal system isn't perfect, but its the best we have so far. This has been litigated. He wasn't found guilty. The new documentary doesn't provide evidence for the case to be reopened.

Sorry, but that's how this works. As for his reputation, it was destroyed long ago. People forgot when he died.


May I ask what "rights" you think the family have that are being violated?

Because they certainly don't have any right to maintain a good reputation for the dead man, the man himself sacrificed that when he went on national TV to hold hands and cuddle with a little boy, and say they shared a bed every night.


The estate will be the focus of any future legal issues. If there was no pedophilia, the cost of legal representation, time spent court, etc will fall on the family.

This is why we have slander laws, but the cost and loss of property is wrong if no crime can be proven.


You know, I have no idea if slander laws apply to the dead, or if there would be a different standard of proof for pedophilia in a slander case, than in a trial for actually molesting a child. Remember when OJ was found innocent of murder, but guilty of violating Nicole's rights in a civil case, and ordered to pay her family damages?

But at any rate, apparently the controversy around this documentary has led to an uptick in the sales of Michael Jackson music, so it's not like the estate is losing money over this. And it really does go to show, there really is no such thing as bad publicity!


So, we're at an end. You think he's guilty because of the documentary and his behavior. I thi k evidence is needed for anyone to come to the conclusion. Thats it.


You're accusing him of only wanting to look at what he wants to look at while you refuse to look at what he's looking at. "He was never proven guilty, therefore he is innocent." To which we always reply that O.J. wasn't proven guilty of the murder of her wife and her friend, but everyone who wasn't biased knew he was guilty as sin.

Then you throw in the example of you and your little brother sleeping in the same tent. It's not quite the same as a grown man seeking out other people's kids to sleep with.

BTW, sexual predators are like any other predator -- they pick the vulnerable ones. In this case, the kids whose fathers weren't around much, the mothers were distracted by a disintegrating marriage, and the kids had to find someone who made them feel wanted and needed. MJ knew how to make people feel like they were the only person he cared about in the whole world.

I suppose it is possible that he could have had the exact M.O. of a predator, alarms in his bedroom to let him know people were coming down the hall, he could have special young friends all of the same sex who actually are telling the truth when they say he never molested them. I'm sure it could look like textbook sexual predation and still not be. But those kids had plenty of reason to deny he'd molested them. After all, they kept hanging around. Even though MJ's line that they'd all go to prison forever was a lie, they'd carry the stigma of having fallen for someone who was preying on them.

I hold the parents responsible, too. After all, they were pimping out their kids even if MJ wasn't. They were willing to give their kids over to a creepy guy in exchange for gifts and trips and the ability to say they were friends of Michael Jackson.


What evidence would they find?
He was super cautious- no photos, videos were taken .
Soiled clothes and bedding gotten rid of.
What were they looking for?
A dungeon full of dildos?


That's a lie. They did find pornographic materials with kids fingerprints on them. Also, in 1993, the boy correctly described Michael Jackson's penis. There are so many incriminating findings.


They did not find pronographic material in his house. They found innocuous drawings of children on products that are sold to the public.

The penis drawing narrative is a cliche at this point. No, the accuracy of the drawing has not been confirmed. Other than a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, the only one who kept banging on about it is Tom Sneddon. A sheriff with a corrupt past that, when push came to shove, had a very tough time confirming its accuracy.


Oh man, that's just sophistry. A grown man, undergoing those bizarre surgeries and wearing tons of makeup that makes him look like a Vegas showgirl, having children live with him in his mansion. Oh, don't tell me, it was because he felt all this LOVE for them, right?


Uh, there was LOTS of pornographic material found in his house. Michael Jackson had an extensive collection of porn. Found in his bedroom, under his bed, in a briefcase in the downstairs bathroom.

This covers some of it:

Can't locate at the moment the entire list of what was seized, but one was a photographic book of boys, nude, including full frontal, produced by a pedophile for pedophiles, because it's not illegal to possess it.

The penis drawing and description are hardly cliches, and Sneddon was hardly the only person who spoke about it. There's a video of one of the lead detectives, who saw them and the photographs, who said they matched.


Robson was the original accuser and Safechuck came on board when, at 40 years old, suddenly claimed that he my have been abused. It seems that up to this point he was unable to understand that sex play and anal penetration might be considered abuse.


So I am left to ponder which side has credibility.
Greed and lust for money is an affliction common to FAR MORE people that urges to molest kids.
People CAN LOVE KIDS; sometimes too much so, and still not have sex with them.
Sorry if this doesnt make any sense to you.
My assessment of all of this isnt on trial here.

I veered off course (intentionally).
Friendships with kidsdoesnt have to be a horrible thing, that you seem to elude to.
Kids see the world differently. They are less cynnical and less judgemental about things that divide adults. They have fresh idea and fresh approaches to things. They arent hung up on preconceived notions or ideas.
Kids are bundles of energy. You feel that energy and absorb it. It robs them of nothing but makes you feel more youthful.
I have had younger friends that I wouldnt trade for 10 adults. Yet when these kids grew up they became the same as many adults I despise. Life can change people in ways that are not for the better. Unfortunately they are ways that people need to survive and "fit in and adapt. In kids I see more of the person I was and wish I could be but you cant go back.
I dont have any kids in my life now. It would be nice to feel some youthful energy and innocence again.
NO; cynical adults dont understand it and dont want to. They question it and make accusations. Thats because they are cynical adults.
I never had sex with them. These are the very things that destroy innocence.
Jacksons idea was something like Peter Pan. Growing up isnt worth many of the problems and complications it brings to your life.
I think he was living proof of that.


