MovieChat Forums > Fyre (2019) Discussion > Do you feel bad for them?

Do you feel bad for them?

I don’t. I mean, maybe a little bit. But this generation needs to quit the celebrity worship and having to be where everyone else is. That idiot Kardashian (take your pick) posts a tweet and they flood the festival page because she says so. If they quit being lambs to the slaughter this stuff doesn’t happen.


Who was the boss of this


Ja rule


Yeah, a guy who hadn’t had a hit since 2003. Celebrities can just put their names on something and people jump on it. Puppets!


I can’t wait to see this. You made it sound interesting


It’s very interesting. Apparently Hulu has a documentary about the same issue but from a different perspective. I don’t have Hulu so I’ve settled for the Netflix version. Anyway, with the Tide Pod Challenge and Bird Box Challenge bring things people do it’s so easy to recognize why young people today have access to the most information but are the least Informed.


If you haven't seen the hulu doc, you're missing so many pieces of this story. I watched netflix first, then caught the hulu doc immediately afterward. So many things were left out of the netflix version, plus, the netflix film was made by the guys who were working for Jerry Media and another company that handled promotion for Fyre. So of course the netflix version is soft on them, portraying them in a better light than they deserve.


Would you mind sharing a couple of the key things left out of this?


I don't feel bad for the rich kids, but apparently there were tons of workers on the ground who got screwed.


I think the Fyre festival looked like some vapid bullshit that I wouldn't want any part of even if it went right, but do I feel bad that some people paid a bunch of money for something and then just lost all that money and overall had a shitty experience? A little bit, yeah.

That's like if someone paid 400 bucks for a PlaySation 4 or whatever and then it exploded as soon as he turned it on, taking the receipt up in flames with it, I'd feel a little bad for the buyer even though I'm not into video games at all.


Pretty much this! This whole thing wreaked of idiots who don’t know the value of their own money. Too damn concerned with taking selfies with celebrities so they can post to their Instagram to feel important.


I think they're probably mostly retarded, but I don't think they deserved to lose their money.

Billy's obviously an asshole and a con-artist. Though what's kind of funny is that if only he had given himself more time he may very well have pulled this off. For whatever reason, he was in a rush.


He was in a rush because leading up to the festival dates, he took out a bunch of short term loans to keep the thing going. Some of his staff tried to get him to postpone but he had those loans hanging over his head.

Even if they had postponed the festival, though, it would have been a massive failure. They were trying to hold it in a place that had no infrastructure (that part of the island was all gravel and without utilities), not enough work force to complete the enormous amount of work, and the whole project was extremely underfunded.

The consultant told him they needed another full year to plan it, plus I forget how much more money. So they started scaling back on the luxury, even though that’s what they had advertised and in some cases, had sold.

Apparently only two people bought a $12,000 VIP ticket package. Most were $1,200 and some even got in on an early bird special for $500. Who in their right mind would sell an inclusive festival ticket for $500 when they had to build the accommodations and pay for the talent? Even $1,200 is undercharging.


The hulu doc does a better job of anaylising that angle--millenials who pay for experiences so they can post selfies on sm.


Not to sound too condescending, because it might just be that its my generation that saved me from it (Gen X), but I can't even relate to that level of goofiness. People running around with their cell phones, trying to project and build on some sort of image. That's some superficial nonsense that you'd almost think was overplayed in order to look down on younger people, but apparently its not. People are actually like this.
Going to watch that Hulu doc now so I can feel superior. Sounds like it makes it pretty easy lol


Not sure if you got around to watching the Hulu doc, but I watched both and thought they complemented each other well. Fyre is more focused but smaller in scope; it also has a more naturalistic style. Fyre Fraud is larger in scope but less focused, and employs a lot more razzle dazzle in terms of its stylistic choices.

Overall I preferred Fyre, but I liked both.


I don't feel sorry for the idiot lemming guests, in fact I've had many a good laugh at their expense!

But the workers who got screwed, yeah. They were just trying to earn a living, and their luck ran out.


I feel sorry for the workers who were screwed. The others? Not so much. Fools.


Only feel bad for the natives. The organizers and customers can go eff themselves for years.


i dont feel bad for them at all. in fact i am jealous. wish i went to this anarchy of a festival. it looked like a hilarious time, everyone stealing each others stuff and whatnot. this festival will always be remembered as the best worst fest ever all those kiddos that were there are lucky
