The First Mexican Super Hero in a Marvel Film....

and her super power is border hopping?




*Forced laugher*

Ha-heh! Hee!

*Forces it yugely*

Ah, but dat old timey Broflake Coloznier humor. It’s the tired rage ’round this broflake Colonized dump. EdGY!

Now that aside… show us where her simple existence hurt you. All over thy fuckb0y (pinche pendejo) self? Yes, that couldn’t be more obvious.

But anyway, welcome Ms. Chavez! Making all the REICH people have meltdowns like all the other (klan reactionary-disapproved) awesome people in Marvel and film+society in general do. These mediocre colonizing chuds ain’t stoping ya


Reich people? As in the Rainbow Reich, forcing degeneracy on people where and when they don't want it? Yes... the Rainbow Reich is quite reactionary.


Dude, I'm Mexican, relax. It was a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard.


Long live the King!


Calm down, amigo. Eat a snickers.


“Colonizer” 😂😂😂


You tried too hard. You write like you haven't slept in days from your partisan rage. Not enough "HEY-HO, HEY-HO" since the start of this grand new era?

OP made a harmless joke that could have come from either side of the coin. You chose to see opposition. A lean common to the politically unhinged.


What confuses me the most her name is America and she dresses like USA flag.


It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure the intended messaging. Don't forget that Biden said illegal aliens are more American than most Americans.


Well, he also said that the President of the United States is Barrack America.


I thought she was Puerto Rican, no?


The actress is Mexican decent, but America Chavez is supposed to be from an alien world.

So why does she speak Spanish and have a name like "America"? To think of it that is the part does not really make sense at all.


No. She's apparently from the Utopian Parallel.