Baseless trash opinions like the OP only serve as examples of how empty the witch hunt truly is. In the face of all the tangible evidence actually supporting his innocence all the people who support this tabloid public lynching farce can do is protect their own degenerate thoughts & biases.


Thats pretty much the case. Sadly the trash like we saw last night is just more food for their ill thoughts and fuel for the fire where they wish to burn Jackson at the stake.
Sadly Its other peoples dirty thoughts that determine how we are to view his life.


Leave him alone




No ?




He must have touched you


Brilliant and cogent argument there, pal.


You as well tiny dancer


I wonder if you pick on Jerry Lewis or Johnny cash next


I've been picking on John Wayne, if you're curious!

Shitty actor, awful person.


I’m very curious ! Good for you


I'm also curious.

Can you think of ANYTHING nice to say about Jerry Lewis?


Great musician


Great comedy bits


One of those things could be true, since I have no clue about Lewis's musical abilities!


Hmmm you’re right no clue


You play football without a helmet don’t ya


People want to tell you because nothing ever came of the investigations that means he's as pure as the driven snow -- a grown man who wanted sleepovers with little boys and gave them what he called "Jesus Juice."

If he weren't Michael Jackson, but was the creepy guy in clown makeup who lived down the street, they wouldn't let their kids near him. But the parents, whether they knew it or not, were pimping their kids out. They gave him almost unlimited access to their children and didn't ask questions so long as he bought them jewelry and other gifts. He preyed on children from broken homes who wanted desperately to have someone pay attention to them -- just them. And he did. And he made them feel special. And very, very loyal.


I am choosing to leave this this threat, NOT IN DEFEAT!
I have honorably stated my arguments. I cant show anyone any ideas they are blind to.
I cant keep the civility of the conversation when civility is fast eroding away.

The boards are becoming a showcase of examples of why IMDB just gave up on them.

Its too bad that there cant be an honest discussion or debate. But then, the movie we are discussing is anything but honest but some see tawdry entertainment as something worth defending because it supports an agenda keeps their hatred fueled and alive.

I hate abusers myself.
But I cant lower myself to use smut lies and deceit from liars and deceivers to bolster my feelings of what I feel about a man who can no longer defend himself. Left to his own words and actions he did a poor job of defending himself.
I still rely on the courts and the people who heard FAR MORE DETAILS and testimony that we will ever hear. What we are hearing here, is that MJ was so stupid that he literally openly displayed and flaunted what he was allegedly doing yet at the same time was cunning enough to clear all traces of the even ts and places they occurred, Even the FBI and multiple raids couldn't find the evidence. Even Tom Sneddon who had a vendetta far greater than anyone here couldnt take him down.

What can I really add to the discussion?


It was definitely odd.


Indeed. I don´t care if these guys are lying or not. If Jackson had the face to show up back in 03 in that ABC special holding hands with a 13 year old boy and saying it´s ok to sleep in the same bed with a minor, and we as a society don´t put a plug on his ass... then we are more fucked than we thought.


I agree with you bartgirls, regardless of whether these two guys are telling the truth, it was damned weird that MJ slept with these kids.


A few weeks after watching the documentary, more and more things are coming up that don´t make sense. Maybe Jackson was not a "sexual" person and just wanted to be with children to feel young and innocent? Even so, it´s still not OK to sleep with a minor in the same bed!


Plus, if he really wanted to hang out with little kids because he missed his childhood, he had plenty of nieces and nephews he would’ve love to hang out with him I’m sure. Why not hang out with family if it was not an ulterior motive?


Good point!


The whole "he never had a childhood" always bugged me about him even before because everyone has a childhood. Childhood is just a time in your development. For some people it's a good time. Other people have terrible childhoods. But you can't "steal" it in that sense. A person might grow up and do things they didn't get to do as a kid, which is great, but that's not the same thing as being a child again. They're not experiencing the thing as if they're that age.

So an adult man hanging around with little boys isn't "being a kid." He can't relate to the kids as a kid. You can even see that in the interview where I think Wade talks about how as a kid you don't know you're immature--it was only looking at his own son through adult eyes that he realized how they weren't on the same level.

Besides that, MJ was behaving this way from like his 20s onward, so if he was supposed to be getting the childhood he never had, he got like 3 of them at least.


I've met people who whined that they "didn't have a childhood" (because they had to take care of ill parents or raise younger siblings or something) and who wanted to recapture their lost childhoods as adults, and they were nothing like Jackson. They did want to play with childish things or have other adults treat them the way a fond parent treats a child, or collect toys or spend all their vacations at Disneyland, but none of them liked spending time with actual children. Actual children reminded them of their awful childhoods or reminded them that weren't actually children or acted as competition for "parental" attention, having real children around did nothing to facilitate the illusion of re-living their lost childhood.

No, people who want to spend all their free time with actual children are something else (usually harmless), and the people who want to spend all their spare time with children of a specific age range, sex, and a certain kind of looks, without parental supervision, are pedos.
