MovieChat Forums > Fyre (2019) Discussion > Do you feel bad for them?

Do you feel bad for them?

I don’t. I mean, maybe a little bit. But this generation needs to quit the celebrity worship and having to be where everyone else is. That idiot Kardashian (take your pick) posts a tweet and they flood the festival page because she says so. If they quit being lambs to the slaughter this stuff doesn’t happen.


FUCK no I don't feel bad for them. In fact I wish all those vapid twats were still there--stranded on the island and having to fight amongst themselves for survival! Anyone dumb enough to shell out that kind of money for an event they've merely seen sketches & stock video of at the urging of some useless Jenner whore deserves to be taken. Not only do I not feel bad for them, their suffering actually brings me joy! This along with the Hulu doc on the same subject are the schadenfreude films of the decade! More, more, more!!!


I feel bad for Andy King, Marc Weinstein, and the workers, especially that Bahamian woman who had to pay the other workers out of her own pocket.

I don't feel bad for Billy McFarland at all

I kinda felt bad for Ja Rule, who can't seem to ever catch a break, but then I heard his "we didn't commit fraud, we just lied to people about what we were offering" speech

And I kinda feel bad for some of the young people who spent their money on this. I mean, most of them probably weren't rich and they just wanted to have a good time and go party. They weren't hurting anybody.


I felt really bad for the Bahamian restaurant manager lady who used $50,000 of her hard earned savings to pay staff that she recruited for the festival. She said she had to because she lives there and the staff do too. She couldn’t skip off on a plane and not pay them. Anyone know if this lady ever got any compensation?


UPDATE - This lady is amazing. She’s sharing her Go Fund Me

Maryanne Rolle, the unsung hero and only decent person associated with Fyre.
